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The Bengal mesmerizes cat lovers worldwide with its exotic look! But don't rush to get one just yet! First, let's learn the pros and cons of this wonderful cat breed, starting with the pros!

✅My cats' favorite toys:

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Cats, cats, and even more cats! This channel's goal is to become a resource for all cat lovers and cat owners out there. I also want to help new cat owners with all the information they need.

✅Who am I?

A crazy cat lady who loves to know as much as possible about cats and share that information with fellow cat lovers.
I think cats are amazing, and they don't deserve the bad reputation they sometimes have. I really want to help change that!

🚩Disclosure: Bear in mind that some of the links in this post are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase I will earn a commission with no additional cost to you. Keep in mind that I link these companies and their products because of their quality and not because of the commission I receive from your purchases. The decision is yours, and whether or not you decide to buy something is completely up to you.

🚩Disclaimer: This video is made for entertainment purposes only. It is not in any way medical/professional/breeder advice and should not be treated as so. Use the advice/information presented in this video at your own risk. Always look for medical advice from licensed veterinarians.

❤️Don't pay, get a stray!

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What I learned about the breed having a four and a half bengal kitten. They are very talkative. They say: I'm going to poop! I'm going to vomit! Yesterday he yelled: Oh my God, what's happening to me? Am I going to die? We rushed with my other cat to find out what happened to our poor kitten. Turned out that he just burped some hair.


I am shocked that no one talks about the most IMPORTANT thing about the Bengal breed. THE MOST IMPORTANT when buying the bengal breed is to know which generation the kitten or cat is. The best one and legal in all states in the US is the F5 and F6 Bengal and they are the official Bengal that you can buy breeding and showing rights for competition and still you are getting the best temperament of that breed of feline since it is still part Asian Leopard. If you get a Bengal that is anything before F5 or F6 you are taking a huge risk of difficult behaviors and closer to F1 and F2 you get, the more dangerous the feline becomes and you need to be aware of state laws because some states even if you have a permit and license to own them, you still can face legal fines and possible prison time if it is not legal in your state. Also F1 and F2 Bengals cannot live on cat food, their needs are very different and require a raw meat diet only. So many buying customers who want to buy a bengal get ripped off by jerks only wanting to make sales and do not inform their customers and the customers buy a dangerous or very difficult Bengal kitten and not aware the Bengal is an F3 or F 4 and suffer so many things when the kitten gets older, all of that can be avoided to know to search for reputable breeders that will only sell you F5 and F6 Bengal kittens unless you are trained and have a license to buy the earlier Bengel generations.


My Bengal did not like water, was very peculiar about socializing with us.
And she adored dogs but really did not like cats.

She truly was one of a kind


I have and own my very first Bengal kitten, got her when she was about 14 -15 weeks old. Her coat is a charcoal with rosette spots as i was sooo hoping for the brown coat but she still is gorgeous. She surprisingly was still very small, i was shocked to know she was older than she looked. She caught up in her size now tho lol she is now 6 months old and growing like a weed. She is one of the more quiet ones and doesn't talk much as i had originally anticipated. She did for a bit talk a lot when she was going potty in her litter box lol. She has the most quiet gentle distant meow when she is crazy happy playing with a toy. It is like those wispering screams we do to sound like a crowd gone wild but you don't scream but do the whispering scream, that is sort of what her quiet petite excited meow is like lol, it will melt your heart. She has gotten strange recently tho, one moment she adores me the next moment she doesn't care much to be near me lol so im still learning who she is and isn't but she certainly is nothing close to what everyone complaints or strongly warns about the Bengal breed. I guess it really does make all the difference when finding a quality and honest breeder.


You described my Bengal perfectly he even says “ i want”


"Bengel Cats are known for their intelligence" yet our Bengel ran into our next door neighbours house who owns 3 dogs who dont like cats


Picking up a Bengal in two weeks and I feel pretty good about the fact that there's nothing here I wasn't already aware of~ Really excited for this new adventure!


i have bengal cat tho my sister found her somewhere and i handle my cat very well i love her so much i named her mymy tho she's very beautiful i love her puffy nose and activeness, i nvr know abt bengal cat but i did my best on taking a good care of her i found out abt bengal cat after like 6 months i wanna know more abt bengal cat tho so i can be careful and take a good care of her :3💕


I have two of these cats. My hands look like Swiss cheese


My male Bengal yells Hello, Owwwe Owwe and some random other weird things. He's always coming up with new saying. 🙄


i think i got bengal mix cus lot of these just like her...she chase most other cats away that come by...i cant go no where she follow me...she talk when she want outside and get mad she gets mad when play with other cats...she do some kinda meow and then hiss at me...but then come back and rub me...then i pet her she bite...not hard but like im still pissed...very emotional


woohoo!like did good ~ all the best-


You forgot to mention that Bengal owners should buy bandages in bulk. It's probably a good idea to keep a kettle of boiling oil on the stove top as well, in case you need to cauterize a wound.


My Bengals when gets bored 🥱😴 goes up the roof and hunts and kills pigeons 🐦 😂😂😂
And then i dispose dead pigeons in the backyard.


What's too long to leave the cat alone? I work from home but I weekends I often go away until Sunday night. I had one before and it was fine since we had two, but right now it would just be the one cat.


Please do a savannah cat one next just asking it would help because I want one when I grow up


My bengal always meows anytime It see's me and does not like having 2 ppl touching at once


They may be active but I know someone who’s lazy as hell and they have a bengal!..and the cat is just as lazy


Yeah Separation Anxiety for Any Bengal is Huge! STAR My Bengal/Tabby Yowls& Howls y the Front Door of .y Apartment Whenever I Ieave. !! Really She Sounds like She's being extremely Abused ! I try to Never. Be gone longer than u 3 hours Maximum exhaustion IT too


Neighbours Bengal is terrorizing the neighbour hood, attacks any cat in the area resuting in huge vet bills, attacks my cats IN MY CATTIO, tearing holes in the heavy duty wire as well as the screen door, daily in spite of being driven off. Now attacks through the glass window .
Jumps on the roof tearing it up.Driven off daily comes right back.
Im a cat lover but hate the thing.
