Blackstone Griddle Seasoning and Conditioner | Blackstone Griddle

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The debate is over! Looking for the best way to season and protect your new Blackstone Griddle? Well, look no further! We have create a proprietary blend that is the one-stop-shop for getting the initial seasoning layer perfect on your new Blackstone. In this video, Chef Nathan Lippy will walk you through the entire process.

Find the New Blackstone Griddle Seasoning and Cast iron Conditioner at your local Walmart or click the link below.

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I just bought this and scanned the code on the container to find this video. My griddle isn’t new, but I reseasoned it with the griddle seasoning and it worked amazing. So amazing that I went and reseasoned all of my cast iron cookware with it. My griddle may not be Blackstone, but I can honestly say that all of the Blackstone accessories I have bought have been nothing short of quality.


I have the Pro Series 28 inch. I used the Blackstone griddle seasoning. One tablespoon per application is plenty! Don’t use a paper towel to apply. It will fall apart. Use an old cotton dish cloth. I applied five coats to my new griddle. My result was perfect.


Got my Father’s Day gift early this year and I love it!!


Just got a 36 inch Blackstone for Fathers Day! I just seasoned for the first time, and we’re getting ready for our first cook!


I used a dishrag to spread the oil, worked a lot better than paper towels. The papper towels break apart leaving bits all over the gridle


Currently seasoning my brand new 22”! Getting it ready for camping on Monday! Following every step. Wish me luck


A good tip if you’d like to smoke off the oil in the corners or sides, use a torch. Or of course, use the oven if the griddle fits in your oven. 400-450 for an hour as a final season might work great.


👀👀 All you need is Crisco lard, rubbed it and burn it off three 3 time when I bought my griddle when I'm done using it clean it an re-crisco it again and burn it it off when I re-uses it on my next cooking, my grill never seen a rust in it life and no sticking issue either been an executive chef for 25 years I ran and clean every equipment that sit in a kitchen.


Damn fine product. I was not expecting it to work that well. Heating was no issue. I will note, make sure that your grill is LEVEL! This prevents buildup and pooling. Thanks, @Blackstone


Do you keep the griddle on the whole time? 3-5 applications 15 min each is alot of propane 😢


The Costco Kirkland towels work great! Haven’t had them flake off at all!


So do I have to let it cool between burn the 2nd and 3rd coat and so on.. or as soon as it stops smoking I just apply more!?


The paper Blackstone decided to stick all over the griddle has left a residue Those areas aren’t discoloring with heat before I season it.


My question is: after cooking and cleaning griddle with water and a rag, do I just apply the seasoning conditioner or do I also burn it off until it's smoke free??


Followed these instructin to the letter! My new griddle is just gray as it came but now with gray and brown area's don't tell me I know should have used bacon.


So what kind of metal is blackstone making their griddles out of? Some thing other than steel? I ask because literally for hundreds of years cast iron pans, or carbon steel pans, have all been seasoned the same way. A cleaned surface which is then oiled, then heat applied, this forms a very hard and solid surface which lets these pans last for decades and decades. You don’t need a $1 worth of beeswax and oil combination put into a $10 jar.

I have cast pans that were my great grandmothers, probably more than a hundred years old, that have been maintained without some snake oil potion. My Blackstone is over ten years old now and I have maintained it the same way and it is no worse for wear.

I love my blackstone, so much so I actually have two. However to think that this company has resorted to some potion, with so called “proprietary ingredients” that some how is better than centuries of practice is simply madness. I find it to be insulting to the owner’s intelligence. To think we should line this companies pockets when a few drops of oil and some heat will do just fine, it is simply absurd.


Mine isn’t smoking a ton even at high heat. It smokes but nothing like you are showing. I have the 36 griddle from Costco


My QR code on my Griddle Seasoning brought me here. What video is on the QR code for one in this video? Is this an infinite loop?!


I’ve had several great cooks on my new 28 inch. Question, the front 2 inches of the griddle are not as hot as the remaining. It’s just not getting darker. Looking underneath, it’s not over the flame, but the griddle is flush with the base. Anyone else getting a lower temp in the same front area?


Can I use this on my cast iron pan to create a seasoning layer ?
