Why Jesus's Miracles Are Not Impressive

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People have always worshipped and glorified their gods in the hope that the deities would stop doing terrible things to them and/or give them a break. A sacrifice to these gods was the proof of the sincerity of their worship since it cost them dearly. Many sacrificed their own children, including the ancient Israelites. Today people send a check for their life savings to a TV preacher in the hopes of a cure for a disease or to receive “ten-fold”. It was illusory six thousand years ago. It is illusory today.


Apologetics is not for unbelievers, it is designed specifically to give those who already believe in God intellectual comfort that what they believe can be supported (arguably quite unconvincingly) using logic and reason.


I struggle with the idea, on a daily basis, that an adult would believe these things are true. It is mind boggling.


How could a perfect god desire or need to be glorified? By definition, a perfect god requires and needs nothing.


What I see, is a lady who's oblivious to the fact that the atheist is talking hypothetically about an event he doesn't believe ever happened compared to the Christian who believes the story is completely true.


"If I were to prove, beyond a shadow of doubt, that God exists, would you love him?"

That depends on what god you prove to exist. And what explanation it gives for the suffering it has caused.


i do not care if they bring up miracles. not a single christian has ever proved that

1. god exists


2. that a miracle ever happened.


Atheist: "So, even *if* your God did exist, what you're saying doesnt make any sense."

Christian: "Aha! See everyone, he admitted it! He accepted that God does exist!"


He turned billions of people into idiots.
That's pretty impressive.


She sounds like she is at least trying to understand atheistic positions. But then again, she also engages in the same old rethorical trickery. For example at 6:04 she goes: "One of them sees the beauty of god and one of them does not."
I mean, we could just as well say: "One of them sees the cruelty of god and one of them does not."


There's something insidious about seeking glory. Seeking respect and being liked, even loved I can understand.


It's amazing how many bizarre, illogical things God did to "prove his glory" to his people.


9:16 _"If I were to prove […] god exists, would you then love him?"_
Why do they think one should automatically follow the other? This is genuinly perplexing me.


So God is like the fire fighter that sets fires, so he will be seen as a hero when he puts it out. Umm? 🤔


I agree with *Ms Christian Apologist* in one respect:

*_"Atheists look at these stories of an abusive, narcissistic God with revulsion & horror."_*

*_"Christians look at these stories that glorify God, and - through the kaleidoscopic filter of faith & religion - see a loving God worthy of worship."_*

*Christopher Hitchens* was absolutely right when he said that _"Religion Poisons Everything."_ The relationship with God that this woman describes is emphatically an abusive one, forever catering to the whims of a volatile narcissist who expects you to be obsequiously greatful for everything he does after he's been beating you bloody.

~ ~ ~

Christian: _"Glory to you o lord-"_
Jesus: _"You're not trying hard enough."_
    <slaps the Christian in the face>
    _"You need to sing of my glory loud enough for the heavens to hear."_
    <punches the Christian in the gut>
    _"I'm only punishing you because I _*_love_*_ you."_
    _"I could do far worse to you, y'know. Just look at how I treated Job."_
    <grabs the Christian by the hair & forces his head back until he can look him in the eye>
    _"Now say thankyou."_
*Christian:* <gets down on his knees>
    _"Thankyou for your love merciful lord! I am nothing without you..."_

~ ~ ~

I'm very sorry (whatever your name is) *Ms Christian Apologist, * but whether or not I believe a God is real, _this_  kind of dysfunctional relationship is utterly unacceptable to me. I consider it deeply immoral for anyone, Anyone (man, or God) to _demand_ my love & my worship - that's just not how love works. I'm also sincerely not masochistic enough to be a slave (or a pet) to such a profound narcissist.


I always ask for free stuff. I want them to waste their money trying to convert me.


"how differently they see god"

Lady we don't see god any kind of way because we don't believe in any gods. It's an argument about whether or not a character in a book is good or bad, you think the character is good because you have to, we think the character is bad because we can objectively demonstrate that to be the case.


Hey lady, hush hush; 1 Timothy 2:12 "I permit no woman to teach or to have authority over men; she is to keep silent."


Expecting me to love a stranger who allows his friends die just to show off how powerful he is would probably be one of the wildest admissions I've heard from an apologist....


I thought for a moment she asked "How many of you are familiar with the story of Lazarus and John Lennon?".
