I Made Real PHILLY CHEESESTEAK Better! So Easy | Guga Foods

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After visiting Philadelphia I was inspired to make the best philly cheesesteak I could! Once I arrived from Philly I was able to make a better cheese steak after watching the masters Pat's and Geno's at work. I used simple ingredients, made it simple and it turned out the best ever.
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F.Y.I. They have picanha, TELL HIM GUGA SENT YOU!
* Slow ’N Sear Deluxe Kamado - Two Zones Are Better Than One.
* Best Weber Accessory (Slow n Sear) *
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* FOGO Premium Lump Charcoal - The First Ingredient.
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* If you have any questions please leave a comment below and I will reply. Thank you so much for watching see you on the next video! :-)
#CheeseSteak #PhillyCheeseSteak #SteakSandwich