Karen Read trial: Prosecutors point to hair on bumper as evidence | Banfield

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Crime scene analysts testified Monday about the SUV prosecutors say Karen Read was driving more than two years ago when she allegedly backed into her Boston police officer boyfriend and left him to die in a snowbank. Palm Beach County State Attorney Dave Aronberg joins "Banfield" to discuss.

#karenread #murder #banfield

Ashleigh Banfield is *the* definitive authority on the nation’s biggest true crime stories. A veteran award-winning journalist, Ashleigh brings a sharp focus to the crime stories gripping America, distilling facts and analyzing context in a way which captures viewers’ interests and imaginations. No one knows the prosecution and the defendants’ cases better than BANFIELD, all the while keeping the victim at the heart of every story we tell – just another reason NewsNation is truly News for All America.
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Hey Ashley. ...you are right we have had crazy Blizzard winters here in Winnipeg, nothing would stick to the car ... except Deborah 🇨🇦


Just the fact that he was allegedly hit with enough force to kill him and NOBODY of ALL those guests coming in and out of the house (and looking out the window) saw nor heard ANYTHING, is enough. Especially since many who testified were either at the window or outside the house the exact time the hit and run supposedly occurred.


Hos long can a hair stick to a bumper in a blizzard?
