Darius is too boring to be special || design hot take #shorts

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He’s boring until you see him Guillotine one of your team and then it’s suddenly very lively.


I think there’s always room for boring characters. Every character being protagonist levels of interesting feels a bit bloated don’t it?


This is probably one of the few times I have to disagree with your take. While Darius on his own is quite boring, what makes him stand out is that he's an embodiment of Noxian Ideals, as the peasant turned Warrior and politician simply through his own might. Without him, that central embodiment of Noxus would be gone.


Darius I say works. Let's be honest, his design is absolutely memorable to League of Legends, especially his axe. In a way I say he represents the might of Noxus, that being the Trifarion Legion. A bunch of soldiers who are just soldiers, nothing more nothing less. But IMO he's a subversion of a stereotypical warring commander in a fantasy world. He has layers that build his character more than meets the eye, so his simplicity is like another touch of his character. He's practical, straightforward, & blunt


Darius was one of the most boring cardboard cut outs that actually got a really good lore and personality redesign and he's become one of my favs.
There's a man in Darius who wants to enjoy the simple quiet life. He wants to admire the beauty of the world and half a laugh and smile but he can't because he is the Might of Noxus. He can't show weakness or even a personality because he knows people look up to him as a symbol for what Noxus stands for and while he might show himself as proud of it, he's seen the horrors of Noxus propaganda in his own daughter, who murdered her mother without hesitation just because she doubted and went against Noxus.
While Darius is proud and truly believes in Noxus, he knows and has seen it is a double edged sword, and it is too late to change that, not with Swain in power.


All the “boring” things about Darius are what I find interesting about him 😂 to each their own I guess


idk why but boring suits him so well he is no god no spirit no fancy vastayah he is just a human yet he goes toe to toe with all of them it feels... fitting


He is pretty straightforward, but I think that kind of accentuates him at the same time in terms of the environment he's in? Its kind of the point of the 'straight man' style characters in general. In a world where people have cosmic dragons, sand bending emperors, and cosmic horrors to fear, Darius is a man with resolve, tenacity, and an axe. Even as a member of the trifarix along with a character like Swain who utilizes some old dark power, Darius is the embodiment of what Noxus promises people: a chance to prove yourself as long as you have the mettle.

Though, that being said, yes it does not lend well to unique visual design.


I'll have to disagree on this one. Darius is supposed to be one of the leaders of Noxus, and his design represents that perfectly. I wouldn't like something more fancy, that'd just make him look overdesigned and maybe out of place. Of course, there was no need to put spikes on his armour though. When it comes to his character model in game, he is definitely outdated, but have in mind he's quite old.


I think "competently executed" is exactly how I'd define Darius. I think he'd just benefit from some more stories surrounding him that put him in complex situations. Kind of like how "The Winter Soldier" and "civil war" turned Captain America from a one-note character to a fan favorite


In a game with so much characters that have one hundred pages about their personality, stories and trivia lore, i welcome any character which is simple and straight forwards because if anything that makes him a lot more unique than the special snowflakes


When I started playing league he was "red angry garen" for me


the "booring" look fits him pretty well imo
he's supposed to represent the common noxian soldier, as well as what they strive to be


I think they executed well on his role as the physical incarnation of noxian might, just an unstoppable pain train of a man


Yes design wise but that's he really is
Simple not wanting to stand out not like his brother DRAVEN
some would say his design still pass to being that mighty noxian leader and some says his not
It's just a matter perception


Big army general dude in red that started from nothing, and now spins and executes with his axe

Yeah, kinda generic all things considered

And while a good representation of Noxus, he's not supposed to be Noxus, he's supposed to be Darius


i know you dont talk about skins, but its probably the reason why most of the league community knows him as or associates him more with his dunkmaster persona, it just has something there instead of being such a basic evil empire aesthetic


Can't wait to hear your take on Draven (have you done a what's the deal with him?)


His incredbley boring runeterra card conveys this nicely as well lol.


I don't like playing him despite maining toplane. But I do very much enjoy his design, much like how I enjoy Mordekaiser. Sometimes you just want a well executed generic trope.
