The Bizarre Circumstance behind the Layoffs - A Tale of a Toxic Workplace

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0:00 - intro
1:36 - CEO Vishal Garg
2:09 - Strange Salaries
3:09 - Allegations of toxic workplace
4:41 - Who is Elana Knoller?
6:09 - Garg's work culture
7:20 - The layoff video
14:30 - Act like a free agent
15:56 - If you need help



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Are you struggling with your job search? Applying for job after job and not getting any interviews? Perhaps you’ve gotten a few interviews but always seem to get passed over for the job? Or maybe you’re not satisfied with your current career and want a change. Well you’ve come to the right place.

As a corporate recruiter with over 20 years of experience hiring thousands of employees at all levels into major corporations, I’m going to spill the beans on how to get noticed by recruiters, start getting more interviews, navigate through each step of the hiring process and ultimately land the dream job you deserve.

But that’s not all - I firmly believe that in order to truly experience career success, you need to think bigger. Multiple streams of income and budgeting are crucial to forming a layoff-free lifestyle and helping you achieve your goals.

If these are things you’re struggling with, that’s what I specialize in. I’ve got a website called A Life After Layoff. It’s loaded with tips and tricks on how to get noticed, interviewed and hired by your dream company. Make sure you check it out!

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Been with the company since when it was only around 700 employees. 2 and a half years later, the day I return from my Thanksgiving break this happened. Performance is not the issue, I was promoted 3 months prior to this layoff, and my pay increased TWICE within that 3 month period (once for the promotion, once for my performance review). My most recent performance review? Top 10% of the company. Did everything the company wanted, did it matter, nope still got fired. (sidenote: my severance agreement has a freaking non compete for 12 months! Needless to say, they can keep their severance package as I refuse to sign it)


Beware the psychopaths in the workplace. They look like shiny bright stars, but end up creating so much chaos that everything eventually crashes and burns 🔥


Got here faster than HR's rejection email...


No matter how nice your boss is, your employer has zero loyalty to you. Doesn’t matter if you have been there 30 years or what you have done. When the time comes they will get rid of you in 2 seconds.


🐊 I cried the last time I did this. It must've been all the smoke from burning my business partner alive.


2:09 Say the CEO is sleeping with the new executive without saying the CEO is sleeping with the new executive.

4:22 I'll bet she was a "hot" commodity.


I'm so glad 'Job hopper' is being phased out. That term is nothing more than a propaganda tool for keeping employees to stay in line. Fuck job loyalty. The only power you have as an employee is to walk away. Don't ever give that up.


The vast majority of larger corporations demand loyalty, and give none. You are spot on.


I hope these employees band together and sue that horrible CEO personally, along with the company, for defamation, wrongful terminations and illegal non-compete clauses in their severance package agreement.


Always blows my mind how toxic some companies can be below the surface.


One great benefit of being an Executive member is; if you screw up, you can always allow someone else to get punished while you carry on not learning from your mistake.


Every once in a while I have felt pathetic because Im in my late twenties run a small business but still live with my parents and aside from the business have no equity or resume history but I have never failed my employees. When covid hit I decided I wanted to keep them at home with full pay and benefits, and eight months into the pandemic when our budget got tight I decided to stop paying myself in order to keep them on the books full time. As far as I see it, them joining me on this business venture is enough, I cannot thank them enough for coming on board and will do everything in my power to have them taken care of. I may be a basement dweller but at least Im not that asshole.


Also, you forgot to mention that after firing 900 people the jobs page is still listing a very large number of open positions; fire the expensive employees in order to fill the roles with cheaper ones perhaps?


The ending of this video was something that everyone needs to hear, it’s time for job seekers to see their value!


He then had a zoom with the remaining workforce and called all the people laid off “leaches” & “dead weight”…


"If you put your trust in a person like this" True for investors too! Bad CEOs destroy careers AND investor value.


Must be nice to have such a big advantage in life that you're given a multi-million dollar salary to LEARN how to do your job. Meantime, I have multiple years of experience and struggle to have companies look past something like a slightly unconventional background. Sometimes the unfairness of it all is overwhelming.


100% agree on the free agent point. Your work is not your life its a mechanism for getting the life you want, you owe companies nothing more than what's in your contract of employment and you should definitely have the same attitude of disposablity towards them as I can guarantee they have towards you.


Having been laid off in the past, I can relate. It's how it is handled that matters. I agree, you own your career. I recently took a new job just 5 years before my expected retirement at 65 because the company I worked for never promoted me even though I was one of the few people onsite during the pandemic. In my new job I hope to excel - and if I don't, I will find something else. In 5 years no matter what I am doing, I am done. Own it - live it. Thanks for the great video.


Thank you so much for this posting. I really enjoyed the part where you said “treat yourself as an independent agent”. That is today’s reality! Period. Thanks again.
