#AlphaPhoenix Experiment: Another New Theory |#Veritasium Big Misconception about Electricity Part 6

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For the first time, Longitudinal Electromagnetic wave (LEMW) is formulated as #StandingWave in this video in studying some transient effects of electric current observed by #AlphaPhoenix (17 Dec. 2021) in a DC circuit, although LEMW seems rare in theoretical studies of EM waves.

It noted that a tranist time is introduced in transmission line theory, T=D/v, where v is the speed of the DC signal propagation, usually close to light speed. Nevertheless, it appears that no theoretical explanation for the transit time has been proposed until now. Besides, the theory for transmission lines are based on EM wave propagation, along the conductors, not inside the conductor. Thus, my proposal here seems imperitive for understanding the related phenomena.

I have been thinking about Electromagnetic Longitudinal Wave for a long time in order to explain how electricity travels in conductor wires at speed of light. That's why I was very excited to see the oscillations in #AlphaPhoenix's new experiment published on 17 Dec. 2021. In fact, I had illustrated this type of experiments and their results in my Talk 4 on The Poynting Poker, although I didn't discuss whether any oscillations can be observed experimentally.

So, here is the first theoretical explanation for the observed oscillations in the detected currents by Alpha-Phoenix. Here, I have formally proposed for the existence of Transient Electromagnetic Longitudinal Wave in conductor wires, although the magnetic field is circular around a wire and hence is perpendicular to the direction of the wave.

I hope this new idea can be used to explain many related phenomena in electricity. In particular, the speed of electricity is not determined by the conventional transvers waves predicted by Maxwell Equations in the 19th century.

1. Bruhn, G. W., Can Longitudinal Electromagnetic Waves Exist? Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 16. No. 3, pp. 359-362 (2002)
" Plane and spherical longitudinal electromagnetic waves do not exist."

2. Longitudinal fields in electromagnetic waves, V.G. Niziev, A.V. Nesterov
Institute on Laser and Information Technologies of Russian Academy of Sciences
Shatura, Moscow Region, 140700, RUSSIA.

3. Longitudinal electromagnetic waves with extremely short wavelength.Denis Sakhno, Eugene Koreshin, and Pavel A. Belov. Phys. Rev. B 104, L100304 (2021)

"Electromagnetic waves in vacuum and most materials have transverse polarization. Longitudinal electromagnetic waves with an electric field parallel to the wave vector are very rare and appear under special conditions in a limited class of media, for example, in plasmas. In this Letter, we study the dispersion properties of an easy-to-manufacture metamaterial consisting of two three-dimensional cubic lattices of connected metallic wires inserted one into another, also known as an interlaced wire medium. It is shown that the metamaterial supports longitudinal waves at an extremely wide frequency band from very low frequencies up to the Bragg resonances of the structure. The waves feature unprecedentedly short wavelengths comparable to the period of the material. The revealed effects highlight a spatially dispersive response of the interlaced wire medium and provide a route toward generating electromagnetic fields with strong spatial variations. "

(Remark: Only the title is relevant, the rest is for fun.)

Рекомендации по теме

How it was applied was ingenious. No doubt.


The oscillations or "ringing" observed after the leading edge of switch closure can be explained through either seeng the set up as a resonant LC circuit or a missmatched transmission line where the load and source impedances are different to those of the transmission line. In which case not all the energy fed into the line is absorbed by the load resulting in the excess energy being reflected back to the source and then back to the load etc, resulting in a damped oscillation whose period is determined by the length of the line used, which is very likely what is going on in this setup. Your explanation sounds right also, although I am having some trouble following it fully as my background is more engineering than bassic physics. However, I think most differences between various points of view are exactly that - points of view or perspective.
The old saying "There are more ways than one to skin a cat" pretty much covers it. Big disagreements have errupted over this including the one of Dr Walter Lewin claiming that "Kichhoff's voltage law inside a closed magnetic loop is for birds!"

Nice videos, keep them coming


Respected sir 🌟, Its know that Diffraction is an property of wave, but light behaves as particle (photons) at shorter wavelengths...Compton scattering using X rays is an example of particle nature of light....then how does X rays(very short wave length)produce Diffraction pattern in crystallography? How can same X-rays interact differently in these two cases?
Thank you sir 🌟


Hi, in my opinion this can be explained by capacity of the cable, and how it interact with resistance.


Maybe Longitudinal Ampere Force ( Peter Graneau, Neil Graneau, André Koch Assis, et al...)


Respected sir 🌟, due to special relativistic Doppler effect(consider no space expansion an person on space ship moving with respect to earth produce an violet light... will earth observer see the light with Longer wavelength like green or red??....where did the energy of violet photon go so that it's converted into red or green photon?? It is violation of law of conservation of energy right?
Thank you sir 🌟


5:50 A misprint. The right-hand side of the Bohr quantum condition should be nh, where h is the Planck constant.


4:14 A mistake here. Bohr's atomic model was proposed in 1913 whilst de Broglie's matter wave was put forward in 1924. Still, Bohr's quantum condition becomes understandable for students one they studied de Broglie's wavelength formula and standing wave.


Respected sir 🌟, By debroglie relation, wavelength of an object is inversely related to it mean if we move very very very slow DO WE BEHAVE LIKE WAVES? How it that possible??
Thank you sir 🌟


The actual experiment has wires probably less than 200 feet: of course the bulb lights ‘instantly ‘. The expanding electrons leave the high pressure ( surplus electrons) ‘negative ‘ terminal flowing ( spiraling skin effect) to low pressure depleted ‘positive ‘ terminal at @ “ c” when circuit is complete. Under Veritasium ideal conditions- zero resistance in bulb and wires- the travel time is @ 2 seconds. DC produces a magnetic ‘field ‘- physical expanding electrons- leaving the wire perpendicular to its length but also spiraling. This led so many to propose the orthogonal “wave theory “, erroneously. Magnetic fields do not light up bulbs. Experiment is misleading at best; most agree with that. For the physics: “The Final Theory: Rethinking Our Scientific Legacy “, Mark McCutcheon.


In the “ good old days” a candle was put on a wall mounted device to light the room. Today apparently an upside down horseshoe magnet would do the same. Above said magnet a dc bulb could be placed and presto light. Or a 12 volt battery/ wire/ switch setup in any room would do the same. Position the bulb holders at will: flip the switch, presto the ‘magnetic field ‘ will power said bulbs. Veritasium is complete bunk. Physics says otherwise. The expanding electron does it all . Let’s stop pretending.


not yet a new theory, not even an hypothesis, just an application of several other named discoveries. I think if you want to propose a new hypothesis, best to make a prediction which can be tested: for example, if the two lines were lengthened by 20%, the oscillation period would increase by 20%. Honestly though, a tank circuit is pretty well understood, here you have inductance and capacitance doing what they do best. I think folks are less interested in the used scale and more interested in the third nanosecond. Veratasium's nanosecond.
