LORE - AMNESIA Lore in a Minute! (SPOILERS!)

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Dodger weaves the scary and spoiler filled tale of the Lore of Amnesia: The Dark Descent! Have Fun!

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Written by Phil

Voiced by Dodger

Edited by Schroeder

Art by D.J. "Metaly" Ross


LORE - AMNESIA Lore in a Minute! (SPOILERS!)

Our hero, Daniel, despite his intense fear of the dark, goes on an archaeological expedition to Algeria where he uncovers an ancient tomb. The tomb entrance collapses on Daniel, forcing him to venture deeper before coming upon a mysterious Orb. Rescued hours later, he returned to England where he sought out information on the Orb. Daniel learns that the expedition team he left behind disappeared and everybody he's come in contact with regarding the orb has turned up dead.

Daniel then receives a letter from Baron Alexander of Brennenburg, offering to protect him within the confines of his castle. Fearing for his life and desperately seeking answers for the connection between the Orb and the deaths, he travels to Castle Brennenburg. There, it becomes clear that an unknown force, known as The Shadow, has been murdering those around Daniel and has followed him to the castle. To keep The Shadow away and buy time for his banishing ritual, Alexander insisted that the two must extract Vitae from prisoners, a substance that is secreted in the blood during times of stress.

Daniel took part in these gruesome tortures and fed prisoners Amnesia potions so they could be tortured repeatedly until they were all dead. Alexander then kidnapped a family, killing the father and imprisoning the mother and her daughter. The daughter managed to escape but Daniel tracked her down and murdered her. In his remorse, Daniel realized that the baron had been murdering innocents all along in order to obtain the Orb's power for himself. Unable to come to grips with what he had done, Daniel consumed an Amnesia Drink and left himself one final note: Find Alexander and murder him.

Have fun!

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Daniel took the amnesia potion to forget about all the torture and killings he committed. He didn't want to remember the horrible things he did, but knew he wanted to kill Alexander, So he wrote it down in a note at the beginning of the game.


''an unknown force, known as the shadow"... Though it was unknown, ah whatever.


In amnesia I'm the asshole who has twenty sanity potions and no sanity


So, I saw Harry Mason, James Sunderland, and Henry Townsend all appear as "prisoners" in this one. Nice.


I figure it was getting trapped in the tomb that caused his fear of the dark.


"an unknown force, known as the shadow"...


The monsters were Alexanders servants. During the game, it mentions that Alexander was followed by servants in cloaks that smelled strange. Alexander was slowly mutilating the servants into monsters before Daniel used the potion.


Amnesia is one of those games that once you complete them you get that feeling of just wow


Puddleboatprouctions Doesn't seem like anyone got back to you. ANYWAY. When he was killing people originally; not only were they adults, but he also trusted what Alexander had told him about them. (He and Alexander had become fast friends) And then, as the Shadow got closer and closer... and closer... he started to become desperate. He'd already shown signs of not caring about the people he was killing

"Being around these degenerates makes me ill. None of them even tries to face their punishment with any kind of dignity. They taunt me with their lies of innocence and their cowardly pleas of mercy. What can make a man fall so far from the grace of a civilized existence. They are all wicked men and I remind myself of it constantly. Still, I am thankful for God sending these monsters our way, as they will serve as the instruments of my salvation."

But as you go further into his past, and reach the 'paint the man, cut the lines' moment, and what he says afterwards, you realize JUST how desperate he was getting.

"The blood wards are failing. The shadow beckons and its cry disarms my actions. Hurry, no time to spare. You have to kill another. Alexander produces a knife. He wants me to cut the flesh. Do it, save yourself. He is a murderer, Daniel. He is evil – a cold blooded killer. Hurry.

“Alexander, you must let me be. I have to concentrate.” Paint the man, cut the lines, cut the flesh, watch the blood spill – let it come.

“Please, I didn’t do anything.” Paint the man, cut the lines. Paint the man, cut the lines! “Please!” the man cries. Hush, hush – now you sleep.

I did well! One life for another. You hear me, Guardian of the Orb? I did all this for you! Now, once more, withdraw your shadow from my domain!

Alexander, there isn’t much time. I can feel it. We must act swiftly. I will do whatever it takes."

And then he goes with Alexander, as pointed out in the video, and basically picks up a family to use in the ritual. Zimmerman a Dairy Farmer, and his family.

"Tonight, we will unlock the power of the Orb and ultimately banish the shadow hunting me. I feel it closing in on me and I fear for my life more than ever.

Just outside Altsdadt lies a small settlement where Zimmerman, a dairy farmer, lives with his wife and three children. We took the coach and went there. Our visit was unexpected and Alexander was able to strike Herr Zimmerman down without alerting the others. As he went to take care of the farm hands, I began to look for the children.

We should have more than enough prisoners to finish the ritual now."

Anyway, the mother and the girl end up digging a hole through the floor of their prison cell, but it's only big enough for the girl to climb through. Daniel beats the mother to death while asking where the girl went off to, and then proceeds to chase the girl down throughout the castle. (when you play the game, you can hear her yelling to get away from her, that she's going to get Gabriel the rider, etcetc) Daniel finally catches up to her, I believe, in the storage area (near the guest room and the elevator and machine room). And he stabs her to death. But then he realizes just what he's done. And what he's been doing in his desperation.

"I cannot believe what I have become. One of the girls escaped and I chased after her all the way upstairs. I hunted her down and...

What is a life worth? How many lives can I take before I surrender my own? Sure, I would kill a murderer to save an innocent. But to kill an innocent to save myself – a cold blooded murderer!"

So, you see, he perceived himself as 'doing the right thing' up to this point. And thus killing stopped bothering him over much. It wasn't such a trauma or shock to his system. And thus why he didn't drink the amnesia potion himself until after he killed the girl.

As for why he'd so easily fall into something like that, desperation aside. Through loading screen text, it's pretty much implied that Daniel was abused by his father, and a bully at school. And abuse can lead to people becoming... unhealthily violent later in life, if they don't have a healthy outlet, or what have you. BUT, also, it is also implied that this isn't the first time he's been coaxed into doing something violent. As one of the loading screen texts talk about him hitting a boy (likely the bully) with a rock, as a group of students urged him on to do it. He mentally questioned it at first, but still carried through.

8U And this is too long. So I'm certain you will get bored much further up there. lol I apologize.


I know everyone kinda already replied to you but xD They all seemed to forget the most important thing: Daniel was being chased by something called 'The Shadow', which fed on his negative emotions and made it easier to find him. He used the Amnesia Potion to forget all the wrong he's done so that the Shadow would delay finding him, as it would be unable to detect him. That's why by the end of the game when Daniel remembers everything, the Shadow is usually not far behind you.


Watch this in 0.5 speed


soooo what are those monster torturees?


The amnesia potion was intended to keep the shadow away. The shadow was tracking down people with connections to the orb, but by playing the game you realise Daniel's plan to lose connections to the orb by having amnesia didn't work very well.


Still dosen't explain the monsters wich is all i needed to know


all i know about this game is this: barrels stalk you


The monsters Have a fairly complicated lore difficult to fit into this short video. Grunts: the soldiers Alexander trapped in the wine celler and who drank the poisened wine which mutated them. Brutes: Victims of the shadow brought back by Alexander (heads split down the middle is a slight give away). Kaernk: A creature from the world Alexander is trying to get back to. Given to Alexander by Weyer and trapped in wells before the shadow releaces them. Hope this helps the people wondering. :)


This is an even shorter version of Amnesia lore. You don't remember much, you're in a dark mansion, alone and there's monsters everywhere. Have fun!


Regarding the monsters: There is a note in the game that tells of their origin. Basically they are soldiers who abandoned their posts and got lost in the woods and cursed in some way, it's really vague and cryptic. There is also a scene in the wine cellar where you can hear people who have drunk some poisoned wine "transforming" due to the wine. So either if they are soldiers, been poisoned or both, they are now Alexanders' servants... for some reason.. Hope this helps.


I love how these lore episodes ACTUALLY help me understand the backstory of these games


What are the Silent Hill protagonists doing here ? O_o
