A Quick Comment on #AlphaPhoenix's #LatestVideo: Are Solid Objects Really Solid? #Veritasium's BM 13

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This is my quick response to the new video by #AlphaPhoenix. He loves to invoke quantum mechanics whenever he could, including cases that can be quantitatively explained by Classical Physics. It appears that Alpha Phoenix has never used Quantuma Mechanics in his Ph.D studies, apart from using microscopes to observing chemical compounds.
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How we can make more interesting that which you say about ?
It is beyond physics perhaps. Joy to you and all your thoughts.


I agree with what Marc Fruchtman said below that it is an alternative perspective and that not everyone would feel that it is all well known and done in the past. I also agree with you that he is sometimes overcomplicating a rather simpe thing by introducing quantum theory.

I think that if you apply any forces to a solid steel rod for example that creates velocities slower than the propagation velocity through that rod, the whole rod would move as one at that low velocity. It's when you start applying short impulses, especially ones generated by a much less massive object than the rod. I.e. a small solenoid or even your finger knuckle at one end of the rod that the "knock" is unable to move the rod to any extent but the impulse created will travel down the length of the rod at the propagation velocity determined by the material of the rod.

I've always been a believer that to learn something really well and thoroughly, you should get as many points of viewas as possible. It's the way I've always tried to learn anything even in the days of books. It's especially good in todays world with so much available on youtube. The only problem is that you must know enouh to discern between the reality and someone tying to pull one over you or just simply doesn't know the subject themselves. With that said that is the greatest positive of the Veritasium video, whatever his true beliefs are the video has made a lot of people rethink the subject. I've been saving most of the videos that have popped up in relation to the original, find it very interesting how many perspectives came as a result of it.

Hope this all makes sense.


Hi, earthquakes are very frequent in my country, and first waves are detected by persons, even animals change behavior hours or minutes before. I think many people struggle with the lack or non-existence of an implicity defined "ether" when atomic and sub-atomic particles comes to their minds. Again, thank you professor.


You seem to be confused about what the purpose of that video was. The intention was not to conduct research or publish results, it's an educational video demonstrating the limitations of different models. AlphaPhoenix is an educational Youtube channel meant for a diverse group of people interested in science or learning science, many of which possibly with a limited science background.

"This is nothing new, why did he choose this topic?". "I'm still waiting for his published result". Again, you seem to be very confused. The purpose of the experiment was not to publish observations from, but to show in the video as a demonstration. The video is the final product. This is an educational video.

"In my opinion these multiple choice are irrelevant". Again, the purpose of that is to engage with the audience, a large portion of which undoubtedly have little or no science background. Of course to you these answers might seem silly or obvious, but most definitely not to the average person.

Let's just appreciate the video for its educational value.
