How do God’s sovereignty and humanity’s free will work together in salvation? |

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Man's free will vs God's sovereignty is an age-old question. The sovereignty of God in the Bible is clear. At the same time, man’s free will in the Bible is just as obvious. But which is it? Is man free to choose, or does God’s sovereignty override man’s choices? In this video, Pastor Nelson with Bible Munch answers the question, “How do God’s sovereignty and humanity’s free will work together in salvation?”.

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Thanks. Out of the other 10 videos I watched the was by far the easiest to understand on this topic in the shortest time period


So, this is one of those "we can't really answer this question fully. Just go with the flow and don't worry about it" things.

... I'm simple guy, so I'll go with it. It beats the alternatives.


You have accurate doctrinal analyses and this is reassuring.


This didn't explain anything. Only said we can't understand it. But we actually can if we just read the Bible.


Never understood why this was an issue to begin with.

If we know that God is Absolutely Sovereign, which He is and which the Bible teaches, then we know that nothing is too difficult for Him.

Since He can do whatever He wants, He can easily create a being with free will without losing His Absolute Sovereignty.

A god that couldn't create a being with free will without losing his sovereignty wouldn't actually be Absolutely Sovereign to begin with. Man is free because God is Sovereign.


Wayne Grudem, in the chapter “God’s Providence”, in his Bible Doctrine and Systematic Theology, writes of a point referred to as “Concurrence” where God is the first, or primary, agent, and man is the secondary agent. So, God elects, then man chooses.


I never had an issue with this topic. My understanding goes like this:

1. God is aware from eternity _(meaning, even _*_before_*_ creating anything)_ who will choose Him and who won't. This means, from God's perspective, those who will choose Him _(in time)_ has already chosen Him before creation _(i.e., since the foundation of the world - these are the chosen, the elect)._ And those who will reject Him _(in time)_ has already rejected Him before creation _(i.e., since the foundation of the world - these are the damned, vessels of dishonor and God's wrath)._

2. He then proceeds to call all creation into existence _(heaven, angels, universe, all living things, man, hell, etc., ), _ determining every single and all events throughout all time, including what happens when and who does what. This is predestination _(yes, this is equivalent to fate)._

3. Every choice and every action of every man that God predetermines is never outside the scope and extent of the good or evil nature which that man himself has chosen from the foundation of the world _(refer to Point 1)._ This is how God's sovereignty and man's free will work together for salvation or damnation of men.


yes, it is like impossible to understand. even with all this searching.


I believe that scripture teaches that we are chosen IN Him before the foundation of the world. There is a condition there, IN Him, not to be in Him. Ephesians was written to the faithful IN Christ Jesus. We are not IN Christ until we hear the gospel, believe, are then sealed with the Holy Spirit. Jesus is the Elect one, the chosen before the foundation of the world, we were not there, I believe scripture teaches we are IN Him/elect/chosen, once we believe. (in time)


Hi all, read ephesians chapter 1 and looking underline each time GOD preforms an action that relates to your salvation. Vsn13 speaks of belief, 25 of faith. Chapter 2 speaks of sinners being (spiritually) deadin vs 1, vs 4&5 GOD made us(spiritually) alive. Vs 8&9 speak for themselves. Paul had heard the gospel message in acts 7: 54 - 59.he didn't belive 8:2-3 it took a special revelation from the LORD JESUS to convert him. All I ask is to prayerfully read these verses.


One assumption is that we have free will. It isn’t mentioned in the Bible.


Man chooses to accept-Election follows. I do agree the Doctrine of Election is more than we can explain or comprehend so my compliments for mentioning that in the video. No one can fully understand election this side of Heaven and that includes people like John McArthur


Calvanist Channel= Calvanistic Point of View
