Jehovah's Witnesses: beliefs practices and ERRORS

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A survey of JW beliefs from a Christian perspective. This teaching is a good beginning for understanding Jehovah's Witness teachings and knowing where to look to learn more.

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I was raised JW. My dad was the presiding overseer and became a circuit overseer once the 4 of us girls were raised. My mom was/is a regular pioneer. I knew at age 12 something was off. After being a regular pioneer as a teenager, I married a JW at age 19 and was disfellowshipped at age 22. I started reading the Bible on my own and became a follower of Christ at age 25. I continue in the grace-filled sanctification process. Pray for the rest of my family - still in the cult and won't speak to me for the past 31 years. I pray we will all be worshipping the Lord together someday!


I was raised in this cult and was 4th generation. When I wanted a personal relationship with God, the Holy Spirit led me out of this cult. It took me about 10 years to clear my head of all the lies that I was taught. I am grateful to have a clear mind to learn the True scriptures. Jesus is now the Lord over my life.


I was raised in Christian Science and found it terribly difficult to believe anything else. Thank God at 25 years old I escaped and have been a Christ follower for 40 years ❤️


I was raised in this mess & I left at the age of 46 & am now 65, I'm still untangling my brain but with the holy spirit and people like you and reading my Bible I'm getting there, Thank you


I am a former Mormon. The mind control of these cults is amazing. I really like this teacher. He is straightforward, and he does not mock people. The Gospel is in 1 Cor 15:1-4


As a former JW, I can say this is the best description and knowledge of the religion that I have heard. Thank you for this. It is a lifelong struggle when you leave this cult after being raised in it! Very painful and scarring!


My mother was a JW for many years. She eventually learned the truth and is now a Christian


This man is 💯 % accurate! I will say this, being raised JW since I was 3, it was hard being a child in this man made religion. No 😢celebrating birthdays, no holidays, no nothing. Got grounded for being caught singing in a Christmas program, got grounded for having Valentine cards under my bed. Got put in a girls group home when I was 16 & had a blast! My brother was baptized in it when he was 16 & was disfellowshipped shortly after & didn’t ever get to speak with my mom til she was on her deathbed a couple of years ago! Can you imagine not talking to your son/being a son who can’t speak with his mom since 17’ish?!? It’s horrific! I am so proud of my brother for turning himself into a GREAT person without a mom or a dad his entire adult life! He’s a beautiful human being who stands tall and loves God and Jesus Christ, and has a beautiful family (2 boys and 2 girls). Me, I’m ok too. ;) Praise Jah! 😇 p.s. I don’t hate my mom. She did the best she could. God rest her soul. I’m sure she see’s now…


49 YEARS A JW 7 YEARS NOW a Born again believer . So happy to be saved. and the shunning is devastating . No former family or friends left. The price is high . Is it worth it. YES AGAIN YES. The peace from Jesus is priceless and Our blessed hope immeasurable. I would do it all again. The best thing ever was to walk away and Jesus saved me.


I recently got out of the JW religion and this video almost made me cry because I've been lied to...almost my whole Praise God Almighty for bringing me out of a deception.


I know this video is yrs old but it helped me. I’ve been gone from the cult for 20 or so years and was atheist pretty much but in the past few yrs I’m building my faith in Christ it’s been a journey but I’m getting there. This cult will leave a stain that’s hard to move past.


I was raised as a Jehovah’s Witness and missionary Baptist by parents with two different beliefs. This video is amazing because you have really done your research and comparison with scripture. Thank you for your kindness to the witnesses and your prayers for them that they accept Jesus Christ as their lord and savior


It's a corrupt cult. My father hasn't spoken to me in 11 years, as I am disfellowshipped. He's never met his grandson. Never met my husband, didn't attend my wedding. The pain this cult causes is unending.


"There are two ways to be fooled..One is to believe what isnt true, the other is to refuse to accept what is true". Soren Kierkegaard.


I thank God almighty and Jesus Christ for my salvation. Our lord and saviour brought me out 3 months ago.


It’s strange. I met a woman one time and my personal thought was she had JW written all over her. And I was right, I found out later that she is.
Discernment is not just a gift, it’s a responsibility, and as believers, the Holy Spirit provides it. Praise God🙏🏼❤️


I grew up in a model JW home: father was an Elder, mother a Pioneer. And yet in my late teens I rebelled, stopped going to meetings and went off to dorm in college (highly discouraged by JW). It was in college that I met other Christians and through a chain of events that were entirely God’s doing, I went to my first Christian church service my senior year. At this service, I was immediately hit with the presence, peace and love of the Lord. This was six years ago and it’s been a sweet journey of unlearning my JW faith and getting to know Jesus. I thank God everyday for having opened my eyes and I pray that He do the same for my family and all the JW’s blinded by the governing body. All this to say - of the many apologetics videos I’ve watched on their faith, this was the most concise and helpful, thank you! And to any JW or ex-JW that might read this: know that JW is a religion and Jesus came to abolish religion; please just ask the Lord to reveal himself to you and He will do it!


As a former Jehovah's Witnesses, this was GREAT!!! John 8:32
Thanks to Christ, I have been set free


I thank God for leading me to this video. I prayed to him asking him if he is Jesus and it was he HIMSELF that was crucified and finally my prayer has been answered. Thank you Lord almighty for revealing the truth to me and setting me free from this false doctrine AMEN 😊😊


I was with the witnesses for two years. Luckily the person that was studying with me encouraged me to read the Bible and the longer we studied the more I realized they were not teaching what the Bible says. However, I must state, in the two years I went to meetings, I learned that the people that are part of this religion wants more than anything else to ‘“bring the truth “ to their fellow man. Their hearts are loving and they genuinely are try to help their fellow men.
