When the Criminal is Smarter than the Police | Criminal Lawyer Reacts

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Criminal Lawyer Bruce Rivers Reacts to When the Criminal is Smarter than the Police

Producer: Michael Rivers
Instagram: @Michaelhrivers

Instagram: @CLRBruceRivers
Twitter: @BruceRiversCLR

Intro Song by Jaylap from CRAM
Instagram: @jaylapp

You can find Bruce Rivers on Facebook here:

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“I’ve seen it time & time again where cops walk off with the money” is a Hell of a statement from a lawyer. Why do we allow our police to be criminals?


I sat in jail in Orange Park Florida for over a month on armed home invasion, grand theft, larceny and some other stuff. The victim, the whole time, said it wasn't me.He said I saw who broke in, I don't know who it was, but it was not him. I had a bond hearing, $250, 002, and was never arraigned. After over a month the prosecutor refused to prosecute and I got out. I was served with eviction while locked up. My house was unlocked and robbed. I Could replace everything except a cross necklace with my cousins ashes in it. The night I got home, the power was off, I was laying in my room and I heard someone walk on the porch. One knock and before I could get outta bed, two neighbor kids came walking in. I hadn't realized that I was missing everything I was yet and the kids made up something I believed at the time. Now, I know but can't prove, they had broken in my place and took most stuff worth anything. Nothing ever came of that. I ended up living with the man that was robbed because he felt bad I lost everything I did because of him being robbed. 2 months later a guy showed up at his house knocked on the door and when he got to the door he realized something wasn't right and tried to close the door. The guy pushed his way in and dumped him outta his wheelchair. (He was a quadriplegic. Could move his arms but had next to no use of his fingers. Nothing from the chest down) The neighbors heard him screaming and called the cops. The cops figured out who it was from the description of the person and vehicle. They watched around his house (the perpetrator) and saw the guy pull up in his old Camaro near a wooded area and take a small (2"×2") safe out and hide it in the woods. (That is what was stolen the time I was accused but there was a gun in the safe when I took the fall. That's why I was charged with 'Armed' home invasion) The guy was found guilty. IDK for sure if he did the first robbery too, but I know that it cost me 10K for a retainer on a lawyer that only put her name on paper as representing me, getting evicted and losing almost everything I had worked for. I wrote this because Da Baby spent 2 days locked up and released with no consequences for the law enforcement that put him there. Same thing happened to me, and how this happens really needs to be looked into.


"People can have a lot of money, and still do stupid $h!t"

Truer words were never spoken.


As a multi-felon, I can’t believe they thought they’d break this man down. You can see the detectives slowly shrinking into their own loss. Great video!!!


A video of a criminal smarter than the police should simply consist of them stating that they want a lawyer.


He does this all the time. Doesn’t matter what crime he is solid as a rock man.


I would definitely lawyer up right away, because my anxiety would make me look as guilty as the dog that stole the steak off the table.


it's always heartwarming to hear him speak so highly of his son, and he's telling the truth he really is a genius


I have anxiety; I'd be seen as guilty in these even if I was in another country at the time.


Best way to handle a situation like this is to keep your mouth shut. And ask for an attorney. Period. Make them prove their case: don’t give them any ammo cuz they’ll twist your words and manipulate lie and do whatever to break you down. You got proof. Arrest me otherwise I want an attorney.


For me, even if I want to cooperate with the police. I’m going to politely say I want a lawyer before I even say hi. Then I’m going to sit quietly in that interrogation room until I’m let go or talking to my attorney. I’ve seen too much to know I’m not helping myself. Also, I’ve seen too much to know that sometimes you think you’re being a witness and turns out you’re a suspect being interrogated. For all I know, I might be in a jurisdiction where the investigator is lazy and is on a confirmation bias hunt. Who knows, just don’t give anything away.


Refreshing to see a rapper not meltdown under the lights, like the others weve recently been seeing.


When you know the law and when you know you're rights and you also have a good lawyer there's nothing to be intimidated by from the police


Thank you Bruce Rivers and Son for putting your knowledge available for free. All the best


"We taking about robbery, bro." Has that "We talking about practice" energy


People don’t always go into interrogations without a lawyer just because they think they can wiggle out of something a lot of times they’re trying to see what cops really know. It goes both ways. The reason the cops want u to tell them what happened instead of them tell u is if they slip up one time and give one wrong detail u know they don’t know anything


The grandmother/parents stuff gets me every time 😅...hilarious 😂


14:30 he missed the perfect chance to point out this could have been avoided if DaBaby just used esign


“Who’s in charge?”
“The baby is in charge, ” is just a funny sentence.


I've seen many of these clips aleady. Now, I've been re-watching them via you, Bruce.
