Electric Resonance in Microtubules | Electricity of Life

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As we seek to upgrade our understanding of the outer world around us, it would be wise to similarly update our notions about our inner world. Research groups attempting to generate better models of the mammalian brain have found many surprises, such as the staggering diversity of neuron types. Among this frontier of science, studies of the electrophysics, behaviors, and molecular interactions of microtubules have revealed paradigm-changing facts.

How might the many peoples of our species slowly integrate into their cultures this new electrical & likely quantum model of what it means to be alive?

Where does music exist? - Anirban Bandyopadhyay

Experimental Studies on a Single Microtubule - Anirban Bandyopadhyay

Clarifying the Tubulin bit/qubit; Defending the Penrose-Hameroff Orch OR Model - Stuart Hameroff

Excellent post on brain research by Jon Lieff, M.D.

Atomic water channel controlling remarkable properties of a single brain microtubule: Correlating single protein to its supramolecular assembly.

Live visualizations of single isolated tubulin protein self-assembly via tunneling current: effect of electromagnetic pumping during spontaneous growth of microtubule

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A while back I started a binge of thinking and learning about all things perception, and after some time I've finally landed here. This is really fascinating, looking forward to understanding more.


One important thing we have to ask is: "Is consciousness useful for something?" or in other words: "What is the fitness of consciousness?" If there is no fitness, then consciousness is not "designed", and it is a byproduct that we do not need to explain it in order to understand the workings of the brain (but we still need to explain in order to understand the nature of our condition).


Wow I'm blown away this is truly fascinating. Everything from the micro to the macro arises out of the field of potentiality using the same foundation of energies to support their existence. Electricity and magnetism creates, sustains, heals and destroys, this is the god force


Hameroff recently made the comment (initially posited by Whitehead) that consciousness is ubiquitous, I.e. Nebula to quark. Microtubules play the role of moderating the input frequency into the range of sensation amenable to the human sensorium. The 'reset' time for conscious has been measured at 1 to 10 than this and there is literally no sensation. (Subconscious is another chapter.) Microtubules have one (among many) features in that their transitions result in a physical, steric change. Thus, microtubules proximate to neurons will send information into the great neurological market place - brain, etc. Indeed we are entering into a great era for human awakening. Thanks ThunderboltsPR for popularizing this insight.


This is so central to the idea of intentional self evolution of individuals and eventually whole cultures. It also links up nicely with the emergent science of epi-genetics. Since mood/emotion and our experiential senses are vibrational, this is further evidence that... we can morph our personal biology with our mood! Mind blown!


At an ever increasing rate we uncover the truth we seek. I have long believed we are connected. A continuous joining of everything and more and more it seems the electrical nature of all things is the pathway to understanding those connections. I welcome your addition to The Thunderbolts Project and will most surely be following your work. Good Stuff!


My research has shown that our memories are stored, like binary codes, in standing waves in the diffuse bioplasmic field that surrounds the human body - these microtubules appear to be the antennae that send and receive the information stored in these waves.


Blavatsky spoke solidly about the electrical properties of reality aka unified field...some speculate that Maxwell's early death stopped his quest into similar electrical connections noted then as aether.


Among other things, this film reminds that the importance of understanding the mysteries of Water cannot be understated.


Exclusion zone water structuring electrons and protons in between the dimers


Isn't it wonderful when something 'Just Feels Right'. Great Post. Our journey continues to the connection of everything.


You have managed to encapsulate the essential parts of my personal research with great finesse. Nice work!


Wow! This is an amazing and eye-opening presentation. Thank you very much.


The two ending graphics of the macro and the micro really were the cherry on top of the sundae! ;)


What an exciting shift in information and cosmic theory of origins of life! Fascinating!


Fabulous presentation of the new quantum brain model from Penrose and Hameroff.


So it seems Hameroff and Penrose are positing that microtubules are an organelle mediating the ability of a lifeform to "experience, " but said experience will vary depending on the networks of compelxity in the organism's brain... or even the psychpathology that afflicts a brain.
(such as removing empathy or self-monitoring cognition, or fundamental awareness of things in simpler lifeforms).

To say nothing of the fundamental differences between organisms at the level of individual neurons, astroglia, etc. We could probably observe differences in microtubules' resonating patterns if we were about to use that quantum microscopy in vivo.


Exciting to see my two favorite theories share and cross reference their knowledge. More please between Dr Hameroff's group and the EU group. It's all very "electifying".


Hence non-native EMF is potentially hazardous to health the degree of risk dependent on individual susceptibility and total body load of other environmental toxicants & toxins,
including emotional stress.


Speaking of awareness, this channel always provides new reading material to further our understanding.
