Is Your Tampon Stuck? Do this #shorts

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Tampons are really popular but once in a while they might give you trouble especially if you forget to take them out.

If you have a stuck tampon, maybe after “certain activities” or maybe you placed a second one in because you forgot about the first tampon, do not freak out, you are not alone.

It is actually more common than you think.

First of all if you cannot find it, know that it’s somewhere in there within the canal, it cannot go any further.

It may not be easy to find or remove a stuck tampon. If you are in such a situation, do not leave it in due to the risk of complications.

First of all, You can take a deep breath, do not panic. You can insert one or two fingers and gently feel around for a string or the tampon itself.

Trying to relax might help as your muscles tend to tense up when stressed which may make it harder to remove a stuck tampon. Changing your position may also give you better access.

Note: Make sure you wash your hands with soap + water beforehand to prevent introducing germs.
Also trim your nails so you don’t scratch yourself in there.
Finally do not use any object or tools besides your fingers to try retrieving the tampon.

If you are not able to get a stuck tampon out by yourself, or you also have other symptoms like an unpleasant discharge/smell/fever/pa1n, it’s time to see a medical professional to help remove it.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments. Have you ever had this experience before?

The WhizDoc (Emmanuel Aguh, MD) is Board Certified in Family Medicine and is a Hospitalist Physician. He is a doctor on YouTube who educates people and explains various healthcare topics including sexual health, reproductive health, family medicine, urinary tract infections, genital infections, sexually transmitted infections/diseases, and more.

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Disclaimer: The content of this video is my opinion and does not constitute medical advice. The content and associated links provide general information for general educational purposes only. Use of this information is strictly at your own risk. Emmanuel Aguh, M.D. and The Whiz Doc will not assume any liability for direct or indirect losses or damages that may result from the use of the information contained in this video including but not limited to economic loss, injury, illness, or death.
#tampons #periodproblems #menstrualcycle #tampon #womenshealth
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I’m super stressed. I’ve been crying for hours and it just is a lot of pain.


I hope all you people got it out😭 it sounds horrible


No wonder why I’m scared to use a tampon, now imma tell my cousin to never use tampons cuz it can get stuck


Mine is dead today, and it really hurts to get out


Ummm I have a worse problem. The string came right off and it was REALLY deep and I had to get my homies to that stall bc this was at school and they thought I was having a heart attack so they rushed the schools nurse in, WHO HAD I FRICKIN ICE-PACK


I am here because I dont know if my tampon is still in there. After I poop, I noticed that there is no string. I did not feel that it slipped out of my vag. I tried to search for it but what I felt I think is the cervix.


Thank you so much.
I had to go see a doctor cuz I got a
Terrible brand and the string broke
And I couldn’t get it out.
So they somehow got it out and I’m never
Using that brand ever again ︎ ♡︎ྀིྀ


I have the bloody string but can’t pull it out


I got it out!! The hospital gave me some tips and here's what they said:
- try sticking in your index and middle finger into the vagina to try and get jt out

Here's what helped me:
- get into a squat or put one leg on the toilet seat and one leg down. Push like you're trying to poop. It should hopefully loosen.

I hope this helps! If not, contact your doctor or go to the er. Dont wait long to seek help. And dont try to use any objects to get it out!!


I just tried a tampon for the first time an I started my first period a year ago. I had to follow the instructions on another videos comment but it started to get uncomfortable so I wanted to take it out but when I tried it was stuck and this video helped me I just had to find the tampon itself sinc it hurt pulling on the string, now I have a new fear 😀


Iv had mine lodge under my cervix it wasn’t ever coming out


Y'all if you can find the string but it hurts pulling it out, just spray it with some water since it's just cotton and will become soft and easily come out


Hope this never happens to me I’m a virgin and I can’t even fit a finger more or less teo
