¿Qué ocurre en nuestro cerebro cuando estamos aprendiendo? | La HoraTech Barbara Oakley

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What happens in our brain when we are learning? Barbara Oakley is an engineering professor at Oakland University in Rochester and creator and professor of the 'Learning to learn' mooc with almost three million students. She visited us at #LaHoraTech to answer this question and talk about neuroscience.

"Technology is a help but the fundamental thing is what we do with our own brain. Technology has not changed the way our brain thinks except for things like that we may be more distracted by social networks," replies Barbara Oakley about how technology affects our neurons.

Our guest also explains what the Pomodoro technique consists of, which is based on separating all distractions to concentrate. "What makes this technique so effective is that it trains your brain to concentrate for 25 minutes," says the expert.

In addition, we have been able to talk to her about the differences between the machine learning process and the human: "I think it's fascinating because they are very similar processes. Artificial intelligence is able to recreate the artistic sense."

Expand your knowledge about neuroscience by watching the full interview.

#LaHoraTech #BarbaraOakley #Neuroscience #thetechhour

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