Criminal Lawyer Reacts to LA Trooper Finds a Body in the Trunk

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Criminal Lawyer Bruce Rivers Reacts to LA Trooper Finds a Body in the Trunk

Producer: Michael Rivers
Instagram: @Michaelhrivers

Instagram: @CLRBruceRivers
Twitter: @BruceRiversCLR

Intro Song by Jaylap from CRAM
Instagram: @jaylapp

You can find Bruce Rivers on Facebook here:

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This was actually an exceptional cop. He was very calm, respectful, yet thorough. He needs to teach all the ignorant and ego-driven cops.


Not gonna lie: I found it refreshing to watch a cop taking it slowly and carefully for a change. He kept control of the scene (which was intermittently pretty chaotic) but was not in a rush to act, and good for him.


Dude forgot to follow the golden rule. “Never break the law while you’re breaking the law.”


He's actually highly praised for being so professional and careful. He didn't just grab him and search. He was really thorough. That cop had great "Spidey senses"


This police officer just made the prosecutor's job alot easier with his approach! This is a great example of good police work.


This is a great example of an officer actually taking his job seriously - he isn’t in it for the power trip or he’d have used any excuse to rough this kid up and exert power over him. He’s being so careful because he wants to preserve the integrity of the incident - he’s thinking of the future. It’s refreshing.


7:12 when the officer asked if anyone was with him, the suspect pointed to the car out of instinct because he had a body in the car. Crazy how his involuntary nature pointed to the body but then he corrected himself to actually say NO.


I was impressed with the cop from the moment he had the kid hand over his phone to ensure he wasn't texting someone to come help him. Very good police work.


This cop should be promoted to Detective. He's got great instincts, he's careful, he follows the law.


People come for the body but they stay because of that Cop. You can tell that cop was very disappointed and didnt want to have to charge that guy for any more than he had to, and crossed his Ts and dotted his i's while being so freaking polite and calm...the way he goes "yeaup" as soon as he pops the trunk, he had a gut feeling

Give that man a raise!!


"you better get some act right into you"
I love this cop. I gotta say, he is one of the least egotistical officer I have ever seen. He's incredibly patient and level headed, not unnecessarily escalating, and genuinely not trying to find problems where none exist, but also aware enough to have a good bs detector. He seems like someone who is in his job for the right reasons, not as a power trip or excuse to thump skulls. This is how I want more police to be.


Your comment of . . . "we think there might be some fukery a foot" . . . Almost made me fall off my chair in laughter! 😂😂😂😂😂


That cop was 100% certain that there was something fishy there and he wanted to make sure that NOTHING he did could help the defense or hinder the prosecution. Excellent job, officer!


I'm blown away by the common sense+detective work this officer did. This guy is a real pro! Glad he's out on patrol!👍👍👮


I'm guessing that cop's department might have had issues with unlawful search in the past, because his patience and caution was legendary. I don't think there's a judge in the country that would have dared to question whether there was enough probable cause to search.


The cop knew something stank right away, and he so carefully proceeded. Good job Officer, for taking the time and doing this right!


Wow. Kid was calm on the outside. I bet his heart was at 150.
Great job to the police officer. Sorry you had to see that poor kid in the trunk. May he Rest In Peace.


He was probably initially thinking that it was a stolen vehicle, and the kid was joy riding. But when he saw the bullet holes, he knew that he was dealing with a more serious crime. And he did not want to screw it up. He probably doesn't get a stop like this every day.


I cannot BELIEVE how calm that kid acted during all this, with a freaking murder victim in the trunk!


When asked if he’s alone he practically points to the trunk. The cop states he is going to do the obvious thing and the one thing he wanted to do the entire time is pop the trunk. With bullet holes in the driver side, missing driver of the vehicle I think he had a suspicion. He needed back up and definitely was dreading to pop the trunk. Definitely awesome cop with good instincts. He would make a great detective.
