Best Question To Ask A Jehovah's Witness | Christian Apologetics

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Having a conversation with a Jehovah's Witness can be challenging and this video will help you ask the best question you could ask a Jehovah's Witness.

Introduction 0:00-0:38
My experience with Jehovah’s Witness 0:38-3:16
General Apologetic Tip 3:16-5:50
Best Question to Ask A JW 5:51-12:42
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What are your thoughts on the question I raised in the video? What do you think is the best question to bring up to a Jehovah's Witness? Thank you for watching!


Jordan, first let me commend you for having a heart for Jesus and the desire to spread the word of truth, especially to Jehovah's Witnesses. I am a former JW and was raised as one from birth, and was a loyal Witness for 39 years. I was a "Minesterial Servant" as they call Deacons, and I used to stand on the stage and give Public Talks on Sundays. My father was the Presiding Overseer (Elder) which would be the equivalent of a Pastor. I believed the religion with all of my heart. We were trained and warned not to get into useless debates with people we ran across while in the preaching work, as it was a waste of time and resources and could possibly confuse us. I had a life-changing experience that shook me to my core and eventually led me to question the validity of the JWs as being the one true religion. That is a testimony for another time. I mainly wanted to say that as a former JW, I am interested to see what others like you have to say when posting videos on how to witness to a JW. It did kind of bother me that it took 9 minutes for you to finally get around to telling us the "magic" question to ask a Witness. It also bothered me that your "magic" question was not really a stumper like you claim it is, for the Witnesses. Their literature is full of answers to these kinds of objections and they will deflect with some comments such as "god" being only another way of being of divine nature, or high status, or importance, etc. They will also mention the the Psalms where even God called people "gods." It is a way of manipulating words and text and meanings. I am not telling you this to demean your efforts or the truth of what you are saying. The problem is that there are none so blind as those who will not see. Sharing the love of Christ with the Witnesses is a great strategy and all you can really do is plant seeds. You will never win an argument with a Witness. You may think you did, if they become confused or have no answers for your truths. However, that usually just emboldens them to increase their own personal studies of Watchtower literature so they can once again convince themselves that the "Society" has the real truth. Really, all you can do effectively is to show the love of Christ always, focus your conversations on Jesus as much as possible rather than "Jehovah, " and plant seeds. Paul said, "I planted, Apollos watered, but God kept making it grow." We may or may not see any success with our planting of seeds of the Kingdom, but we still do our part, having faith that God (the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit) will bless our efforts to His own glory in His own time, in His own way. And one more thing. It has always bothered me when people mispronounce their name. It sounds so back-woods and uneducated. Their chosen name specifies who and what they believe they are. They believe that they are witnesses to their God, Jehovah according to Isaiah 43: 10 - 12. They are His witnesses. That is why there is an [ 's ] after the name "Jehovah." It's possesive. You need to pronounce the "s" at the end to show possession in the name. They consider themselve His witnesses, belonging to Him, thus the pronunciation is properly to say the "s" in "Jehovah's Witnesses." It will make a better impression on a Witness if you say it properly, and will show respect for their chosen name, rather than butchering it as if it is not important enough to pronounce properly. God bless you, brother, and keep sharing Jesus with the world!


You could have got to "THE QUESTION" a lot quicker. BUT it was a good question when you finally got to it LOL Bless you brother.


I have tried to wake up JW and I am a born-in. They won't listen to anything in my experience.


The most important issue that cults do NOT understand is the FINISHED and COMPLETED work of the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation.


It's great to reach out to JW's. I used to be one. The whole focus of their ministry is preaching about the Kingdom, the commission of Matt:24:14. This message is about the Kingdom but they don't believe the Gospel of salvation through faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus. They don't preach that Gospel. They think salvation is like Noah. Build an ark and get in it. Give warning of the coming of Armageddon. The ark is the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society. When God allowed me to hear Jesus knocking and understanding it was by believing in him only that I could be saved and in him only I had security I was set free.


Came here because some beautiful JW ladies just stopped by my home. My first time! Great conversation, but I'd like to be better prepared when they return.


thank you I am a widow, A Christian My husband passed over 3 Years ago of heart failure which caused other problems He went in to The hospital 1day befor they closed because of covid Hegot so bad they transferred Hin to skilled care hospital I couldn't b with Him for over a month then they let Me come to b with Him because they couldn't do anything more to keep Him alive only Meds to keep up His Blood pressure Ss we said Goodby He squeeze
d My hand I don't know if He was a believer It still is hard for Me because of that


Thank you so much. My next door neighbour has been Jehovah witness for over 40 years. He is physically disabled and I help out doing things for him. He is relentless about trying to convert me, even though I have mentioned many times to not talk about his religion. I said I just want to be a good neighbour and help you out. He is always telling me to read certain scriptures and then asking me questions and tries to catch me unprepared. So this lesson today is fantastic. I am for sure going to ask him to read his scriptures and discuss this with him. Thank you for your wisdom brother. I pray in the name of Jesus, that God blesses you and your Ministry my friend.


The question starts at 7:40 and is finally asked at 9:06


Jehovah Witnesses are thirsting and starving for God. "What you do for the least of these you did for me." This may not be identically stated, but emphasizes another Act of Mercy.


My family is a Jehovah Witnesses but I am a New Born Christian who believes that Jesus is God and a lot of verses on the Bible that says about it I show it to to them but they don't believe it. But I believe in God that my fight is not my fight it's a fight of Jesus and I know He will help me, I trust him so much the way He loves all of the people that giving them a Salvation is enough for me to trust Jesus and God.


You hit it on the nail! Whenever I encounter a Jehovah Witness, I have always asked them, “What is your position on Jesus?”. I ask them do they believe that Jesus IS God. Once we understand that we differ on that belief, there is no need to go further. However, your teaching now gives me the information to engage them past that point of difference. Thanks for explaining. Well done!


Hi, Jordan. I love your attitude, my friend. Too many Christians become a little too aggressive toward JW's who are out there standing on street corners or knocking on doors. First, they are beautiful people, quietly witnessing for what they believe. They smile as I pass by but never intrude. God has given me a love for these people. They are not offensive to me. They are each caught up in a web of deception. My approach is to first commend them for being willing to stand out there. Then I listen to what they have to say. They are surprised when I tell them I love Jesus with all of my heart because He went to the cross for me. John 3:16-19. I've memorized all scriptures relating to Jesus, including John 1:1-14. When they correct me with 'A God' I smile at them. "Jesus is a God?" I ask. That is one of the toughest for them and they instinctively know it. But one day, at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every toungue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Phil. 2:5-11. Blessings


Just found this video and thank you Jordan for posting.
This is a very thought provoking topic as evidence by the number of comments being equal to your number of subscribers. I’ve never seen this level of engagement.


Almost made it to the question before going to sleep.


Thank you for sharing and reminding us all to speak with care and respect. I have another option for anyone who likes it… Start in their Bible with Genesis 1:1. Ask who does it say created everything, and they will say Jehovah. Then go to Colossians 1:15-17 where it shows Christ created the world. If Christ is God, this makes sense. If Christ is not, this appears to be a disconnect. Thanks again.


In there more newer translation the watchtower removed brackets in certain verses. For instance in there earlier translations the verse he created all other things the word other is in brackets which means that word does not appear in the original Greek. So in their newer translation they removed the bracket from the word other. Leading people to believe that the word other belongs in the original Greek language. This is the translation they are using now.


Great way of giving an advice about how to defend JESÚSCRISTO!

Thank you man !

All my respect to you from Perú 🇵🇪!



When you ask this they will more than likely try to run away from it by talking about other scriptures that they are trained to talk about but don’t let them! Press on with the challenging question!
