Does Electrical Energy Fly? On Veritasium's Recent Experiment
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How to explain the observed transient voltage signals detected by both Alpha Phoenix and the LIGO engineer hired by #Veritasium? That was my first thought once I saw his second video on day one.
It is revealed that #Veritasium has irresponsibly used the raw experiment result, which he didn't, or couldn't, quantitatively explain, in attempt to justyfy his early claims on a simple DC circuit. In particuler, it appears that the detectable voltage across the resistor prior to the arrival of the first photon, or the first wavefront of EM wave, emitted from the battery side. In essence, #Veritasium has failed to realize that the observed voltage across the resistor in the first 66 ns can is due to the #Henry-Faraday electromagnetic $induction, that he should have studied in high school.
While still using the irrelavent Poynting vector this time, #Veritasium tried to draw viewers' attention to the loosely defined surface charge distribution. This is another mistake that can be discussed in my next video. In short, electrons are accelerated in a conductor wire due to the pressence of the potential differenc at two ends, rather than the surface charges.
More importantly, it is explained in this video why #Veritasium and other youtubers have been selling their idea that electrical energy can be transported, beamed, and eventually#harnessed, from a source to another place in relation to the coming energy crisis due the fear of unpredictable climate change. This old idea inicially imagined by #Tesla has been used to guide investors, and shape public opinions, which is a bigger issue beyond physics and should be openly addressed.
How to explain the observed transient voltage signals detected by both Alpha Phoenix and the LIGO engineer hired by #Veritasium? That was my first thought once I saw his second video on day one.
It is revealed that #Veritasium has irresponsibly used the raw experiment result, which he didn't, or couldn't, quantitatively explain, in attempt to justyfy his early claims on a simple DC circuit. In particuler, it appears that the detectable voltage across the resistor prior to the arrival of the first photon, or the first wavefront of EM wave, emitted from the battery side. In essence, #Veritasium has failed to realize that the observed voltage across the resistor in the first 66 ns can is due to the #Henry-Faraday electromagnetic $induction, that he should have studied in high school.
While still using the irrelavent Poynting vector this time, #Veritasium tried to draw viewers' attention to the loosely defined surface charge distribution. This is another mistake that can be discussed in my next video. In short, electrons are accelerated in a conductor wire due to the pressence of the potential differenc at two ends, rather than the surface charges.
More importantly, it is explained in this video why #Veritasium and other youtubers have been selling their idea that electrical energy can be transported, beamed, and eventually#harnessed, from a source to another place in relation to the coming energy crisis due the fear of unpredictable climate change. This old idea inicially imagined by #Tesla has been used to guide investors, and shape public opinions, which is a bigger issue beyond physics and should be openly addressed.