Does Electrical Energy Fly? On Veritasium's Recent Experiment

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How to explain the observed transient voltage signals detected by both Alpha Phoenix and the LIGO engineer hired by #Veritasium? That was my first thought once I saw his second video on day one.

It is revealed that #Veritasium has irresponsibly used the raw experiment result, which he didn't, or couldn't, quantitatively explain, in attempt to justyfy his early claims on a simple DC circuit. In particuler, it appears that the detectable voltage across the resistor prior to the arrival of the first photon, or the first wavefront of EM wave, emitted from the battery side. In essence, #Veritasium has failed to realize that the observed voltage across the resistor in the first 66 ns can is due to the #Henry-Faraday electromagnetic $induction, that he should have studied in high school.

While still using the irrelavent Poynting vector this time, #Veritasium tried to draw viewers' attention to the loosely defined surface charge distribution. This is another mistake that can be discussed in my next video. In short, electrons are accelerated in a conductor wire due to the pressence of the potential differenc at two ends, rather than the surface charges.

More importantly, it is explained in this video why #Veritasium and other youtubers have been selling their idea that electrical energy can be transported, beamed, and eventually#harnessed, from a source to another place in relation to the coming energy crisis due the fear of unpredictable climate change. This old idea inicially imagined by #Tesla has been used to guide investors, and shape public opinions, which is a bigger issue beyond physics and should be openly addressed.
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2:20 The green curve represents the current through the switch (measured as voltage across a dummy resistor). The voltage across the battery is constant.


Hi professor Yong, thank you. Indeed what a great result is an experiment that shows changes detected faster than light!!. In my humble opinion perhaps we need to review the work of Bohm and de Broglie: as far I understand nonlocality may explain "that distant particles combines or binds into a single reality" from Goldstein, Sheldon, "Bohmian Mechanics", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (but at macroscopic scale?)


When something that was explained to me at the 3rd grade undergraduate course becomes a matter of universal discussion I begin to agree with the guy that said:"What I really know is that I know nothing."


I think you better go redo this video, as the time scale on the scope Veratasium was using was set to 50 ns per division. So your 13 ns marks are really about 65ns.


There are 2 electrical laws: man-made law and natural-made law and the final combination both.


Hi Yong Tuition, I'm not sure what the problem is in thinking that the energy can be transferred from point A to point B, such as from the power plant to our homes. I get the point that the electrons moving at the power plant side are not the same electrons moving at the load or destination, but as far as I'm aware, the power plant converts some form of energy such as thermal or hydro into mechanical, driving an alternator which creates an output voltage which when connected to a load creates an alternating current in the load. The load is often some kind of transformer which under ideal conditions follows a rulle that the power in equals power out, in reality and I'm sure you are well aware that nothing is ideal and there are losses of various kinds which prevent 100% of input power from being produced at the destination where the final load is. The fact that there are numerous transformers between the generating plant and final destination shouldn't matter. The fact is that without the generator and all the transmission equipment, transmission lines and transformers all the way to the end user is all necessary in order to light and heat our homes. Therefore as far as I'm concerned it doesn't matter if you think that the energy is transmitted or not to the distance the fact remains that you need to have voltage and current at the end of it all to have watts for various devices. It all originates at some source but how it gets to the destination is really only a technicality. Just my 10c worth. Thank you for the videos you're generating.


My question is who the heck funds Veritasium? They repeatedly publish obfuscating nonsense falsely posing as authoritative physics . If you respond with a case-specific physics-disciplined response, some random individual will counter-argue with irrelevant sophistry invoking a mishmash of vague nonrigorous buzzwords in popular physics. Very curious behavior!
