F4F | David Hughes Botches Law and Gospel

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I'm embarrassed to admit that I sat under David Hughes for about a year and a half. When my dream destiny thingy never came to fruition, it came close to shipwrecking my faith. The circus atmosphere, the Katy Perry songs, and the lame comedy sketches bothered me, but I thought David Hughes was rightly preaching the Word. One day, after feeling like I hadn't been fed in months (and they only took communion once in the year and a half I was there), I googled Church by the Glades heresy and found Fighting For the Faith. A few years down the line, and I'm in a solid confessional Lutheran church. Thanks be to God. And thanks to faithful pastors like Chris Rosebrough, Hans Fiene, Jonathan Fisk, Bryan Wolfmueller, and Matt Richard for preaching Law and Gospel, rightly discerned.


*Pastor Chris* __I honestly pray that you *TRULY* know just how *very important* the work you do here is. I don't know, maybe you do, but I for one am SO grateful for it. I just realized something MAJOR! If I did not have the strong faith in God that I do and I listened to the TOO many of these Pastors, preachers, and everyone else you teach us about who KEEP saying things like, "God WANTS you well", "God wants the BEST things for you", God WANTS you healed", on and on..and I didn't have you, Justin Peters, and others to expose these people, my faith would be DEAD! After 20 years of daily pain that grows worse and worse as my spine is closing up (Spinal Stenosis), and I have 3 other illnesses, all incurable - one a form of MS "presentation", but one MAY corrected by surgery (PVD)..The pain alone gets so frustrating. I'm NOT complaining, all this actually keeps me closer to my dear Lord. I'm saying that anyone with a weak faith, a new believer, SO many of these people would DESTROY their faith! I truly believe that. Watching 3 of your videos in a row, hearing the same thing, it's just a great thing I have a VERY strong faith. So *thank you* immensely for all you do. I always knew your work is helpful and edifying..it just hit me, I guess as it's a "bad pain day", just HOW much you save people who are sickly from losing their faith completely, and that is NO small thing! God bless you and your beautiful family richly and always!


"I don't think that word means what you think it means." Isn't that from the Princess Bride? " Inconceivable! ". 🤣🤣


Chris you get 10, 000 bonus points for sifting through this garbage in its entirety week after week so that we don't have to. Does this make you a dumpster diver for upcoming episodes of dumpster fire? (First comment btw😉)


I think the worst part is the sense of entitlement this "pastor" pushes. Having trust in the "promises" because you have faith, rather than trusting in the Maker of the promises of rewards (fellowship and relationship with our Heavenly Father forever) of having faith. Huge, huge difference. Thank you for the beautiful Hebrews 11 lesson...my soul rejoiced in the beauty of the message of that passage...faith and trust in Christ Jesus is what it's all about...what HE did, not what I do. What a beautifully perfect Father!


Thank you so very much for teaching the difference between the law and the gospel! This makes me understand the scriptures so much better.


Thank you for all the work that you do. False teachers need to be exposed. You are one of the only ones on YouTube that has true discernment, thanks so much for all you do!


My only hope is that the grace of God meets me every step of the way not my ability to make 'blessable decisions'


The wisest decision any one would ever make from the crowd he is preaching to is to get up and walk out, go home and read a KJV Bible by themselves. What a sale speech


Thanks again for a great study!!!! Amen.


You are so good ...and so helpful....Thea k. You..


Also I suggest word study focusing on verbs as an emphasis


Where did this one get his masters in divinity from, a cereal box?


This was good ! Jesus with your spirit


Well! Now we know why he is not able to rightly divide the word of God, he’s obviously been spending all his time on accumulating rubbish information 🤨 He actually thinks God is a life coach🤔 Really? That’s it? A life coach? 🤨


David Hughes is the doppleganger of Michael Keaton from Multiplicity. " ...did you buy me a monkey like pizza..." He kinda sounds like hum too.


One thing I like to use is the YouVersion app. You can highlight verses and compare it across multiple versions really easily. That being said, I don't really use the NIV much. I prefer the NRSV and KJV. I recently got a KJVER as a gift, which is essentially the KJV (from what I have seen, still reading it), but with some of the words that are antiquated (thy, thou, -est, etc) with modern equivalents.


I am David Hughes right now too... ❤️💩❤️


Levi Lusko spoke there?? Man it makes me wonder about Levi. These folks want so bad to bring the world into the church that they go so extreme to do it. I mean this is extreme. Just read the word and preach the gospel. That's all they need to do. I dont understand!! So sad!!


Another seeker friendly purpose driven train wreck, this guy has been a disaster for a long time.He actually did a sermon series using harry potter .
