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Shes explaining why there are so many Protestant denominations because everyone is interpreting the Scriptures their own way creating disunity.


She is not speaking the truth. The priest does not do that, the Church and Magesterium does with humility and understanding through the Father. All Catholics are encouraged to read the Bible and attend Bible Study at church. By the way, it is (Bible Study) done with other parishioners not the Father. I’m not sure what church she went too or if she was too young to know any better. It’s bold to think other churches are not listening to their pastor preach. Wondering what church is letting their congregation teach?


When I became a Christian and went to my local Cathedral they drilled it into me to read the bible everyday what is this yapping 😂😂


I'm a Catholic...
Our priest always says to us parishioners that always read the Bible.

That Catholic girl is a a typical nominal catholics that never took serious the faith.


It isn’t a priest who interprets the Bible…. It is the Church Jesus started…that group of people believing Jesus and His apostles as kept alive and true through early church fathers, martyred for keeping the truth alive, and councils held to keep the truth and meaning.


This is why it is said... The weakest Catholics become protestant and the strongest Protestants become Catholics on fire for Christ...


I am currently reading the bible with my wife and I don't get it at all. Thankfully I have over a thousand years of Catholic history and tradition and doctors of the Church and priests to reference when I have a question


I am a proud catholic!! I have 5 bibles and read it every day!! There are 50000 protestants Talking about mis interpreting the bible!


When I entered RCIA to become a catholic the very first thing they did was to give everyone a Bible and the leader told us to read it. Every Sunday after the homily we in RCIA went to a room to discuss the readings. I had never heard so much of the Bible in my 40 years as a Protestant as I did as a catholic.


The blind judging the blind, but neither of them can truly see.
BTW, it's better to be divided by truth than to be united in error.


It is the magisterium who interprets the Bible, because they’ve been interpreting the word of God before the Bible was ever compiled. She throws hate at Catholic priests for the sake of bigotry, yet she’ll take Pastor Bob’s interpretation to prove her hypocrisy.


The problem is man trying to interprate without the Holy Spirit. Also to say there is absolutely no unity is false.


The first one thousand plus years of Christianity few people had a personal Bible. The printing press had not been invented yet. So, Christians went to church and heard Bible passages read out loud. Then the priest explained. ONLY WITH THE PRINTING PRESS IN OUR PAST 500 YEARS HAVE WE POSSESSED A PERSONAL BIBLE.


Its scary how many peolle are out there lying about the Catholic church


i agree with you. our catholic priests are educated for years !!! they are not just some random person who decided to read the bible and decide to interpret in any way they like.


If God did not want you to think for yourself, then why did he give each of us a brain? I agree it's important to consult with spiritual leaders about your interpretation of the bible, but simply believing without question will leave you with faulty faith. Our faith is strengthened when it overcomes doubts. God wants us to seek Him out. Do not forget the periods in history where the Catholic church were overrun with corrupt popes put in place by secular kings. The church is the body of Christ, and God is the highest authority, not a human. Why would you trust the words of a human more than you trust the Word of God? Being isolated with God is better than being united in foolishness. We should have faith in neither a heirarchical structure of humans, nor in our own personal understanding, for we will always be faulty. The only One worth having faith in is God himself.


Catholics literally read and pray the scripture every mass so I don’t know what she is yapping about!!


There's alot of people who have certain disabilities where they can't read the Bible on their own, Deslexia being one of them. So these disabilities also were in the Early Church too. But people seem to forget that. Not everyone can interpret the Bible on their own and it's dangerous to do it on your own also as you may be interpreting it wrong. Which is a disaster for life 😢 read your Bible but have a priest interpret it for you too to have proper 2000 years clarity of what the Bible is really trying to say. Godbless 🙏🙏🙏


I am a Catholic. I grew up in a catholic school under the Benedictine sisters. We were taught to read the Bible and apply the scripture in our lives besides teaching us the sacraments and catechism of the church.


If you go to Sunday Mass, you hear, the Old Testament, the Second Reading usually the Acts, a Psalm, and the Gospel. That is the Bible.
