The Story of The Man From the Window 1 & 2 Explained

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In this horror explained video we take a look at Zed Technician's strange mini series 'The Man From the Window'. With a look at the story and all endings for both Man From the Window games explained.

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I don't know if anyone's pointed this out yet. But if you beat the man from the window 2 on the hardest difficulty, the ending shows J.P. Vermander (from Zed Technician's other game the Vermander Curse) delivering the takeout to mama rabbit and her granddaughter. I love the fact that Zed's games are set in the same universe.


When Mama Rabbit says "We're gonna go through the book together this time, okay?" and "You're gonna have to learn this for yourself" I think it implies that the man from the window haunts the family many times in between the 1st and 2nd game. The fact that she said "this time" seems to indicate that...


I think it's entirely possible the man himself is delivering the book. It could be a condition of whatever allows him to arrive and take someone away. He has to provide forewarning of his existence and arrival and provide adequate time for the targeted individuals to hide. If the individual fails to do so, he gets to take them. Given that he failed to catch Mama Rabbit and her son the first time, he grows angry and tries to cheat, but he can't just rip out the pages and destroy them, he has to leave them behind for Mama Rabbit to find. Otherwise, he'd be failing the condition of his appearance.


2 things
1. It's implied that the Man has actually appeared multiple times between the game, or at least that's what most people think.
2. If you get thte good ending on "tough mode" a person comes to deliver dinner (a cameo from another game, idk who or what). Then Grandma Rabbit talks to Junior about the recent encounter wiht the Man when Junior gets home from work, and says that Audrey handled herself well and might even be ready to handle things on her own if necessary, suggesting that a 3rd game is on its way.

Really great video other than that!


Both the first game and the sequel are finally getting explained; thank goodness!


There is actually a secret ending, where you get an extra cutscene with Junior and Diane and they are discussing the events of that night, then they go on to talk about Audrey and how brave she is. I am unsure how you get it, I think you just lock the door with the keys or something, you also see who delivers the food to the door. When you complete the secret ending you get a red star on the menu.


I really hope that the developer for these games possibly makes a prequel for this series because I want to know more about how the Man became to be.

Edit: I'm glad that I'm the only one to think this! Thank you for the likes and thank you for the people who commented.


this developer is little by little building an amazing world! with weirdly unique designs, but at least they keep their signature!
Zed Technician is a rising developer in the horror puzzle genre, his games aren't necessary scary, and it's literally the same exact game but the set up is different, YET Zed Technician is always capable of making every single game stand up alone in its own! amazing!


My theory is that the Man from the window is delivering the book himself. Almost like a little game. He gives the people he is planning to take away a chance to hide. In the sequel he tore the pages, because he thought the first time around it was a bit too easy. Hence why the pages were found inside the same home the rabbits are living in. If they can find them on time, read the instructions and hide they will succeed in avoiding him, but if they don't get to all of them on time, it makes it easier for the Man to take away someone. :)


So 2 things. 1. The man has shown up a few times throughout the period between games, which can be noted by the lack of junior's wife/girlfriend and that they seem more prepared for him now. 2. I think that book is the spirit of the man's first victim, trapped in his new form but able to prevent more victims.


The man may have once been an ordinary human who lived a very lonely life where he felt unwanted. Perhaps he was shunned by other people for whatever reason(maybe he was deformed given by his appearance so everyone saw him as a freak). Which explains why he is in such desperate search for a friend, even if it means forcing someone to be his friend in the worst way imaginable.


From how the characters speak i think that actually the man appearance is quite common for the family ever since the first game. Almost like a curse they now face


If you beat the 2nd game on hard difficulty, instead of the takeout being left there, the food is delivered by JP Vermander from the other game by this developer. Would love to know what Mike's thoughts on this are! 😊
Another great video, as always 👏


No one is gonna comment how the grandma just opens the door without a worry in the world as soon as someone knocks, after they went through all that?


There is actually a fourth ending:

If you beat the game on hard mode, J.P. Vermander from some other games delivers the food himself. Later that night, junior comes home and is told by his mom about the man returning, but that both she and Audrey survived. They now believe that Audrey will be ready to handle the man on her own when the time comes. This opens up the possibility of another sequel coming in the future.


I like how Zed builds all these games within the same universe. The worldbuilding is slowly fleshing out and it's cool to see connections between games even if they aren't sequels or prequels to each other, but all together they make an interesting timeline for the backstory of that town itself 😊 Guess we like humble simpler things instead of full fledged AAA games that are poorly optimized or half-baked. If it's enough to motivate Zed into producing more ideas, I'll keep following him to see if he ever does the step into making something "bigger" with all the backstory of the town. I just hope none gets peeved by his style for the anthropomorphic animals if he gets more popular.


i thinks it's happened before in the second game, because multiple context clues such as "stay gone THIS TIME" and "remember what we must do?" tell us Audrey may have been through it before instead of it being her first ordeal with this man


There is an extended ending in the second game if you beat the game on hard mode, where Jonathan Vermander shows up as the food delivery guy (completing his arc as seen in Curse of J. P. Vermander) and may indicate the first game is set earlier in the timeline than the others in the dev's catalog thus far (as Jonathan still looks the same age, but Mama Rabbit and Junior are visibly older). It also gives a bit more closure, but also imply that Audrey will one day need face the Man herself without them in the future.


The dev of the man from the window is really good at making well rounded characters that look so sweet


I honestly kinda love the redesign of Diane rabbit for the second game. All three of the character designs in that game are quite charming (I'm not counting Vermander cause he doesn't belong there really XD).
