Are Olives Healthy? What Do Olives Represent in the Bible?

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How amazing are olives? What is the olive meaning in the Bible? How often should you eat olives?
Learn the olive tree meaning and how eating olives is a simple way to improve your health!

We’ll talk about the health benefits of olives, olive meaning in the Bible, and more!

Here are 7 powerful reasons to eat olives. These include spiritual and physical health benefits of olives - both the olive fruit and olive oil, so you’ll learn why eating olives everyday is a great thing. (The first two are spiritual benefits of olives!)

1. Eating olives helps us remember the message of salvation.

The olive tree is an eternal tree, and spiritually, the eternal message that Jesus came to give us is the message of salvation. This message of salvation is taught to us in John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.”

Jesus brought us the message of salvation and one of the biblical characteristics of the olive tree is it is eternal. It is a perfect olive tree symbolism because it can last for hundreds of years.

2. The olive fruit helps us to recognize God at work in our lives.

The olives had to go through a pressing. So the first pressing was the oil that was used for the tabernacle. It was used for lighting in the tabernacle. And that's going to be the purest oil we always offer God the first of our fruits, the purest that we have. The second oil pressed would've been used for fires. And then the third oil press would have been used for lighting in our homes.

So we always want to give God our first fruits. We always think of the first pressing of olives in 2 Corinthians, where it says, “We are pressed but not crushed. We are perplexed, but not in despair. We are persecuted but not forsaken. Cast down, but not destroyed.” The olive tree stands for eternity and remember, olives are really not pleasing at first. In fact, they are very bitter. It takes soaking and pressing to get the finest oil that makes the best flavor.

And so just as olives are oppressed and crushed, we too can have times that are that seem pressing. But through that brings out the best in us. The olive tree stands for eternity and Jesus is the one who offers eternal life.

3. Olives contain antihistamine properties.

So many people today take antihistamines for allergies but did you know that this antihistamine effect can be achieved through pure olives and pure olive oil? It is a good solution to those looking to take a natural antihistamine.

4. It lowers the risk of inflammation.

Inflammation tell us we've got a problem and that's okay, but when we have a consistent inflammation, then we have trouble in our body. And so what it does is it just has an antiinflammatory effect and that is going to help us to feel better.

6. Olives inhibit the inflammation process.

There's a pathway in your body called the arachidonic acid pathway, and this is an inflammation process, so it actually inhibits the inflammation process. So not only does it help to alleviate inflammation, it helps to inhibit the process of inflammation.

7. Olives have anticancer properties.

When olives and olive oil are processed correctly, you are receiving an antioxidant component called glutathione. It is your master antioxidant that’s the gatekeeper and it tries to get rid of free radicals.

So if we can inhibit that with glutathione, the master antioxidant which we get from olives and olive oil, then we get the health benefits that give us the wow factor. And so these are five of the physical benefits, why you should add olives and olive oil in your diet. But it all comes down to this. Just as we are spiritual, we are physical and just as we are physical, we are spiritual. So Jesus uses stories of food to teach us physical aspects of who we are so that he can then teach us the spiritual elements of who we are.
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Amen. Thank you JESUS for Eternal life and Divine protection.


This video was eye opening! Thank you. Today I saw my first olive tree in a market and was surprised to know they grow them locally.


its amazing how you serve GOD! you are a true blessing for the church! and the world! May GID bless you with many more years of health and prosperity.


I started ingesting 2 servings of EVOO daily about 2 months ago, and have lost 6 pounds. I stopped having constant food cravings when I started taking it. I used California Olive Ranch.


Thank you, Ma'am, for this information. GOD bless!


Good morning. How are you? I just stumbled upon your channel. Or, maybe I didn’t... But I found my way here and I want to tell you that I enjoyed and learned from your educational session. Thank you for blessing me with your knowledge. May God continue to love and bless you.


This video was so informative! Can't wait to learn more from your videos!


your youtube on the olive tree is very nice no language to describe. thank you very much.


I had olives with dinner this evening, and I also ordered more olive oil earlier today.


Thanks for the insight this was a blessing to me.


Great Video! I love 💕 the way you explained the importance of olives and the connection with our Lord Jesus Christ; He does for us so we can have eternal life, 🙏🏻!!


Thank You Very Much I Like It God Blesse You Our Sister


What brand is a good olive oil to take?


Yes!!! Such information italy tries to tAKE All the credit. On olive oil and what its good for!!! God bless


Wow awsome, i just had a vison of olive fruits being given to me, they were in a white bowl, the green ones so I was searching it’s biblical meaning


The best antibiotic is: Olive Leaf Extract


I absolutely enjoyed and loved this video even before I watched it🤭🙂❤


HalleeeluuuYaH I love Your Wisdom. Thank Ypu for learing us soo beautifully about the olives. God Bless You too Dear Lady. Greetings from Saminem . I live in SURINAME that is in South America. I love also the first video I saw was about Coocking the skin of citrus. Thank you for your generosity. 🤗🤗🤗😍😍🤩


Thank you, really appreciate amazing information.


Hello from Israel!! Do you have videos about dates, coconut and coffee?
