The Difference Between Mid and Support Vel'Koz

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Players: What role is vel'koz?
Riot games:Yes


I think this is because on support youre less expected to die because the assasins and ganks you get on mid, so you take advantage of Velkoz waveclear on mid and roam but on support you play to do damage taking advantage of the damage output velkoz can do without so much gold


Azzapp sp: Nah, I'd carry
Azzapp mid: Nah, I'd support


makes sense to me. it's all about how the lane dictates the playstyle of the character. it comes down to what role your opponents tend to be (assassins vs sustained). so you gravitate toward a strategy that works best against the enemy you are facing.


Supports don't have to balance farming with spells, spacing, doing damage, and being safe at the same time. They can simply focus on damage and the enemies are punished for diving the support.
Mid cannot die or you lose waves, gold, xp, prio etc.
Its really hard as a mid mage to, burst the enemy, get all the farm, and be safe all at once.


A lot of mages have been following this formula. The way I’ve thought about it is: mid laner = push wave so you can gank or counter gank. Support= ignore cs (your ad should be getting it) if you aren’t clearing waves then you have nothing to do except poke the enemy(obviously oversimplified but in general terms)


Whats useful to know Is that skills and the damage of those skills are conducive to levels. It’s arguable that midlanes exp is most valuable, so by playing support style mid you are effectively bolstering the value of levels acquired in mid to boost the power of skills that support the team

For example dont try and hit every q as vel koz mid. Its not support playstyle. Hit every single E, and don’t even USE it unless it sets up a kill for the the jgler, yourself or even to save someone’s life

As a support you’re less value so any damage you do IS EXTREMELY valuable. That’s why it’s good to take ignite as a support or it’s good to roam as a support because your damage is more valuable compared to your levels acquired cumulative throughout the game. And vice verse for mid.

Also you can think about it like this Top lane being objectively broken with broken champs Renekton/yone/Irelia/fiora that are the best scaling champs in the game but it has the least impact compared to a role like adc, which has very limited style of champion; comparatively to the monstrosity of champion design top lane. Jg is it’s own little world.


I can confirm, this is exactly how I feel like playing him


Me playing mid: get fed, farm, pressure their mid and jungle.
My team: why don't you roam?
Me playing supp: gank mid, ward jungle, messing with their jungle, freeze the wave...
My ADC who doesn't know how to last hit: please stay😢
Now I have the same mindset as Azzapp.


In mid I just trot along after my jungler and roam, in support I play mega aggressive and try to snowball


I see it that if i get fed as a support and become a killing threat than my value is much more than enemy supp.


I played the vel'koz for the first time because of his videos I carried the game


Anyone trying to take this to their soloq needs to understand how to filter the point of what he’s saying, this should not be your attitude on normal supports but for those high damage mages like xerath Lux vel twitch support, it’s your job to have as much gold as mid does and carry


Same thing happens with Swain as support. You get so much opportunities to fight botlane, and Swain LOVES that


This is one of the most frustrating things as a support player. I hate it when mages go botlane. Yes you intend to carry but you lose out on that extra cc, peel, heals etc. Even as someone who played release Pyke and abused him, it was not as fun when compared to thresh or leona. It might be my bias showing but supports shouldnt be the ones doing damage.


People also dont talk about how you get gold per second i was surpised how people didnt talk about this more when i actually started learning different things when i first played


It’s pretty much how the team fight always end up. Support just have too much tools to carry, especially with this season.


Makes full sense. Play any mage sup and you must win lane to get something out of the mage sup pick. But in mid you don't have to make plays to get feed you can just farm and support your team.


This is like for any mid/support champion


I queue up to midlane with the mindset of "i have to make my presence in the whole map felt" much more compared to other lanes. If I'm not influencing plays, then I'm failing at my job
