Game of Thrones 3x07, Sansa and Margaery discuss her engagement to Tyrion

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Game of Thrones 3x07, Sansa and Margaery discuss her engagement to Tyrion #Game of Thrones,Game of Thrones
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I think it was Natalie Dormer who said that if Sansa and Margaery weren’t involved in the politics of Westeros they would probably good friends, and I think these scenes prove it. I hate how the later seasons flanderized characters so much.


Sansa needed this talk and this friend.


Margery was so kind to her❤️. Sansa desserved so much more


Margaery literally seems more charmed when she talks about Tyrion, than she was with every other man she had been married.propsed to!


I am glad that Margaery is still talking to Sansa and isn’t ghosting her like how she did in the books.


Margaery was rigth about tyrion that he was far from the worst lannisters


Margaery was so smooth with most of her character interactions, I love her.


I love that Maggie thinks tyrion is hot, she's an open minded foxy gal!


I’d like to believe that this conversation was genuine from Margaery. At this point, the Tyrells didn’t need Sansa at all since she wasn’t going to marry Loras anymore. So there was no point in trying to be friendly to her. But it seems like Margaery here is being truthful and DOES want the best for Sansa. She really tried to educate Sansa here and prepare her. The Tyrells might have been ambitious climbers, but there were far from the worst family. They never took anyone down out of pleasure, unless they needed to.


Still if Sansa marries Tyrion, I think politically her son will be the most powerful person in all of Westeros. Automatically he will inherit his mother's throne of North also he will be the lord of Castely rock, son of the most powerful man in all of 6 kingdoms, the hand.


Margarey liked Tyrion because he wasn’t a prick. At the wedding she didn’t like that way he was being humiliated by Joffrey


Margaery: "Pretty girls. Most women don't know what they like until they tried it (stares at the young lady passing by)."
Anyone else thinks that Margaery has experimented a little with the opposite sex?
Gotta say, that would be nice. Man. Shes definitely experienced.


Sansa- I'm not afraid of the pain!
Ramsey- Be afraid. Be very afraid!


I absolutely loved this speech, every girl needs a Margery in their life. Young girls think they know what they want. They are shallow, usually wanting someone young and handsome. But Marge speaks the truth that you don’t know what you want until you have tried it (and it’s gooood)….even if it’s something you never thought you’d want!!


Sansa gets so much hate and it’s because the show writes her so shallow and whiney. This whole marriage debacle is so much sadder and nuanced in the books. Until they’re dressing her for the wedding, she’s under the impression that she’s marrying Willas Tyrell. Her negative perception of Tyrion goes beyond the fact that he’s a dwarf, but it’s also heavily perpetuated by the people around her (including Cersei). Not only that but she’s a child (12 iirc) marrying someone twice her age. She is also a Lannister hostage and distrusting them all is the wisest thing she could do. She’s right to be shocked and scared at this arrangement and not beholden to Tyrion. He’s the villain in her story and the hero in his.


You cant help but feel so much pity for Sansa. Being the first daughter of the Warden of the North, she was always raised as a dutiful girl who would someday marry and add to her gentle personality, Jeoffrey was everything she'd been taught she should strive for. Arya is wilder and more independent because of her personality sure, but Arya is also a second girl child in the family. Shes given much more freedom and less responsibility to be "lady" because of that.


I like this scene for how human it shows Margaery. She is ambitious, but not unkind.

However, I feel like too many people ship these characters, when this scene works so much better as a girl who knows how the world works trying to offer some encouragement to a more naive one. She's trying to be nice and friendly, but if you think there's any kind of romance at play here, it's just in your own head. As CS Lewis said, if you ascribe romance to friendly actions, it sadly shows you've never had a friend.


I think Margeary was sincere here, discussing what two women could do in those circumstances. After all, she was engaged to Joffrey, and she knew exactly what he was, as Cersei points after his death.


Watching this makes me more horrified by Margaery's death. If she was reunited with Sansa later on, it would be truly beautiful and special. Such a shame 😢


It’s unfortunate that they wrote her so shallow because I think having Sansa and Tyrion and Brianne and the bear in The Bear and The Maiden Fair was a good call on the showrunners behalf, but I think it missed the mark somewhat. They really could have gone into depth about how awful CA is, but they make light of it with Tyrion and Bronn
