No more Acolyte? Think again!

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The story of the Acolyte is far from over. What lies ahead for Osha and Mae? How will Qimir evolve, and what role might Darth Plagueis play? All these questions and more *will* be answered. Let me explain how!

How would you like to see Star Wars evolve in the near future? Share your thoughts in the comments below and remember to be respectful of differing opinions. Comments lacking respect will be sent to the Trash Compactor 😉

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a priest talking about a cancelled Star Wars show on youtube is certainly not the first thing that comes to my mind but here we are lol


The two fan names for him are Darth Teeth and Smilio Ren.


In the world of Star Wars commentary online, you are a breath of fresh air. Glad I found your channel!


The way he described the cosplayer working on the helmet-- that's being a fan.
I don't know what the internet's been doing lately, but this is the way.


While I don't agree about the series, i enjoyed listening to your intelligent opinion.
Not liking this series doesn't mean we aren't interested in an expanded universe, it just needs to be well written.


There were story elements that I liked about the Acolyte, like the Wookie jedi, cortosis and exploring elements of the the Sith but the execution of the the "story" was atrocious. For the amount of money they threw at it, we should have gotten something much, much better.


i am enjoying your videos. May the force be with you, always Father


I really enjoyed the Acolyte and sometimes it felt like I was alone in being a fan of the show, but videos like this give me hope that these stories will continue in other forms. Justina Ireland, who wrote some of the High Republic books and also created Vernestra said the same thing. That these stories can continue in books and comics because the overhead to make them is significantly less than a TV show or movie. Thanks for this lovely video father!


Fr. Roderick, any chance you might stream your weekly show on YouTube again?


I hope there will be a show focused on Darth Plagueis, the book was fantastic (I am a writer, I taught literature and writing and this book seems really good and the contrast of Plagueis and Sidious is so great and charming) and many stuff is worth adapting. It can be done like continuation or end of the Acolyte among other stuff


Agree that the Acolyte introduced some interesting ideas, and Quimir was the breakout character, largely due to Manny Jacinto's performance, but the writing failed to develop or resolve these ideas in a satisfying way. That is the fault of the writers and showrunners. There are often some unresolved threads at the end of a series, but Osha and Mae's motivations and character arcs were inconsistent during THIS season, and it made it hard to empathize and root for them.
Sol and Torbin acted out of fear impulse and misunderstanding, but they were torn by guilt when they realized the consequences of their actions. Sol raises Osha who was left homeless by his actions. Mae and Osha on the other hand never even care about the circumstances around Brendok, they just want to kill the Jedi with no remorse, this is very sith like, but we should not see them as heroes. When Anakin fell to the darkside it was seen as a great tragedy. We were not meant to root for Palpatine. I feel that this moral relativism is what turned a lot of people off the show.


You get the problem. There are too many interesting seeds in the Acolyte's plot that none got adequately developed to make the show interesting for the main audience. So the prospects are optimistic but won't be filmed. Those who are most curious will have to rely on the comics.


I was enjoying the Acolute too and was disappointed to hear it was cancelled. I couldn't agree more with your comments on the future of this story and Star Wars in general. As an aside, I am also old enough that I saw the first movie in the theaters too and have been a fan ever since.


Hello, Father. I found your TikTok and I been binge watching your TikTok. May I ask if you are in the Netherlands?


Ah Father, I must say I’m relieved they have cancelled it for a myriad of reasons. The writing was weak, and deconstruction of the Jedi was clumsy and unnecessary together with the changes it seemed to be making to the wider lore. And the cost was unbelievably high and I just didn’t see the evidence of it on the screen. 180 million and it was simply lackluster.
I hear what you are saying about haters and you are right. There needs to be more kindness and grace in the fan community, but I must be honest and say some of the commentary directed at those of us who didn’t like it have been harsh and cruel.
I’ve been a Star Wars fan since the 70s and have loved the escapism and redemptive narrative throughout the movies, but the acolyte lacked so much of what made Star Wars special for me. And as a person of faith I also found some of the messaging forced and uncomfortable.
I agree they need to move beyond the Skywalker saga, but this was not the vehicle to do it with. But I acknowledge that some did like it and and that is great, and perhaps the story will continue with other media.
Here’s to the skeleton crew coming up next, hopefully it will bring some much needed fun and positivity to the Star Wars fandom. Sorry for the long comment. Every blessing Father Roderick.


It was promising, I liked the locations and the cinematography. I wished they had brought in more good actors, I liked some of them. I really didn't like the story, it was very messy, a lot of the characters lacked a good motivation, logic and a good sense of wright and wrong. Portraying the Jedi as very ignorant, scared of public opinion or just plain evil makes no sense. As did portraying the Sith as good people, with a wonderful future who just happened to kill some people along the way made no sense. Putting Darth Plaguies and Yoda in at the end didn't fix the story and just called for more questions to answer. I guess they could do that in the books, but I don't care anymore.


The Acoltye was an amazing show Someone has to do something about these Filmbros that don't even watch these shows and spam them with hate just because it wasn't made for them The filmbros seemed to have nothing better to do than pick apart rhe Acolyte and poor Amandla shes my favorite actress


I thought the series was not too bad, but I can understand why Disney pulled the plug on a season two: The Acolyte was one of the lowest rated and watched Star Wars shows on the channel. Sure there are still perhaps millions of people around the world who'd like to see a continuation of the story, but Disney is a business and they have to act according to what makes money for them and what doesn't. Personally, I'd rather see an "Obi-Wan Kenobi" season two.


I’ve been waiting for a Solo book or comic since we heard there wouldn’t be a sequel. How can they leave us hanging, showing us Darth Maul and watching Han’s lady (?Kiera) blast off in that ship, only to never be spoken of again. Sadly, I fear The Acolyte will be the same, leaving us with images of Darth Plagues and Yoda and no hope of knowing the rest of the story. How can we keep trusting Disney with our beloved franchise when they treat their viewers this way? Keep up the good work, Father!


I agree. Not only will the Star Wars story will continue to expand in ways that reconceptualize what happened long ago and far away... far beyond what the audience at large thinks of the OT... but it will do so in ways that will live with us _forever._

From my point of view, Lucasfilm have been doing this from the very beginning. People just haven't realized what they're watching. But sooner than later, the time of truth is coming...
