Fr. Mike Schmitz | Chosen | Steubenville Rochester Youth Conference

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Fr. Mike Schmitz gave this Friday night keynote entitled, "Chosen" at the 2013 Steubenville Rochester Youth Conference.

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I know this was originally presented at a youth conference but I'm so glad that at the age of 40 I happened across it. This is exactly the message I needed to hear today. Thank God for the talents and graces he's given to this young priest! And thank God for guiding me to this presentation!


I wonder if the young 9 yr old MIke ever knew that he was never destined to be an "individualistic" ego centered winner (which is the state of so many accomplished people) but a mass winner. A mentor who turns scores of listeners into winners; a leader leading into perfect victory; a winner of souls for Christ. A young at heart priest, with the wisdom of the ages, which is shown by the choice you made to live for Christ and not only be a priest but a really dedicated spiritual reflector and impart er. St. Paul will surely be praying for you to continue part of his work of winning souls for Christ.


I am 65 and I heard more encouragement tonight than I have in a very long time, God bless you Father Mike and thank you for spreading the Holy Spirit not just to your audience there with you but also to us sitting by the PC two years later. God lives and all is well.Henryk


This was truly amazing!
Fr. Mike God Bless you and may you continue to touch people's lives with your God given gift!.


After 20 yrs of marriage. I'm going through a hard time, feeling unloved and unappreciated because I'm not as pretty, not as smart and not as worth to be loved. It helps to Know thatI I'm worth to be loved in God's eyes.


You may not have been a great swimmer Fr. Mike but you sure know how to teach about God. Always such a great message you give. Thank you and thank God for you.


His preaching and talks are simply made in heaven, never get tired of watching and listening to him. What a great priest. God bless the womb that gave birth to you.


Thank you so much Fr. Mike. My son who is 15 wants to grow up to be just like you.


Dear Catholics: Please remember that we adore God, Our Blessed Lord on our knees. I invite you all to receive Our Blessed Lord during Holy Communion Kneeling and in the Tongue. Our Lord is more pure more innocent than a new born baby, yet we treat him like a snack, like a candy. Please i beg you. Receive Him Kneeling and in the Tongue, not standing up as if defying HIM and definitely not in the hand, as this practice is Sacrilegious. God Love You All.


Every time you say "Jesus, I love you" actually what you are really saying is "Jesus, I love you too." Such a beautiful quote!!


I'm in love with Father Mike love the teaching about God and relevant issues with such compassion and wit


Using his own story, the story of Zacchaeus and of Jean Valjean (Les Misérables), Father Mike ilustrates that we are worth loving, no matter what. Exceptionally good!!


Am doing the Catechism in a Year and getting so much out of it. This popped up on my phone and really hit home to a 71 year old. We have served at Steubenville Florida for a number of years. Thank you for your enthusiasm, energy and encouragement. Continue to be filled and guided by the Holy Spirit.


Goodness Father Mike have you been fertilizing the Gods seed inside of my heart and I have felt my heart become so full and yearning to be closer to God then I ever felt possible! I’m converting to the Catholic faith and I just want to say thank you for your dedication and commitment to preaching Gods Word!


I love hear what you have to say....the Holy Spirit is definitely working through you...thank you so much


Father, Son, Holy Spirit.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.


What a lovely talk. God bless Fr Mike and I shall be sharing this with others.


I just listened to this because my daughter is planning to marry a non-Catholic. She is strongly considering marrying in his Protestant church. She is discussing things with HIS parents. I keep asking her, they need to come over so WE can discuss a plan. I plan to ask her (he might also) to watch this video and a few more I think are relevant.
Thank you for taking the time to make these video which are so important to explain beliefs of the
Catholic church.

God has given you a great gift! So proud that you are not wasting it!!


i love love love his story about chuke cheese


Ouch. I usually like listening to Father Mike but it's pretty cruel and abusive to condemn people who abort fetuses with down syndrome - calling them murderers again and again. It is not your place to condemn or judge people in this way and I wish you would stick to your normal encouraging messages. Try to act more Jesus-like please.
