Two Thrill-Seeking Savannah Cats Pose Risk to Owner's Life | My Cat From Hell | Animal Planet

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A professional skydiver adopted two Savannah cats that are as big of thrill seekers as him. Marello and Darwin will jump on top of the range hood, attack guests and even get into his parachutes. Being a hybrid of a domesticated cat and wild serval, Marello and Darwin need a lot of extra attention and care. Jacques' first homework assignment - more play and exercise for these two high-flying Savannah cats.
#AnimalPlanet #MyCatFromHell

About My Cat From Hell:
Jackson Galaxy brings his unique understanding and compassion to desperate families on the verge of giving up their furry companions.

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Two Thrill-Seeking Savannah Cats Pose Risk to Owner's Life | My Cat From Hell | Animal Planet
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The lacking amount of self-awareness this man possesses, in conjunction with how dangerous of a hobby he indulges in is astounding to me.. You lead an active lifestyle that isn’t conducive to the lifestyle the cats need, in addition to living in a small apartment with not only an F5 but an F2 Savannah is a disaster waiting to happen.. Why on earth would you not secure the gear that keeps you and others safe in a locked trunk in a closet, and then inspect your gear behind closed doors where the cats can’t interfere? There’s no verticals spaces, XL cat trees, nothing.. You can’t even tell that cats live there.. Darwin was literally on top of the highest places he could get to the entire first half of the episode..! There’s so many micro things wrong here- I just can’t..


This guy makes a fine argument for why owning these things should be illegal, if you're not a zoo.
Also, this guy just radiates "more money than sense" in general.


I don’t understand why people randomly get pets they have not researched first.


Savannah cats are not for everyone. Do not buy an animal you can't properly care for! Those cats are miserable. There are so many gorgeous cats in shelters that need good homes and would be a great fit for his lifestyle.


Such energetic half wild hybrid cats just don't belong in a flat


Savanna and bengals are NOT indoor/apartment cats. That is the equivalent of a jail cell for them. Their activity and stimulation needs are too high. I really wish people would get that in their heads.


When ppl get a cat and complain that catification doesn’t fit their aesthetic… 🤦🏼‍♀️


The entire time I'm watching this I'm like "THEN WHY DID U GET THEM?"


I can see why those hybrids are illegal in other places. The female would thrive in a huge outdoor enclosure with trees and access to inside a house for when she wants but that apartment is just not enough for such a wild animal. It's unfair to the animals to breed them to be part wild but not even fulfill their domestic cat needs, much less their wild cat needs. Breeding hybrids should start to be outlawed in more places. I see no need for that other than the people who buy them showing off they have a part wild animal as some status symbol. I hope this guy took it seriously and allowed for proper catification of his apartment and is spending a lot more time playing with those cats.


Some people have no idea how high maintenance these type of cats are. I literally watched a YouTuber dump thousands of dollars into basically reconstructing his entire home to fit the needs of his Savannah cat. It’s not joke.


I had a adolescent tabby show up at my apartment a week before Christmas and I'm still evaluating if I can meet his needs. People impulsively get these very cool animals but don't research and the animals suffer. It's selfish.


I just feel bad for the cats. If you care for them properly they arent like this. They need to play 24/7, and have lots of room to run, jump, and climb.


My heart hurts for the F2, she just doesn't belong in that environment. At the very least she needs a good sized outdoor run or catio, a place she can run, climb, feel the breeze and smell outdoor smells. I have a small, very gentle, tabby girl who is having to stay indoors for the moment. Even she needs 2 good play sessions a day (We play till she's tired and has had enough) and access to outside views, sounds, scents etc through very slightly open windows.I wouldn't even pretend I could effectively meet the needs of an F2 savannah.


This man is more worried about his decor than his pets. What a shallow guy.


When I heard F2 and F5, I was thinking of tornados.


Certainly at the very least Morello needs to be in a sanctuary and neutered. These cats are just accessories to him, suspect he has a red sports car too.


WHY is it so difficult for people to RESEARCH before they get a cat??! (Or any animal)


It's almost like they're part wild or something.


He's a thrill seeker, so he got 2 cats that gave him so much thrills, theyre ruining his life. Maybe if he gets therapy so he won't need a constant adrenaline rush, his life will become easier. 2 wild cats in a small appartment; what could go wrong?


No pity for this guy & tons of pity for these cats.
