RUSH - 'The Big Money' Live In Birmingham 1988 - New 2023 Laserdisc Hybrid Remaster!

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Other Laserdisc/DVD hybrid videos from "A Show Of Hands" linked below description:

This is the third ASOH remaster I have completed so far, the first track of the show, and I will likely continue in the original order of the original concert video from here on out, trying to keep each track more cohesive with more consistent audio and video, as quite a bit of experimentation and development has been at play between my first ASOH upload and this one. I took a lot of extra time on YYZ as it's a very special performance to me, so there may be a couple other performances from this show that I spend extra time editing, but because of the length of the show and the difficulty in enhancing videos from this show, most will probably be a more "express-like" version as seen here. On YYZ I literally cut up and edited the video shot for shot, which took an incredible amount of time, and that's just not feasible if I am ever to complete the rest of this show, so I hope this level of quality enough for you guys. The audio itself is still of high-priority for everything, and though the clarity and balance of the laserdisc is a bit inconsistent, I think it's still superior to the DVD having no auto-tune and more dynamic range (I still transplanted a couple things over from the DVD like higher frequencies for the drums/cymbals that are really quiet on the Laserdisc). Enjoy!

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If you're not watching in 1440p, than you won't be able to see the nice layer of genuine Kodak 35mm film grain, it's the analog icing on top of the cake🎂. Also some good news, you guys won't have to wait a month again, or even a week, for my next surprise(s)! 😉

I hope you guys enjoy this less intensely edited remaster from ASOH that I had to switch to doing so I could actually start getting the rest of this DVD finished! It's an incredibly difficult one to improve due to the fact that the Laserdisc mix is mostly superior to the DVD mix, and the fact that the video footage averages about one cut per second, which means editing it shot-for-shot like I did with YYZ is just not feasible to pull off in any realistic timeframe, so it's more of a one-size-fits all approach. Overall it's just very tough to improve the video due to the varying quality from moment to moment and the intense colored lighting that makes color/brightness correction pretty much impossible without editing every single cut independently, so this is an expedited workflow compared to what I normally like to do these days.


I will always be astonished at how Geddy can sing while playing those complex and tastefull bass lines. He's something else!


I was there! Amazing show! RIP the professsor! :(


The Big Money is one of the few Rush songs which I never attempted to learn on the guitar. I only had one electric guitar back in the day and didn't want to restring it and tune up to, if I'm not mistaken, F#.

Alex Lifeson is an ingenious guitarist. Rather than having to transpose his chords for this song, he had the guitar restrung to F# with an extra lightweight strings and played it like a regular guitar tuned to the standard E tuning. This why he plays this specially tuned black Signature guitar for The Big Money and changes to his normal white colored Signature for their other songs. 😎


Sweet jeezis that's amazing. Thank you for posting this.


Man, what a base line and vocals by Geddy! What guitar work by the one and only Alex L. And, well, the Professor, as always is extraordinarily perfect! No better band has ever graced a stage. We will not see their like again.




It’s amazing how Rush evolved from the sound of their first album to this and then beyond. Rush was keeping up with the technological and stylistic trends of the times, but always putting their unique spin on it!


Rush at their peak.
Thank you for all your work and effort, StickHits!


Forever this concert will be one of the best, Alex is very funny, Geddy is a Master and Neil is always a true influenceable musician, thanks for the tribute amigo 🇨🇦🇲🇽


This guitar solo, I mean…. the sustain, those flageolets… ❤


Rush are one of those very rare bands that always sounds better in concert than in the studio.


This intro and overall concert is my childhood


Oh wow, I haven't seen that opening three stooges animation in decades! My friends and I would study this show on vhs over and over. There was so little live footage in the 80s.
Thanks for the trip down memory lane.


I was so excited before going to this show to see my musical heroes and there they were right in front of me just so wonderful


Some people don't like his voice but on top of being really good and unique it's insanely impressive technically


This remaster is absolutely phenomenal.


That’s the fun, crazy wet like a puppy dog running around all over the place Alex Leifsson, one of my favorite guitarist of all time and it’s good to see Getty upfront having a good time too, my three what albums from Rush are signals, grace under pressure and power windows those were the albums that Alex just got off with his leads, he just tore everybody a new one those are just bad ass albums


Getting closer to the complete show one step at a time!


Thank you, thank you, thank you so much!! This is f***ing amazing
