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I'm Kati Morton, a licensed therapist making Mental Health videos!
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Great video! The video in question, despite being horrendously offensive and unnecessary, has actually spawned such a great conversation on YouTube and that is really awesome to see.


People just like to see other people struggle so they feel better about themselves. It's a reflection on them and their low self esteem of themselves.


It's refreshing to have a licensed professional do a response video to this issue. Thank you, Kati.


Well. I wasn't personally offended by the video, I just didn't think that she intended it to be funny because it wasn't funny to me at all. It wasn't funny and her "Oh come on guys, it's comedy!" excuse was pathetic.

It seems so stupid to me that people being fat offends her so badly. Some people have problems that aren't physical that cause them to be overweight. It could be emotional problems, or that your parents didn't feed you properly as a kid.

Personally, as an adult I just had to learn to accept my fat. I struggled with anorexia and bulimia as a teenager and now that I have recovered, I am fat. Plain and simple. I don't go around saying "Big is beautiful" or anything like that, but I have just accepted that this is what my body looks like. I've tried losing weight since recovering, but it just puts me into the same obsessive mindset that I had when I was suffering from eating disorders and I have briefly relapsed several times since recovering. It's just not emotionally healthy for me to try to lose weight so I have allowed myself to be OK with being fat. I feel fine now, and I feel the happiest I have ever been and my blood pressure is perfect and my bloodwork is always good. With an eating disorder, my blood pressure was always low and my mineral levels were always jacked up. I love my life now and it's fine that I'm fat while living it.


Katie, thanks for doing this! As a survivor of anorexia, her video was offensive and just plain wrong in so many ways. I'm really sad that she's getting so much positive feedback along with the negative feedback, but hopefully people will change their minds and realize how hurtful her outlook is.


I've never understood fat shaming. There are a gazillion reasons a person could be obese and none of us have them plastered across our chest on a t shirt. A year ago I decided to change where I was heading weight wise and focus on getting healthy. I'm no expert but I can confidently say that more is achieved through self loving than self loathing, which is what fat shaming promotes.

Frustratingly, since becoming healthier, people expect me to shame fat people now as though I've acquired a golden ticket to the "other side". Fat shaming will save no ones life. It's not going to fix the global rise in obesity. If my experiences correlate with others in a similar position, it will only contribute to the problem.


I was disgusted with the video. She classes herself as a comedian yet not one of her videos is funny. She has made a few videos about self harm and mental illnesses and it gets me so angry the way she talks about it. I think Nicole is a very small minded person who is looking for extra fame on the YouTube front and the only way she can do that is to make a hurtful video like that. By people giving her the attention she desperately craves she will keep on making them! Great video Kati :)


Im in the army and struggle with PTSD that wasn't caused through war but through certain things that happened to me. I have depression and anxiety over the things that happened to me. Allot of that was the fat shaming I had gotten at BCT AIT I'm a combat arms job and completed the training at the top of my cycle. Non the less i was still battered because I'm a heavy set man. Man... Im 20 years old. When I returned home i got to my duty station but the waves or after shocks of what happened to me made me turn to the bottle every night and the only pleasure I could get was by eating and drinking. One thing i can't stand still today is the fact that people do look at me and others like i had a choice in this matter. The fact is I didn't. I was bullied every day to make me "stronger" but it made me weak to the point where i can't even leave my home i had to drop out of college and I'm at a complete stand still in my life. I want people to know my story and read this and understand that they can't just say things like that and not hurt someone. I know in my case that allot of it does stem from jokes when i got home my friends and family knew i was different mentally but didn't know what happened to me. When they would make jokes or old jokes about me i would get into a black out stage that i had developed while down at training and tuned them out. While attempting to make this short i could be walking down the street and pass you and a friend... you wouldn't be able to tell what i have been through based on my appearance other than i am over weight.... well as i pass you make a comment about it and i hear it... i can't express to all of you just how terrible and awful that would make me feel. It'd feel like that terrible feeling in your stomach right before a car crash or an accident. Think before you say hold your tongue when you know it doesn't apply to you... @katimorton


I think you've said this very well. Any time a trait is taken, and everyone with that trait judged superficially by people (or an individual) without that trait, a lot of ignorance and assumption takes place. There are deeper individual reasons, causes, emotions, and circumstances, and often times the visible trait is merely an unconnected correlation/coincidence (race, sex, body type, hair color) or symptom (over eating, smoking, drinking, depression) that has been misinterpreted as the -cause- of behavior. I think that's how prejudice is born: making assumptions about a group of people based on a trait that they have in common, and ignoring all the other factors... Like, you know, being humans with emotions and thoughts and a history full of individual experiences like everyone else...


Nicole Arbour is promoting bullying. Enough said. For years, I've been trying to loose weight. I've stopped trying to loose weight, and instead I'm making my way to living a healthier lifestyle.


Kati, THANK YOU. You said exactly what I was thinking while watching Nicole's video.


It's crazy to think that 20, 000 ppl want to see more of her content. I saw it within a couple of hours of its release and she had around 80k subs, now she has more than 100k subs. Kinda speaks volumes about how negative the Internet can be at times. Spreading positivity and helping those who' struggling with body image issues is infinitely better than fat shaming. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will definitely hurt you too.


I 100% agree with you Kati! No one should give Nicole their time of day by watching her negative video!
Great response video Kati & I'm so glad you decided to address this! (:


I have an eating disorder and her video and the content, though I haven't seen it, has really affected my recovery.


thank you, i agree with you in so many levels. i saw that video and it was so frustrating for me to see that people think being overweight/obese is a choice. there is so much more to being overweight than just the "love of food", this issue is VERY complicated and she made it look like its so easy - "just don't eat so much". ugh! you are awesome! :)


Very powerful and 110% on the nose response to that person's horrible video! Sorry I caught the video so late but very glad I watched it and found ur channel. I'm going through A LOT (putting it lightly) right now & ur videos are inspirational so I thank u 4 doing them..wish there more people like you in the world and pleaseplease keep doing it because u can definitely make a positive impact (& are!☺)


Well said Katie :)
The solution is not negativity it's to help others
You are beautiful inside and out.


I have a terrible relationship with my mom because she constantly calls me fat. There's not a day that goes by when she doesn't call me fat. Anything I can say to her to make her leave me alone? She doesn't understand the reasons why I eat and I would never even try to make her understand because she is so close minded.. I'm seriously coming to a point where I don't want to live with her anymore, it's making me extremely depressed :( Xx


I saw this video, and it really emotionally affected me in a negative way. I'm already feeling crap about my body and this just added to those thoughts. It made me feel like a shit, worthless human just because of what I look like.


Actually, fat people CAN and ARE fat shamed into not eating. Y'know what can happen then? They develop an eating disorder. Not all fat people are unhealthy either. Not all fat people overeat, or have thyroid issues, or depression. Some bodies are just fat as they are, which is perfectly okay. And for them, altering their body to fit into societal ideals IS unhealthy. So much for that argument, right?
