7 'Subtle' Signs Your Third Eye Is ALREADY Open

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3rd Eye Opening Signs - (It might be open NOW!)



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- Victor Oddo

About The Video:

Hey my friends!

In this video, I discuss 7 "Subtle" Signs Your Third Eye Is ALREADY Open

Many of you are having a third eye opening experience and don’t know it.

The signs and symptoms and indicators appear to us in a very subtle way as individuals!

This is an incredible time to be alive while the collective consciousness of Earth is shifting and while this is happening, our chakras, and particularly the third eye chakra begins to activate!

In this time, you may notice a higher vantage point, deeper intuition, and a psychic sense that is helpful as you transition into your awakening!

Be in touch,
Much love, Sincerely,
Рекомендации по теме

Who else’s intuition has been increasing lately? 💫🙌


This message is for anyone in the Dark Night right now and not feeling your best in this moment:
You are soo Amazing
You are soo loved in all ways
You are never alone in this journey you beautiful soul

I love you and the Universe loves you soo much for being YOU and working through this darkness. 2020 is going to be EPIC and AMAZING in all ways!!


Everyone reading this is making the world a better place just by doing this work for yourself!! Keep it up! Much Love! ❤️🙏💫


Seven Subtle Signs Your Third Eye Is Already Open:
1) Your intuition is getting sharper. [1:37]
2) You're interested in the third eye. [3:21]
3) You're attracting information about the third eye into your life. [5:13]
4) You feel sensations of tingling. [6:35]
5) You see patterns behind your eyelids. [7:18]
6) You're interested in cosmic information related to the third eye being open. [8:22]
7) You're already going through an awakening. [10:30]


Thank you Universe for having victor take time out of his day just to post this video


I know I'm here for a reason. I know that even though I'm going through my Dark Night Of The Soul, I know that I'll get through this. The crying, the hopelessness, it's all an illusion. My ego is putting up a fight, but my soul is in command. I know that I will get through this and live to tell the tale. If anyone else is going through this, you're not alone. Your feelings are valid. You're loved. Your soul loves you.


Namaste! May your 3rd eye open if it's not already


Everyone's 3rd eye will open without doing anything to assist it. The energies are doing it for you and when it's time for yours to open and your ready it will. If it hasn't yet your still adjusting and calibrating and it will when your ready. You can slightly speed it up by doing your inner work but it's not necessary at all as it's a natural process that will happen either way.


It's so amazing to see how how many things come along with awakening that I did not except when starting this process. These signs were completely spot on Victor. The awakening in 2020 is going be POWERFUL, and it is going to be an extremely big year for the collective realizing who we are as pure consciousness and awareness. You inspire me to post videos every single day and follow my Life Purpose. Thank you Victor. Much Love. 🙏


Who has visions when they meditate, colors, animals, experiences, initiations....craziness?😂💫


I can’t tell you how amazed I am every time I watch these because it’s always exactly what I need to hear, exactly what I’m going through, just feels like you’re speaking directly to me. I appreciate you more than i can say!


Dear Victor Oddo, this year I learned I had a brain tumor, lost my job because of it barley hanging on financially due to medical bills, and it was the most amazing year of my life. This year I learned I was an Empath, gone through an awakening and found myself. I quit law school to be a chef and got that degree despite being sick! I am absolutely broke, sick and I woke up with messages from the universe that I will be okay despite the odds not being in my favor. I truly believe with all my heart that I am special and blessed to have seen wonders through my awakening. Despite not having anything I feel like I have everything!! and for the first time in a long time I am looking forward to next year! I have been getting the most amazing numbers all day! I have been seeing 12:12 and 12:21 all day. On your last video you said we are all in this together. I want you to know that I do believe that, and you have helped so much make this year easier despite having your own struggles. Because of your help there is a whole community of people whom don't feel alone. whenever am confused your videos or emails gives me comfort to know that its not just me. I am very grateful. I just want you to know your are special and you make all the difference of the world.


もしもし。I can actually feel my 3rd eye moving while watching this video.


As someone who has synesthesia, I can naturally see outlines of spirits due to the sound waves moving around the energy of the spirit. It’s pretty cool knowing and seeing the angels that are near you...


Who else sees faces and tunnels?!//

You always post a video that correlates with what I’m going through at the time, it’s pretty amazing. I’ve been seeing geometric tunnels, faces and movement in my third eye before bed/meditation quite a lot. I also feel insanely intuitive with syncs everywhere. It’s unnerving to see these things but you help to make it less freaky!💓💓💓


well, it is not just about the third eye, you might feel like somebody is patting your spine or your body that you aren't alone with yourself. when your third eye opens, you'll be able to discern who loves you for you and be supportive of your efforts for "being yourself". Thanks Victor.


My Higher Self & I are one & the same. Just he's a future version of myself if I keep going the correct path. When I connected with him through meditation, he told me in the future we'll be one & the same.


Nail on the head Victor. Times they are a changin’! I have always thought this kind of thing was hooky dooks, but it’s happening. There are more and more people waking up. And finally, I am as well.

I have been noticing synchronicity all around me (offline!), finding value in meditation and having visions in my mind’s eye (lights and visions, even faces and once when I was looking for guidance another voice said to me “we will help you”). After years of service related PTSD and depression I have begun feeling better about myself and reevaluating my entire life to make changes for the better. I’ve finally begun to let go of my dark, dark past and the things I have done and releasing the things that have been done to me. I’m even exercising at the gym again. I’ve found my dreams are becoming more and more lucid my intuition is stronger than ever. I’ve even begun recognizing when my ego is tying to take control and I have not been letting it. I have embraced a new type of spiritually, one based on what I feel or sense is correct, not necessarily a biblical spiritually.

THIS. IS. REAL. And it is profound. If you can take a step back from yourself, you can do it and you can experience it too. Keep exploring, never stop learning, question everything, and live your best life!



Vic, I’ve had the visuals, the clair’s, lucid dreams etc since I was a kid. However, I didn’t know what it was until a couple of years ago 😇


I can't stop crying. All this stuff. Speaking my truth.
