Surface Laptop 4 vs MacBook Air M1 - Kings Fight

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Comparison video of the Surface Laptop 4 (13.5) vs MacBook Air M1. Both Microsoft and Apple providing laptops just under $1000, and we compare which one you should get for your daily use.

Last year I crowned the Surface Laptop 3 the better machine, however with the introduction of the M1 processor in the MacBook Air and the other minor improvements to the platform, it's not as easy to say whether you want macOS or Windows.

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0:00 - Intro
0:49 - Specs
3:05 - Build Quality
5:22 - Ports
6:18 - Display
7:24 - Unlocking Methods
7:50 - Keyboard & Trackpad
8:42 - Battery Life
9:50 - Speaker Test
10:35 - Camera & Microphone Test
12:21 - Final Thoughts


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Great review and appreciate the granularity of the review!

If someone is really not focusing on Operating System, this is one of the best head-to-head videos I’ve seen 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻.

(Also nice kitchen! Got the same air-fryer, it’s top notch.)


I’ve been waiting for this video. Thank you as always.🥰


Hey. Nice content ! Found it enjoyable to listen to. That being said, im shocked you havent mentioned the difference in screen aspect ratios.
I got the macbook air m1 first, but I returned it because I found the laptop noticeably less enjoyable to use and work with due to its 16:10 ratio. Its still too wide and not tall enough, makes it feel so cluttered.
The surface 4 and its 3:2 aspect ratio means less scrolling, much more effective multitasking and overall better productivity. Its just SO MUCH more enjoyable to use. Its a laptop after all, not a tv screen we are buying.

At the end all of it is about if you prefer Macos or Windows


You have a nice, warm voice . It's nice to listen to you :)


Wow, your sponsor segment is awesome and hilarious.


You made my day!
I was searching for this video for the whole week!


Great review! As a suggestion, it would be cool if you could do a side by side comparison when you do the camera tests. Like a split screen with the Macbook camera recording of yourself on one side and the Surface on the other, ya know?


I'd get a Surface Laptop if they just offered it in metal for the entry-level price because alcantara is stinky and I don't like the concept of putting fabric on a machine


ive been waiting for this videoo!! tnx a lot man u desrve a billion subscribers


Great comparison, the one thing that keeps me for getting the m1 mac, is the fact of compatibility issues, I allways used windows computers, and I know that everything I use on windows apps or games will work, but on mac even using parallels it's not guaranteed. I know it's more powerful but, buying something and then it doesn't work for what you want ? Is a waste of money. I've been looking for the surface laptop 3 and now 4 for a while, but those M1 gains have stopped me for getting either. Still on the fence


Thanks for the review. One thing you probably need to take into account with the costs if you go down the path of getting a Mac Book Air and running windows in Parallels is that you will be up for the cost of Parallels and the cost of a Windows license as well so you would have to add that to the overall cost (if you don't have those licenses already).


Nice comparison but would choose the default browsers rather than Chrome as both Edge and Safari are better in most ways, especially in battery and def performance.

AAMD and Apple SSilicon are both great and easy wins over an Intel choice. Would not put you off either. Thanks!


Should I get surface laptop 4, Amd Ryzen 5, 13.5" to use my 3d software SOLIDWORKS?


I have seen this channel growing from 1k feels nice....keep going 👍🏻


Agree with you in almost all cases. Really a good comparison video between the M1 MacBook and Surface Laptop 4.


Hold up, why is it that people always complain about Surface Laptops having reflective screens when the MacBook Airs screens looks even more reflective than the Surface Laptops? Hmmm just saying.

Not you bro, I'm referring to the other YouTubers.


Very good video. My biggest frustration regarding Apple is the refusal to place a touchscreen on its laptops. That’s a deal breaker. I have an iPhone with (obviously) a touch screen. Yet if I buy a MacBook I can’t touch the exact same icons I touch on my phone everyday? I have to use a trackpad or mouse? It’s insane. Anyone who gets used to a touchscreen laptop will never want to go back to not having one. Apple I’m sure doesn’t want to harm sales of iPads- that’s the truth about their refusal to add a touchscreen. So instead, Apple is losing sales on MacBooks that it can’t detect. But they’re real. I can’t possibly be the only one.
Thanks for the premium, honest video.


Sorry, what more can you do with the M1 CPU compared to what is in the Surface? I agree that the M1 has better single core speed compared toth e Ryzen 7 chips, but slower multicore speeds, and better CPU, but that's the only real benefit it has. If we look at battery drain tests around the place, power drain on both is roughly the same.
Surely if we are considering the fucntionality side of things here, the Surface Laptop with touch screen and pen input wins out.

As for Thunderbolt 3 being on the M1 Macbook, but not ont he Surface Laptop 4, it really honestly is a none issue for 99% of people. The only benefit that Thunderbolt has on the M1 is that external storage can be faster. The M1 can't take advantage of external GPU's, and it doesn't inherintly support more than 1 external display.
The USB 3.1 Type C connector on the Surface Laptop 4 supports PowerDelivery, supports multiple external displays, as well as docks. Sure, it doesn't support as fast transfer speeds for external storage, but that's really not an issue for the majority of people out there.


Can you share where you got that red skin from? I cant seem to find it online :/ Thanks in advance! :)
