Spiritual Fatigue and Exhaustion | Non-Duality Awakening

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Why we get spiritual exhausted and fatigued, and what to do about it.
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Besides talking and writing about Non-Duality I am also an artist. Painting with mostly acrylics, but sometimes also with mixed media, on canvas and paper.

#nonduality #meditation #stillness #truth #spirituality #advaita #awakening #enlightenment #mindfullness
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Yes that is true brother, the burden of knowing the solution and not being able to do much about it


Awakening is a process of many lifetimes.


I feel joy with being with God. Worshipping and praising his name. As soon as I get busy doing daily task, I get sad. I don't want anything but HIM


It's like you're talking directly to me! Thank you so much for this message. Love you Hans!


For the laughter-meditation of the love! :yes!


You just popped in my YouTube
Thank you for this video 🙏
Had my awakening in 2017 but before my awakening I always wondered there’s more to life. As an old soul I’m exhausted and have no motivation
I only have motivation to help others and to do things that are aligned with my soul


Thanks for your honesty and good humor!


Thank you for the calm understandable talk this video was what I needed to hear 🙏


paraphrasing (23:45): 'if life were a circus of endless joy then existence would not be able recognize itself. pain and suffering are needed to recognize the truth'

I cannot deny that pain and suffering led us to this point and that in itself is an expression of beauty. Yet once the truth is recognized, does that not in a sense recontextualize suffering into an experience that leads to more beauty? I feel that from such a perspective suffering is essentially and that may 'give us permission', so to speak, to no longer feel burdened by it. Maybe we can stop taking it so seriously? Is it not our attachment to, or our identification with, suffering that perpetuates it?

paraphrasing (26:36): 'god cannot interfere even once or it would have to interfere everywhere and nothing would happen - everything would come to a standstill'

I found myself getting caught up on this sentiment and was wondering if you could elaborate. Why would things have to come to a standstill if god were to interfere with everything?

I find it amusing that I would feel so prompted to ask you these questions on a video where you are trying to tell us to take a break and to laugh more. That aspect of this is not lost on me, but I wish to ask them anyway.

I appreciate your videos a lot, thank you for making them.


Thank you for this wonderful discourse. I think that perfection is implied from the place which I come from. Although I can be quite sirius about things. I believe that god is truth.
And We did not make the prophets forms not eating food, nor were they immortal [on earth].



This is so so beautiful. EXACTLT what i needed and what i feel.


It's a beautiful suffering outcome


I'm so grateful I came across your channel. I will be watching more :)


This time listening to you was moving. Thank you for sharing. By the way, I love to help ants and spiders.


I'm so sick of the spiritual walk; it's exhausting and I don't want it anymore. I feel like I am supposed to do certain things that I do not want to do in order to go forward. I do better when I am just out walking and hanging out with my animals. I'm not unhappy; I just keep trying to follow the signs and it's confusing. I'm not unhappy being single as I spent most of my life with men. It's only been 4 years since my last relationship. I believe that even though I don't socialize I will meet someone if it's meant to be. I'm not in a hurry. I think I watch too many YT videos about spirituality and this has gotten me bewildered with my walk.


With all due love and respect, you sound so serious that my blind, black husband hearing your voice said "he sounds completely tired!" When I realized what the point of the talk was, I couldn't stop laughing! Those looking for another doorway to lightening up (rather than permission for frozen neoadvaitans to stop trying so hard), check out the comedy YouTubes or Netflix special of British comic Michael McIntyre. He's so funny and at the same time seeing so clearly. Watching him is one of the ways we give ourselves a break, and we are definitely living in Oneness.


Give yourself a break before you break yourself.


Im a norwegian going through the awakning process (not really..im consciousness. Mentioning that since you're Danish expressing what i also feel about awakning). Besides the initial satori, and the gradual of establishing oneself as ones true identity, the consciousness in which everything appears (and the world itself 1 to 1), the metamorphosis of the shadow aspects are incredibly tough. As you point out; the sales pitch is one thing (Eckharts sudden awakning for instance), but the true awakening for most people...? Very challenging. But i believe thats what we came for on earth to transform.


I keep falling back into identification with the old thought pattern. How do you stay as being?


You are that existence and non-existence. That existence is responsible for all that is.
