'You're Glorifying Obesity!' Piers Morgan Interviews TikTok 'Fat Influencer'

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Piers Morgan Uncensored is joined by TikTok oversized influencer George Keywood and his wife Sienna Keywood as well as host of 'The Blaire White Project' podcast Blaire White to discuss whether George and other 'fat influencers' are glorifying obesity.

George defends his videos as simply satire and comedic to which Piers immediately shuts him down by suggesting the videos 'aren't funny'. Piers then adds that it is making light of a serious problem that kills many people and it is in fact glorifying obesity.

Piers asks George to reveal his weight to which he refuses to give a number. Blaire finds it ridiculous that he would agree to come on a show to discuss oversized influencers and obesity and not give his weight. Piers then asks Sienna for her thoughts on her husband's weight. Says that the videos are light-hearted but she does obviously have some concerns about his health - but explains that George is on a weight loss journey.

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I'm beginning to believe that the internet is the worst thing to happen to the human race, ever.


Well done Piers for calling this sh*t out.
I've always been a fat lad since I was a kid, I'm now 56 with Heart Disease and Diabetes. Believe me there isn't any glory in it!


Gluttony used to be a deadly sin. Now it's a virtue.
This is indicative of a culture in deep and terminal decline.


Pierce is brutally truthful. The world needs that now.


As someone who struggles with my weight, I don’t need tick-tock influencers like this guy telling me that I’m OK the way I am. We need to hold ourselves accountable and unfortunately accountability seems to be too woke for people like this gentleman


Anybody who is "influenced" by these types of people are already a lost cause


She's literally just waiting for him to die so she can claim his life insurance 😂


100k a year, the internet really is the worst thing to happen to humans


The fact that "TikTok Fat Influencer" is even a thing - and people make a lot of money from it - is a true sign that the end is near.


How in the hell did he get HER? I mean she's no supermodel but holy shit... There's hope for us bois!


Says a lot about society. Top mathematicians / physicists / doctors / surgeons who are trying to benefit humanity, save lives and advance the world are on a smaller salary than these. We may be advancing technologically, but culturally we are deteriorating.


I had a aunt who was near obese and she died from a stroke and till this day our family was heavily traumatized by it. She was a very good woman but she was suffering from mental illness from a horrible marriage with my uncle.


Are you ashamed of your weight?
How much do you weigh?
“Not telling you”


The normalization of obesity is just plain crazy and inexcusable. I became obese in my mid 30s and quit deluding myself about the impacts on my health when I was diagnosed with pre-diabetes, hypertension, and dyslipidemia at age 38. Scared me to action, because I could not just give up and acquire entirely preventable metabolic disease which would ruin my future quality of life along with vastly reducing my life expectancy. I want to be there as my girls grow up, so I lost 40 pounds over a year via diet and exercise and all of those health issues went away, along with the benefits of: better mood, better sex life (married), not constantly craving junk food, and in general just feeling good.


My little craig come back from university 😂


She pretty much summed up her generation right there. She's not concerned because of his weight, she's concerned for his "well being" because he might get made fun of online. Pretty sure nobody has ever had a heart attack just from being made fun of online.


What they should do is post the aftermath of these choices. I’m a nurse and having to watch ppl have dialysis 4 times a week, have quintuple bypass, multiple strokes, fatty livers and an overall awful quality of life is horrendous. They act this way because the repercussions of their actions haven’t fully caught up with them. The fact that his wife is making excuses for him is sad. If you love someone you should be honest with them. I hear all of the time that it is expensive to eat healthy and it’s a lie. If you budget your money you will find eating healthy is possible. We spend money on what we think is important and sadly most see food as a reward rather than eating to live they live to eat.


Disgusting. How can these people have no shame.


as someone who was very skinny (not anorexic, but just skinny), it never helped when friends/family would tease me for it, it only pissed me off. Because even though I was made fun of for it, in my mind it never clicked why it was a cause for concern (esp since I was just glad that I was no longer fat, which I was as a kid)

What helped me to start eating more (and stop thinking im fat) was when a family member honestly talked to me about it, and said its not a good look, and reassured me i was not chubby/fat - that got me believing i can eat a little more and it helped. Much better than someone just taking a jab at you for it - that doesnt help at all to get into the mindset of changing your body weight


Those who feel no shame feel no guilt. He will never see his child grow up and yet he still tries to put a positive spin on it all. Greed is a terrible thing.
