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Sautéing is a foundational skill in any kitchen. It is basically the ability to control heat to make brown & delicious food. It takes some time to master, but if you follow the basics you will do fine.

Film, Editing & Production:Karen & Frank Proto

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-Choose the right size pan. The amount of food you are cooking determines the size of the pan you choose.
-Choose the right fat. Use a fat with a high smoke point (clarified butter, vegetable oil, duck or chicken fat).
-Heat the pan on high.
-Add enough oil to coat the bottom of the pan.
-Add your product to the pan.
-Let brown without moving around too much.
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When you realize that Chef Frank is also a Jedi master: "Control your heat, young padawan"


yo at 3:20 i busted out laughing when you said "small amount of oil". You did use a small amount of oil, but from working in the kitchens i that i have, a small amount is like a 1oz ladle. So idk i was funny seeing you use that amount after saying "small". You're a great chef Frank, i learn alot from you!


I'd like to see a Cast Iron 101 video. I've been thinking of getting myself a cast iron skillet, but I know you can't treat them like the non-stick skillets I already have in the kitchen. Tell us about the benefits and drawbacks of cast iron compared to other cookware, how to properly clean and care for cast iron, and what you look for when you're shopping for a new cast iron piece for your kitchen.


Your channel has grown so much since i last saw. So happy for you!


I just sat an exam for a job which would change my life but I have to wait 5 minutes to get my results so I've decided to watch chef Frank to calm my nerves


"... this is not a full meal" Yup, you need garlic and parsley on those 'shrooms.


Hey Chef! Hardcore chef Dad of almost 11 years here. I appreciate you and am so thankful for your videos. What about one on food safety/ handling of raw meats? I'm mean, we all know not to chuck a raw chicken cutlet across your counter without washing, or line your beef, poultrys, & seafoods up on your cutting board. I feel like I wash my hands a couple dozen times while handling raw meats. But when I watch y'all professional chefs, y'all (not you exactly but chefs in general) seem to comfortably touch all over the meat, poke at it softly while talking about it, picking it up alot....then maybe grab the pepper grinder (put it back), grab your knife, use it, set it back down. All without running back and forth rinsing your hands all the time and washing things off. I would truly value your input on this to calm my obvious over cautiousness.


4:10: It freaks my partner out when I put something into the oven, set a timer and walk away ( I.e. go into another room to fold laundry), and a little into the cooking process I come running into the kitchen at full speed to check the food. He always asks “what happened?! The timer did not go off!!” I try to explain that I cook by sound and smell. Even though I have left the kitchen, I AM LISTENING AND SMELLING😅At that moment, I heard or smelled something that drew my attention.


As a budding home cook, I really appreciate these tips and tricks. Massively useful information for people like me who have very little confidence in the kitchen.


"I don't really use olive oil.." Gordon Ramsay just started crying. I couldn't agree more, why use an oil that you're just going to burn? Great vid, Chef! I was really glad to see nice, chunky mushrooms! It's so much tastier and and much nicer texture than thinly slicing them :)


thanks chef! I got an interview tomorrow for Saute so I'm brushing up as much as I can. You just saved some of my afternoon lol


Just wanted to say that Frank got a fandom and that's why I'm here.


Great, informative video, particularly the tips on managing smoke when panfrying a steak.

Your videos taught me how to cook meals for my kids during the pandemic. I’m very appreciative, and so are they!


Wow this video really made your teaching chops come out chef! I was glued to it start to finish. So jealous of your students.


Okay.. I'm addicted to frank's videos...🧘‍♀️


🤤 I ALWAYS want to try making what ever you cook on your videos. 😋


i like the end screen "missing file"


Thanks Chef, I’m getting ready for a new kitchen to work at, I really like your knowledge


This was timely and informative since I messed up trying to sautée last night.


This video really helps out a lot, I'm not a cook by any means and have only recently started cooking for myself. I keep burning my onions from time to time, but I'd really love to make caramelized onions. Really hoping to see more videos on foundational kitchen skills, would really love to see more of this type of content. Much love to the channel
