Planning for Winnipeg in 2050

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In about 30 years Winnipeg could potentially be a city of 1 million people. As Winnipeg plans for the next decades, some say as our city changes the way we plan it should as well.
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Using transit??
- Always late, especially in -30c or +30c weather!
- Several times they just take busses off, NO notice... so nothing shows up? VERY unreliable, so I walk if I can!
- Why should I pay if several people who get on... don't?
On a ten minute bus ride in the winter when sidewalks are too packed/slippery, etc., (I use a cane) there have been up to 10 people who don't pay, mostly POS and drunks, sometimes... whole families?? Organizations are now instructing people how NOT to pay!
Yet, the bus driver hassles an 80 year old lady because her transfer is expired by 5-10 minutes in -25c weather??? (because she's white and actually paid taxes all her life)???
- busses NOT safe! Period, aggressive drunks and druggies! I don't feel safe! (one guy had a 12" kitchen knife he was showing a friend a few weeks ago, the bus driver refused to contact the police)!
- No one hardly give up priority seats for seniors or disabled! Especially drunks and newer Canadians! NO class!
- Bus police??? Where do they put them???
Never on the Ellice, Sargent, Mountain, N Main, Portage, Arlington, (where it's needed) etc. have I seen a bus police!!
But, I've seen them on ALL 4 Tuxedo busses I've taken in the past few months! I guess the top 5% "need" their servants to get to work safely?

Using bikes?
- In -35c and 3 feet of snow and ice??? NOPE!
- They can't even shovel sidewalks that are used by hundreds of people!
- People in cars purposely try to run you down even though I always signal and try to be courteous! ( drivers get slaps for purposely murdering bike riders)!
- Too many hoochies stealing and damaging bikes when you park them! (if they can't steal it and cut the lock, they cut your chain when it's parked at a store so YOU can't ride it! You can see several either driving around in BRAND NEW trucks (given to them) with bikes on the back, or on bikes with chain cutters!)


I, unfortunately, had to go downtown a few weeks ago, late morning... nothing but bike lanes on almost every street, even bus routes and guess what... I did not see one bike using them. What a bloody waste of tax payer money.


Sounds like a terrible idea that will seriously impede personal freedom and mobility .
