Teach English in China: University teaching

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Video about teaching English in China. University teaching in Wuhan China, 2011.
We work with high quality schools, and put you in touch with other teachers before departure! Free placement options available.

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As a teacher in China you are immersed in the local culture and gain valuable work experience. We offer a work experience scheme that offers 4, 6 or 8 week placements in summer, as well as fully paid long-term positions (10/12 month contracts). You can apply with a friend and be placed in the same location. For more information click on the blue "teachenglishinchina" link below


Apply now for long-term or short-term work in China in 2012


Too many ethical discussions doesnt suit these people they are already getting brainwashed by their weekly party meetings on campus. Its hard to go down this road thats why they are quiet they dont give a shit about a dog belonging to the family. Please people if you are going to teach their play some word games and cherades, to open them up. When you manage to open them up only then can you introduce ethics but that is god damn hard.


It's interesting, but students are a little bit shy to express their opinion. Hmm....
