Is Training Your Cat to Walk On a Leash a Bad Idea?!?

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Is Training Your Cat to Walk On a Leash a Bad Idea?!?

As you might know by now, I’m a big fan of walking your cat on a harness and leash. Somehow, however, the topic of leash training your cat has become a bit controversial. What’s that all about? Is it suddenly a bad idea? I’ll give you my opinion- just watch and find out!

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00:00 Welcome
00:33 Are cats on a leash a bad idea??
03:00 Cat leash training controversy
03:06 1. Does your cat want to go outside?
03:25 2. The equipment (Cat Harness)
03:38 3. Do it slowly
04:00 Mitigating the risk
05:56 Cat enrichment doesn't come without risk
07:20 Summary
08:15 Never walk a cat with just a collar & a leash


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🐱💜The Jackson Galaxy Convertible Cat Backpack Carrier


Here's an advantage we discovered with our cat that I didn't hear him mention: your cat gets to know the neighborhood, so that if they do somehow get out, they know where home is. We had left a window open in our apartment, and the cat managed to loosen the screen and slip out. We were panicked, and went searching for him but couldn't find him. After a couple of hours, we heard scratching at the door, opened it and found him sitting in the hallway. One of the neighbors had let him in the main doors and he just knew where to go.


My cat does better when I leash walk him daily. Otherwise, he’s bored which is when he gets into Arsehole mode and destroys my stuff.


Having a pet is like having a child you get a bunch of people criticizing everything you do and giving you advice you didn't ask for


I have two cats - one loves it, one doesn't. The one that does has never escaped her harness, she walks with me and when she sees dogs, she is actually curious and has never ran off. When she sits and look up at the sky to bask in the sun rays, the look of contentment and happiness on her little face is priceless. I catify my house but it cannot replace the mojo they get from going outdoors.


Here's my top tips for walking cats:
Don't try to pull them in the direction that you want them to go, but hold the leash tight so they can't go any other way than where you want them to. They will pull and strain to go where they want, but will eventually realize they only have one option, and go that way. Just hold steady while they try to go other ways.
If you do pull them they will turn and try to back out of the harness if they can. Cats take a lot more patience than dogs, and don't walk on a leash the same at all. Pay attention and start slow, before long it will be no big deal.
This has been my experience anyway, hope it helps someone.


I have a cat that I take on walks around the neighborhood with his harness when the neighborhood dogs aren’t outside. He’s an old boy, 14, and was my dads cat before he passed in March 2020. He was always an outdoor cat but lived out in the middle of nowhere where the risks of wondering weren’t as great compared to the city I live in. The first year I had him he was depressed, obviously, and then I started taking him outside on a leash and it helped so much. Now he alerts me when it’s time for his walk. He leads me down the street and we turn around whenever he wants. He loves it and looks forward to it everyday!


The same risks are present when leash walking dogs, and you don’t see shelters/rescues demanding you not walk your dogs. That’s insane!


That's why I love Jackson. He lives in the real world and teaches people how to be good responsible pet owners not dictating in a condescending way.


He is SUPER balanced in his approach. And that is refreshing.


I trained my little kitten to walk on a harness and everytime someone comes up to me and is like „so u actually want a dog“ „this is unnatural „ blablabla like wtf since when is putting a dog on a leash „natural“?


I applied to many adoption shelters/rescues and made it VERY clear my cat would be an indoor cat BUT I would be trying harness training it (indoors first of course). I was honestly shocked at how many places turned me down simply because of this reason. Good to hear from someone as knowledgeable as you, that I'm not crazy.


One of my three cats really enjoys being outside... however to say I "leash walk" her is a very poor description. As her slave I "leash follow" her. But she absolutely LOVES it!!


I have never disagreed with Jackson Galaxy, and I agree with him here 100% too! Responsible pet owners can find ways of enrichment for their cats and walking on leash when done properly is a great enrichment ♥️🐾😻🤗💕


I just started taking one of my cats outside on a harness. He loves it. But I already knew from prior escape attempts he'd love it. We havent even been doing it for a week yet and he's already started rolling on the ground exposing his belly. It's built his confidence up. He's always been real nervous around our other cats but going outside on a harness and leash has been extremely therapeutic and I see a major change in his confidence level. I love the way he looks up at me when we're walking around the yard, it's like I can see the gratitude in his eyes.


Yes ‘strictly indoor’ is on the adoption contract of my cat because my street is close to two major roads with a lot of traffic. I felt so bad when I signed the contract, it felt like I am giving my cat a ‘life sentence’. Later I found out my cat absolutely LOVES being outdoor, so after a lot of (internal) struggles, I harness trained her, and walk her on my deck (I have a big deck). She is so much happier! I still feel bad for breaking the contract, but my cat’s well-being is so much more important!


I started at age 13 weeks, after giving our kitten 3 weeks of getting used to us.
The first 3 weeks was just high-end treat (dried chicken heart) with putting the harness on its back, then under its belly, slowly pulling it up or loosely fastening it.
Walks started in our backyard for 2-5 minutes for another few weeks. Carrying it around in our jackets on our arms followed.
We are at a point now, where we can put on the harness without needing to distract with food. And we take our cat on our arm when we go out and it lets us know when it wants to walk, sniff & climb.
When we see a dog, we lift it up. For longer trips there is the backpack.

This is our first cat, and I never bought into those biases, I always looked for research.

Thank you Jackson!


I leash walk my cat specifically because if she ever does dart, now she knows the area and can come back home. She loves going outside too and that's the only way to make it happen at my apartment


People talk down on me for leash walking all the time. The only way I can keep him sane is to walk him two to three times a day. He is a huge boi. Don't be dumb keep your hand tight on the leash when they dart and pick them up if they get over excited and take them in for a bit. It's not that hard. Oi. Anothrr thing Is stay off your phone and pay attention to your cats nuances. Be ready. Never walk a cat. They walk you. Keep them safe. It's a parents duty. Love you Jackson.


"Just build a catio" is terrible advice- it doesn't give any consideration whatsoever to people who live in apartments and absolutely cannot build one. I always bring my cat backpack when I take my kitty out for walks. Nice to know that was Jackson's advice! It's not that hard to make sure your cat is safe and secure while you're out on walks together.
