Illegal Immigration video marathon | Marathons

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Worrisome stories about the illegal immigration crisis hit the news feed every day right now. To help you understand the situation, we've carefully curated a selection of our most important and thoughtful videos on the topic.

#border #immigration #illegalimmigration
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I married a migrant. A legal migrant. We paid allot of money to get the US citizenship. When my husband became a US citizen he had to denounce Lithuania and swear to accept living in harmony


I would like to see AOC, the Mayor of New York and other Democrats give migrants a room in their houses first.


Information like this should be posted more often. Instead, we're called racist if we don't agree.




Why doesn’t the rest of the country understand that this is an issue?


I have worked with Migrants as a Social Worker &Minister. This video is so right on and true


After watching this compilation, my takeaway from this is that the American education system has truly failed us all. We are doomed.


Letting someone live in a "spare room" is one of the most insane/dangerous ideas I've ever heard... Even for a young girl who's been fully vetted by the system.... What happens if she opens the front door at night for "friends" or someone threatening her and her family? Ya, your family is dead... Absolute insanity.


Agree. After examination of the pros & cons…. The pros of building a wall and not allowing illegal activity to occur beats out everything. I’m from the Navajo reservation. Allowing sick people over without vetting for diseases like multi-drug resistant TB affects the poor like my Native people THE MOST! We saw that with Covid deaths.


Tucker you always bring it. Thank you thank you thank you!


Whats going to happen when all these abused children come of age and they're psychologically damaged to the point they turn to gangs or addiction, both?!
People are "for" this because they think they dont have to live with it.


I myself as a former "legal immigrant"(now American Citizen) who happens to be educated and able to be self supporting struggled to adjust living here in America when we first came. The difference in currency was a big challenge, also getting started paying out of pocket for the documents you need so you can apply to get a job legally and the last part where you actually try to get a job competing against locals.

So imagine with all that said how an unskilled, uneducated poor immigrant able to make it on their own here America w.o getting govt assitance? Which btw while we are on this topic I ask why they should be entitled to get govt funds that American tax payers are paying for and should only be available for American Citizens. Which btw also happens to be struggling to make ends meet with our current economy.

Its not like magically these illegal immigrants will easily make it under those circumstances and avoid being exploited.

So this whole push by demorats about open borders is the most disgusting inhumane thing you can do all in the guise of fake compassion.

By the end of the day this video tells the truth. Demorats push for open open borders because they want illegal votes, cheap labor and further erode the middle class so we become more vulnerable to their lies of socialist crap. Where in reality what they are doing is modern day slavery


The Immigration/Refugee Process cannot ... MUST NOT ... begin at our border or within our country. Rather, it must begin in the immigree's/refugee's country of origin. To that end, if anyone ... ANYONE ... shows up at our border unannounced and wanting to come in, the answer MUST BE an unequivocable NO. And again, to that end, we must be willing and able to enforce this policy without exception. Then, and only then, can we develop an immigration policy based on what is best for OUR country ... how many people we can accept, what skills we need that we do not have already, admitting people who will understand and follow our laws, people who are self-sufficient and who want to be a proud part of the USA.


If we don't deal with the corporations and businesses that hire the illegal there will not be these people are taking jobs from Americans deal with the corporations


Excellent compilation of information and FACTS that all Americans should know. Each video has important information. People need to educate themselves with facts. Those who have opinions based on feelings are detrimental to our country. Politicians at every level who facilitate the open border, the unsafe conditions that Americans are faced with, and the amount of taxpayer money used for people other than our own citizens should be liable for prosecution for dereliction of duties and open to lawsuits by Americans who have been harmed as a result.


So basically..."As long as it does not affect me directly, I'm all for it..." (Modern day activist)


They don’t have a position, they have feelings. Those don’t know, or care, about the facts, or the truth.


Fortunately there are still people who have common sense waking up to what's really going on.


This video should serve to educate high school students and should be air on regular TV 📺. We such ignorant society nowadays that it will take so many years to educate them


I grew up a migrant, we moved 5-7 times every year, mostly California. I heard Cesar Chavez on DOZENS of occasions say he was against illegal immigration because they would drive wages down so low you couldn't support one person decently on them, much less a family! We worked hard alongside Mexicans, Blacks, Asians and other Okies; we all stuck together as family, us migrants!! And these are not 'jobs Americans won't do' we just got pushed out of them!!
