Discerning a Vocation as a Catholic | Fr. Ambrose

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Fr. Ambrose shares his advice on discerning the priesthood and religious life.

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0:00 The Church Decides
1:20 Misconceptions about Vocations
4:10 What is a Vocation Then?
4:55 Discerning a Vocation
7:27 When Discernment Really Begins
8:52 Concrete Steps Forward
10:30 The Best Advice

#stmichaelsabbey #catholic #priest #priesthood #catholicpriest #vocations

Father Ambrose explains how to know if you have a vocation to the priesthood or religious life in this video by the Norbertines of St. Michaels Abbey

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I'm a Muslim and I'm planning to convert to Catholicism this year but I won't be a priest I mean if everyone is aiming to be Peter and paul then who will be David and Solomon. I want to serve the Lord within my position and with everything I have, He has given me hope and a new life sadly there is nothing in this world and in my power to repay His favour and blessings that he bestows upon me 😢 please everyone pray for me pray so that I may convert and serve Him with all I have and to the last day of my life ❤


Thank you fathers. I am currently discerning a Norbertine Vocation, and recently discussed it with Fr. Vianney, grateful for you all!


I experienced this calling when I was in high school, and now that I’m married, my calling is still strong. I am considering entering the Permanent Diaconate. Every time I meditate on the living words of Christ, I feel peace, and I sense the strong presence of the Holy Spirit. There are moments when my mind seems guided by the Holy Spirit, and to my surprise, I find myself reciting prayers that surpass my imagination. Please pray for me. 🙏🏻


In deep mental prayer I have heard the lord call to me to serve him
I am young but sooner I will see where God will take me
If it is priesthood then hallelujah


God is indeed calling me for religious life. Thank you Fr God bless you abundantly 🙏🙏


Thanks Fr Ambrose. Praying for you and all at St Michael's


Thank you for this video this has been weighing heavily on my heart please pray for me


Thank you for this Fr. Ambrose 😊
Please pray for me to answer God's call to a consecrated life.
God bless the Norbertines 🙏🏼


I am 50 and I want to serve my Lord I prayed for what direction I need to go. I did that for 3 years. I tried to get involved with the Franscians and other orders but unfortunately my age is the problem. But I am very involved with my church and I pray allot for others and helping those in need. Sometimes simple vocations pleases Jesus the most. God's will is that I am close with Jesus Christ my spouse and this is his Will for me. ❤


I’m amazed with how well these videos are produced. Great job!


Ha sido tan hermoso este video de discernimiento que no puedo escribirlo en inglés (mi idioma es el español), no encuentro palabras; Dios y Nuestra Madre Santísima nos ayuden a saber si este llamado que algunos sentimos termine en un matrimonio con Él. Por más vocaciones sacerdotales y religiosas en el mundo, thank you so much for this video, many blessings for you all 🙏🙏❤


I’m currently discerning my vocation into the priesthood. I’m basically 100% sure that Christ is calling me. I’m SO attracted to the life of the Priest. My only discouragement and concern is my tattoos.. I have a few visible ones (although none of them are vulgar in nature), and tattoo removal would put me in so much debt. I also have a semi-recent car loan that I’m trying to pay off. I wish I would’ve pursued my vocation years ago. But, I’m praying that these things don’t stop me.


gorgeous words but also, the art of this video has been exquisite


Thank you Fr Ambrose, I am doing the fast and its beautiful. Thank you and God bless you and all at St Michaels Abbey.


Just came back from visiting Benedictines of Mary for a whole week! Thanks Father!!


I recommend going to Gabi After Hours youtube channel because he has some great videos on the Rosary (many are testimonies to miracles from it)


Peace be with you all. This video is a good help. Im actually in the state of confusion in my life as I feel like I'm being called to become a consecrated person, but I'm confused coz what if I'm called for married life. And about the statement of Fr. Ambrose on singlehood actually hit me hard as I'm going through with it right now. & I'm afraid that I'm not worthy to be called. Pls pray for me in my discernment journey. Thanks. God bless everyone


I have been giving some thought to exploring a vocation for the priesthood. At the moment I am just mentally jotting down the pro's/con's of the idea.

The pro's so far: 1) answers God's call to do more. 2) I am confident that I could do the graduate level work in seminary as I already have a law degree and have practiced law, 3) there's a need for priests, I could help. 4) Desire for holiness/grow in faith. 5) Desire to teach/educate/share/etc.

Cons: 1) I could never marry or have children. 2) I'll be old for a seminarian as I'm already in my early 40's. 3) Other languages/alphabets would be a vulnerability as I haven't studied another language since high school. 4) I'm not even a cradle catholic. I RCIA'd in a number of years ago, so I would be doubling up on non traditional student. 5) Maybe I'm not called, maybe I'm just having mid life crises.


You know what I’ll go check out one of the seminaries or monasteries


Happy to be here. God bless you more Father 😍
