The People That Disappeared Under IMPOSSIBLE Circumstances

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► In the vast expanse of our world, millions of people go missing every year. While most of these are straight forward and are resolved quickly, usually resulting in the missing being found; this is not the case for some. Amongst these disappearances, there are those that stand out and leave nothing behind but a trail of questions and an echo of their absence. In the disappearances we’re about to discuss, seasoned searchers and experienced law enforcement officials expressed their sheer incredulity at the circumstances presented.....

► The People That Disappeared Under IMPOSSIBLE Circumstances

0:00 2500+ Miles...
12:50 An Unlikely Journey
23:24 No Remains?
39:06 Impossible?
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All of the people featured in this video disappeared under very unusual circumstances where crucial information was clearly missing, preventing a clear understanding of what happened. Given the remaining circumstances, law enforcement and searchers expressed their confusion regarding the incidents in question. What are your thoughts?

Have a great week everyone. Be safe.


First case with Danny is very similar to what happened to Steven Kubacki.. Out cross country skiing in Michigan and appears to have just seemingly vanished when they find his ski’s and backpack while out searching for him. He’s presumed dead until many months later when his family receives a call from him. He’s been out in California living like some vagabond with allegedly no memory of how he ended up there.


That guy planned his escape. Once his gig was discovered he pretended he was confused😂


People tend to think place names with "devil" in them are related to some piece of folklore, but rugged areas are often named similarly. Because to old miners, only the devil would make a mountain that's such a pain to hike. So, of course people tend to go missing in those areas, because they're hard to navigate. Great video!


I don't believe Maurice was ever at the Topaz Pits that day. No one saw him there nor did the dogs ever pick up the sent. The partner had to be


A bit late to the party, but in the first case of *No Remains* Robert Winters clothes were found with other items. The only things missing from the clothes was a boot and a glove. In cases of "Hypothermia" there is a condition called 'Paradoxical Undressing'. The brain misinterprets the extremely cold feelings being felt by the body as overheating, causing the sufferer to remove their clothes in an attempt to cool off. Obviously, this action only results in a faster demise. Mr Winters' remains could have, as reported, been washed away after he fell into the waterway. Good post, thank you.


My 78 yr old grandfather disappeared in 1960, when he was walking in an area he had once farmed. The cops barely investigated, we didnt get any searchers, etc - it's weird to see how some people become enduring mysteries and others are forgotten. He was apparently a real POS and said horrible things about my disabled mom, so...karma... But i feel bad for the hundreds of good people whose stories that do not get told.


Whoever vanished Danny really were considerate in giving him a not just a mobile phone but also z hair cut. I mean if you are going to send someone back send them back in style... hay


I work in Lake Placid. There aren’t long-haul trucks passing through the Adirondacks. He would have had to take multiple rides to even get out of the state


I find it odd everyone assumed the doctor was ever there in the first place.


Something that strikes me in a lot of these cases (not just the ones in this video) is that the disappearance happens just before bad weather closes in, dumping large amounts of snow over the area. It makes me wonder whether snowfall is more capable of destroying and/or concealing evidence than people give it credit for. It may be that in at least some of these cases, that had the weather remained clear, a mundane explanation would have been quickly found, and the case would never have appeared as a 'mysterious' disappearance in the first place.


The person who commented that people believe places with the word hopyard tend to be more mystic etc. this is my bizarre story. I went hiking at a place called devils hopyard. I had hiked this since I was 4. Probably 300 times. There are two clear trails. You can’t miss them. I went with my friend from Ireland and we got so lost no trails time missing and came out of the woods 14 MILES AWAY from the park on state owned land and had to walk on the road for another 5 miles to get back into the park.

I never believed in fae but the one time I bring a friend from cork on a trail I used to get drunk and high on with kids in high school at night and still never got lost and all of a sudden at 28 I get lost mid day???? It was too weird.


Does anyone think Maurice didn't even get to the dig sites in the first place?


The first story is interesting in that the man ends up having a phone with service, which doesn't happen without some record of who signed up for and is paying the bill. I'm not even sure no-contract "pay as you go" phones in the US would even allow an activation without some record of ID. Seems like they could locate who owned the phone before and ask them how this guy ended up with it.


We lost some animals on our farm. They just walked around the barn in a fenced area and they just disappeared never to be seen again. After all these videos, I now completely stay away from state parks and general forest areas.


Good Monday so far, Top Mysteries just posted! 😆💞


The most important thing is that the dogs didn't pick up any tracks... that means Maurice didn't go anywhere on his own


The craziest case is the older man in New Jersey who could barely walk a mile he was about 80 and went with his son and brother to the woods to hunt with A RIFLE-A GIANT BOW-A BACKPACK FULL OF FOOD WITH WRAPPERS- and while the family spread out he stood a few hundred YARDS from the truck. The green berets came. Nothing was ever found. Not a wrapper. Not the HUGE BOW. Not the huge rifle. He had health issues and couldn’t walk in the woods he could barely walk a long time on cement and he needed his medicine. The truck was there. He was gone. Not a scrap of clothing or food or bullets or either huge weapons left. The green berets never come. The army game. Dogs came and hit on nothing. I forget his name but this is the case that makes me believe in other worldly things. All I can think is it was an abduction.

Please telll me if anyone remembers this case. His wife talked about it on missing 411. And no matter how you cut it it makes no sense. It was one of the biggest search parties for a full grown adult.

Only two options. His whole family lied and somehow used a second vehicle to kill and dump him (he was beloved) or he was abducted by a person craft or something else.


Danny being a firefighter reminds me of one I’ve only ever heard told on Mr. Ballen’s channel and I can’t remember specifics, if anyone can help me out: A fire chief or inspector set off with his son into the wilderness. After getting lost and his son falling ill, the Dad sees headlights at night through the trees. He leaves his son up in a tree with their dog and checks it out. After realizing the wrongness of the situation he returns to find the dog alone. Eventually he finds his way out and although visibly exhausted and distressed, he insisted on aiding in the search since he had vital info. I’d like to research this one myself, does anyone know of it?
And the 2yo reminds me of one perhaps even more perplexing where a toddler somehow removed themselves from the car seat they were left napping in (i think). Anyone have more info on this one as well?


It's possible that while attempting to ski down a slope the guy in the first story may have wiped out, hit his head and become disoriented. Perhaps he suffered some sort of fugue state, and then went on an unexpected journey.
