I’m NOT talking to anyone

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I feel this 100%, working in an ER is so draining i cant take these shifts anymore 😭😭 take care of yourself!! ❤


Hello! I’m much older than you. I am a 55 year old woman . However, I have friends of all ages because too am a golden retriever! lol 😆
Still, like you, whilst being a super extrovert, it’s hard to have that immediate group. I am always the life of the party no matter where I go. I love meeting people.
However, I am VERY much like you because I also CRAVE going within myself. Having, peace, solitude and being alone. I even love that you have yourself flowers. 💐 I always buy gifts, candies, flowers or cards for people just to make them happy. Sometimes I’ve learned to buy them for me.
My goal in life is always to make other people smile. You seem to do a great job doing that too.😊
You’re absolutely right. We types do need to recharge! Hope you enjoyed your day. I love your channel. Just discovered it. PS my husband is a major introvert like your best friend. Funny how opposites attract!
❤😊🤗💗💐Blessings. 🙏☺️


It’s ok. Being a nurse is very draining. That’s great self care that most of us do not do but I’m realizing what you’re doing is necessary. So thank you for sharing this video.


"I got me flowers" I cant deal are you even real, youre too sweet


I discovered this guy's videos yesterday, but I already love him haha. Today was a day when I didn't feel very good about myself, but this guy's attitude and smile are so contagious that I really feel much better now 😿💗


I totally agree with you. After nursing shift I get so tired that I just don't want to talk to anyone.😅 just be alone and recharge 😊


You have such a great vibe! Im glad you are taking time for yourself and staying positive! Love ya


That's called self care. If you don't take care of yourself, you can't be the best nurse, boyfriend, or friend ❤🎉


I understand you only too well! I also need this to charge my batteries. NO SOCIAL CONTACTS TALKING TO ANYONE! It's so relaxing. To get started again afterwards and be there for friends and family and colleagues!


Such a beautiful thing I learnt today! 🤧


It’s totally valid having days for yourself. I’m a nurse myself in Toronto and usually on my first day off I want to be by myself and hibernating in bed to recover from the past 4 shifts I’ve worked lol


Nursing is hard. My sister was RN for 25 years. I was MA. Covid was crazy. Because she worked all through Covid. We both got covid. It’s unpredictable . Hang in there. It’s good just take time for yourself


Yes. Everyone deserves a "mental health day" to just relax and recharge . I was a nurse from 1981 to 2018. It's a very stressful occupation. Please be good to yourself.


💖💖💖... Totally understand you.... Please take time to relax, recharge, recuperate....I recently took a break from social media and it was refreshing... Don't worry, your true friends it will be there for you when you return! Hugs 🌻🌻🌻


Alone time really helps one heal . I hope you are healed from things you don't talk about😊


👏👏👏👏 Bravo!!! We all need this sometimes, life gets hectic, we change and grow. We have to be a friend to ourselves too, our other friends, if they are true friends will understand. Thank you for sharing a little piece of your you time with us and I hope it gives you exactly what you need at this moment my friend 😉🌺🌻🌻🌻🌻 I have a garden full of sunflowers I will dedicate to you too, I'll certainly think of you every time I see them now 🌻☺️


You are so hard on yourself, it is okay just needing time for yourself to recharge and chill. Being a nurse is one of the hardest job and it will take everything from you, plus you working the nightshift is hard. You are doing a great job, your a great person just enjoy being by yourself and know it is okay.


I love this post so much!
Your skin is literally glowing like the sunflowers 💜
We ALL need time to rest& recharge - in this society we are always on the go, always connected, overthinking, stressed out& mentally exhausted.
I’m proud of you for listening to your body &
taking time for yourself to rest.
Bucket of cookies & OJ 👍🤣 Nice lol


You are so happy go lucky person . Dont ever change.
Just know we love your attitude.


We won't leave you!! ❤🙃

Also I feel that. I'm drained working tax free weekend. I'm not used to working so much because I'm only working a part time job. But please please please if you shop today please ask for help grabbing things. Don't leave messes. Stop that one employee even if they look tired and exhausted or not happy working.
I'm working today with all the mess. Please be kind understanding and patient with people working retail customer service at grocery stores restaurants. Please were all tired!

Please. I'll be like Kai tomorrow hiding for the one day I get off. But I love how positive he is even when he's down! ❤🙃
