India has passed China as the world's most populous nation | DW News

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For decades, China topped the list as the world's most populous country. But this week, India is thought to have overtaken China – according to the UN. India is now home to more than 1.4 Billion people, and growing. India's expanding population, and its booming economy, have been helping give Delhi more clout on the global stage. The country's growth is seen by many as a source of national pride. But there are also worries about whether there will be enough housing and jobs for the growing population.
For more we talk to John Wilmoth. He is the Director of the United Nations Population Division, which announced India's overtaking of China's population, based on its estimates.
#india #china #population
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For more we talk to John Wilmoth. He is the Director of the United Nations Population Division, which announced India's overtaking of China's population, based on its estimates.
#india #china #population
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India has passed China as the world's most populous nation | DW News
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