My Top 10 GameCube Games

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The Nintendo GameCube was an incredible little console with a boatload of amazing games. Here are my ten favorites.

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TWOOTER: @ArloStuff

This video was edited by the lovely Kane!

Additional footage credits:

"Reloaded Installer #11" by LHS.
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The GameCube wasn’t the success Nintendo was expecting but it was a success in our heart I had so many beautiful memories with my GameCube


I'm just gonna say it: I loved the Spider-Man 1 game


I'm going to assume you've never played the Gamecube Pokemon games and recommend Pokemon Colosseum to you. When modern Pokemon isn't quite doing it for you, it's not a bad idea to go back and try a game in the series you haven't played before. It's a really interesting take on the world of Pokemon that keeps the gameplay from the main series while offering a completely unique journey through a new region. And though its sequel was technically a lot better, that first game to me feels way more special.
If you have played them and just didn't like them then I apologize.
Edit: Shoutouts to the dude in the replies who started a Let's Play to prove a point.


The GameCube lineup was seriously something else.


Metroid Prime is, to this day, my favourite game of all time. For a first-timer jumping into the world of Metroid, and still relatively young to gaming, it really opened my eyes to what games could truly be. The environmental story-telling, the massive amounts of lore that you have to find and piece together, the feeling of getting stronger the farther you push into the game, the beautiful world, the excellent music, the fantastic gameplay... nothing else really comes close for me. Every other game I play, I can point out flaws, I can point out problems, and I can even have my opinion completely flip over time. But if Metroid Prime isn't perfect, then it's as close as it gets.


When I clicked on this video I pretty much knew he was going to say TTYD, Wind Waker, Sunshine, and at least one of the Pikmin and Metroid Prime games.


Funny story. We bought the Spider-Man 1 game at a used game store, but when they put the disc in behind the counter, they gave us Spider-Man 2 on accident. We fell in love with it, but being honest people we decided to make it right... by also buying the 2nd game and telling them to put the Spider-Man 1 disc in it.

It was certainly a downgrade, but we had some fun with it.


The Gamecube is probably my favorite home console. So many memories. Some of my top games
F Zero GX
Path of Radiance
Tales of Symphonia
Twilight Princess
Metroid Prime
The list can honestly go on forever. Just so many amazing games.


I love Pokemon Colosseum and XD a lot, the former in particular. They're fascinating experiments for the Pokemon series. They have a darker tone with grittier locals, a fantastic soundtrack, and making a game entirely out of Double Battles was a great idea to freshen things up. I just wish we'd get another game in that series one of these days.

TTYD is one of my all time favorites. I can't say anything that hasn't already been said about it. It's fantastic, and sadly it seems like Nintendo never plans to return to that style ever again.

Chibi Robo is a blast and a very unique experience.

Soul Calibur II is probably my all time favorite fighting game.

Rebel Strike and Rogue Leader are incredibly fun and have great multiplayer modes.

Monkey Ball is of course excellent and always will be.

Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance is one of my all time favorite co-op games.

Not all of these are exclusives, but they're some of the games I played the most on the console. And I just have a ton of fond memories of the console... even if I didn't own one as a kid.


Animal Crossing seriously felt so magical when I was younger when information about games wasn't immediately avaiable. It literally felt like the amount of random encounters and interactions was endless depending on what time you were playing. Just the idea of playing at an hour you normally wouldn't having new bugs and fish and even npcs was so cool. Playing it with my siblings and not knowing what we could encounter the next day are my favorite gaming memories ever


Even though I didn't grow up with the GameCube, I got it recently and it's honestly one of the best consoles I've ever played! So many great ideas and it was seriously Nintendo at its best! I mean, Donkey Kong Jungle Beat and Four Swords Adventures were basically GameCube treasures and were incredibly unique while offering great gameplay still! Pikmin, Luigi's Mansion, Animal Crossing, and more got their starts here on GameCube and are arguably still the best game in their series still! I just seriously love this thing, man! By the way, do you guys have any GameCube memories you'd like to share? I'm genuinely curious!


F-Zero GX deserves so much more love. It’s easily my favorite racing game of all time


I’ll say right now that TTYD is my favorite GameCube game… what an era man.


Twilight Princess, F-Zero GX, Starfox Adventures, Kirby's Air Ride, Resident Evil Remake (and Zero)! Man, this console was awesome back in the day. It still is!


honestly, luigi's mansion still looks really good today. the lighting in particular is a really creative implementation of dynamic shadows.

I remember playing it when it came out, and it was such a massive leap over the n64 that it totally blew my mind.


I will always love the James Bond-games for the GameCube. But also Animal Crossing, Double Dash, Monkey Ball and many more. Such a great console. Also, I love the Zelda music at the start


My top 10 would be

10. Metroid Prime 2 Echoes
9. Luigi's Mansion
8. Starfox Adventures
7. Pikmin
6. Super Mario Sunshine
5. Sonic Heroes
4. Pikmin 2
3. Smash Bros Melee
2. TLOZ Windwaker
1. Sonic Adventure 2 Battle

Based on how much I played all of those as a kid... I'd say that's my placement. Chao garden was my favorite thing to do.


The GameCube will forever by my favorite game console. It was my first home game console I got during a Christmas and was my first time getting into so many genres of games and IP's from Nintendo. So many great memories ❤


Eh... My personal favorite game on the GameCube feels like a bit of a hidden/underrated gem: Chibi-Robo! It's just kinda weird, lovable, and quirky game that really caught my attention at the time. Still does even though there hasn't been a real mainline title for the series on a console since. Just 3 hand held titles in total, (and one of those was a Japanese exclusive). The park Management one was fun, and stuck to the series formula with a nice twist. But I totally hate the Zip-Lash game it took everything that I personally found fun (from the other 2 games, besides Chibi-Robo!, in the series that I've actually been able to play) out of the game formula but kept the character and asthetics for seemingly no other reason than to get the fans of the series' hopes up. Plus I think buying that game is still the only way to get a Chibi-Robo amiibo. Which feels a lot like Nintendo 'nostalgia pandering' to help inflate poor sales figures looking back on it. Which feels a kinda scummy. Definitely loved Pikmin 2 also. And loved Super Mario Sunshine and Luigi's Mansion.


Metroid Prime is the most important game I have ever played, and probably ever will play.
The original Metroid was difficult and obtuse, and I quickly resorted to online maps and tips, but Super Metroid drew me in. I wanted to explore, find things for myself, and conquer its challenges myself. It and Symphony of the Night defined my favorite genre. So when I saw Metroid Prime moving into 3D (a year after Halo, when FPS seemed to be taking over) I lamented. I was worried Metroid had become another game series trying to chase the success of Halo.
But I picked up the game anyway, and not only did I get a masterpiece of a game, I learned that a genre of game isn’t as locked to gameplay or graphics as i thought. It completely changed my attitude toward the soon to be released wind waker, and has shaped how I judge games ever since.
On an unrelated note, the GameCube has a solid Mario, two excellent Zeldas, two Pikmin, a solid Mario kart, one of the best Smash brothers, and (before dread) my two favorite Metroid games. As far as games released first party, it’s Nintendo’s best console. The Switch is capable of beating that, but its not there yet.
