I wanted to talk to women, I ended up talking to everyone and it freed me... (my story)

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I wanted to talk to women, I ended talking to everyone and it freed me... (my story)

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#selfexpression #talkingtowomen #socialfreedom
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I feel like 99% of the unhappiness I feel in life just comes from that nasty gut feeling that develops in you after you've been inhibited and anxious your whole life.


Self expression is way better than trying to pick up girls. Becoming a whole and free human.


Freud also mentioned it :

“Unexpressed emotions will never die. They are buried alive and will come forth later in uglier ways.”


“The reason to express yourself is to be at peace with yourself” love that


The shift from external motivation to intrinsic motivation (from “I’m going to convince this person to like me” to “I’m going to express my authentic thoughts because I value myself”) is such a beautifully simple concept and so easy to understand and implement. I’m grateful you’ve shared this, thank you.


"Flirt with the world" is some of the best advice that can be given.
Don't get me wrong, as an introvert I rarely take this advice myself lol but it's great advice none the less


Damn imagine a world where people fully expressed themselves (with good intentions). It'd be pretty incredible. I want to be a part of that change.


Same. I was crippled by my social limitations for years until I just started waking up early, reading/meditating, exercise, doing what I love daily, writing, talking to people I didn’t know, etc..
I began to naturally communicate with others better. Flash forward and I attracted my dream woman naturally/supernaturally just by embodying my full authentic self.
I thought I was autistic and mentally broken for years so my journey may not be yours.
But now I’ve never felt better or more confident 🙏


I did Lyft and Uber for a couple of years. Before I started, I heard all these stories about how people never want to hear from their driver. The consensus (from what I read) was "shut up and drive." But I'm too colorful to not engage with people, and with very few exception, as long as I wasn't overly-eager and pushy about it, people were always willing to chat. After a while, my social anxiety melted away. Every day, for hours, with new strangers, I would have these cool moments and connections, and I would think about how much of that I would've missed had I listened to the world instead of my gut.


You made me think about how often I censor myself. I think my excuse is "they don't care about what I have to say".
Online I'll type out a response (like this) and end up deleting it before pressing send. In person I'll think of something to say, then keep it to myself because I have this self-doubt stopping me.
I liked your pipe analogy, I'll try to take your advice and start small.
Love your videos, keep up the great work!


"did I express myself or censor myself" words to live by


This is golden. Exactly my experience.

A year ago i felt traped in my head. Exactly the same things you described happened to me until i realized i just deeply wanted to talk to people. That's who i am since i am a kid and i felt this huge desire to just be able to express my self but my fear of judgement made me supress my thoughts, and eventually my words.

I started giving compliments to people around the street and every time i wante to say something i looked at the act of doing it as a demonstration of self love and acceptance. It just felt right. It takes time and effor but pays huge dividens.

Great video man.


i saw a tweet today that said "executive function is also about acting on impulses. if you deny your impulses, eventually your motivation to do anything vanishes. without motivation, the abilities that are instrumental to goal-oriented action atrophy" and i felt it, i do feel like that often


I've been a self proclaimed introvert my whole life. Yet somehow I found recently that on days where I'm most social and keep in touch with friends or talk to strangers, those are the days where I feel the most content with myself. Coincidence? I think not. This is a lovely perspective and I hope more people take it and run with it.


Came from reddit, stayed for the video, a very good talk


I’m nearly 23, live alone, haven’t had a romantic relationship since high school, talk to zero people outside of work, and don’t go out due to my fear of talking to people. Thanks for this video


I have been doing this exact thing in my daily life and I feel that these small things make your day better.
One thing I learned is that talking to someone to make them like you makes it very hard to actually have a conversation with them and puts up a filter and it ends up being very stressful which defeats the point. Also forcing a conversation does no good. You need recognize the natural endpoint of the conversation and maybe just sit there quietly because its only an awkward silence if you make it. Just go with the natural flow and be comfortable in your own company most importantly.


Bro, this was beautiful. I don't think you even realize how precious this teaching is/was. I'm taking it to heart.


Man, your point on front loading the day with conversations with anyone to warn you up for later is bang on. Such a fresh take that I know realize has worked for me as well. Great content 💪🏼


Thank you for expressing yourself in this video. Great stuff
