Do you have a Vocation?

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Do you have a vocation?

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Once I started praying the entire Rosary everyday and going to daily Mass, the desire for religious life became stronger and stronger. The third convent I visited was where I finally found rest! Through Mary, I believe that I have found what I was made for!


I am a young man who strongly feels called to the priesthood. Please pray for me.


I will join Carmel next month. I want to be a Religious Brother. Please remember me in your prayers.
Thank you!❤


Well I was just accepted to seminary today so I hope so! Keep me in your prayers! God bless, Luke.


from book( To Save a Thousand Souls) Who Will You Bring With You Into Heaven? I once heard a priest tell his vocation story. I grew up in a very close, devout Catholic family with loving parents and we prayed together as a family every day. I attended a Catholic school with wonderful teaching Sisters and everything in my life revolved around the Church. I lived in a very Catholic culture. I was the number one altar server, the star student, and a leader in my class. Because of this, and the fact that I loved being around the parish, serving and helping out the priests, everyone would say the same thing, “You will be a priest when you grow up. Won’t you?” I heard this constantly from the other kids in my class, from the sisters who taught me, and from the two assistant priests, who were always visiting the classes and interacting with me around the church. But I never heard it from the pastor, which I appreciated. I got tired of people urging the priesthood on me, because I did not especially want to become a priest. I always wondered why the pastor, an elderly Monsignor, never asked me about priesthood as everyone else did, though he was always very kind to the altar servers. One day, as I was coming close to graduation from the parish school, I was assigned to serve the seven o’clock morning Mass and the elderly pastor was the celebrant. Only the two of us were in the sacristy and he vested in silence, mumbling the vesting prayers in Latin and preparing himself for Holy Mass. With just two minutes to go before the Mass began, the Monsignor suddenly turned and said, “John, what will you be doing when you grow up?” I thought to myself, “Oh boy, here it comes. Even from Monsignor.” But I replied, “Monsignor, I am still not certain but I am thinking about going into medicine. I would like to become a doctor.” And the pastor replied, “Good. Good. And what will you do after that?” I said, “Well, I suppose I will marry and have a family of my own.” The priest said, “Good, and what after that?” Not sure exactly where he was going with this line of questioning, I replied, “I guess I will grow old, practicing medicine, and eventually retire. And then I guess I will die and go to heaven.” The pastor nodded his head knowingly, thoughtfully, and he was quiet for a few seconds. Then he looked at me earnestly and said, “And who will you bring with you into heaven?” Immediately, he rang the sacristy bell and we walked out to begin the Mass. I thought to myself, “How clever you are, Monsignor. How clever you are.” I thought about that comment all during the Mass and many more times during my adolescent and young adult years. “And who will you bring with you into heaven?” It was asking myself that question repeatedly that really turned the tide and convinced me eventually that I should become a priest. Every vocation is about helping other people reach heaven. I tell this story not to minimize the greatness of the sacrament of marriage, because marriage serves the same purpose! I suppose the young man might have used the same comment made by the pastor to move him towards the vocation of marriage. But the story illustrates the critical point that a vocation is not primarily about self-fulfillment, but about being the instrument of God in saving others. “What will you do with your life? What are your plans? Have you ever thought of committing your existence totally to Christ? Do you think that there can be anything greater than to bring Jesus to people and people to Jesus?” Pope John Paul II


I've been thinking about joining the Franciscan Missionaries of the Eternal Word. I'm going to schedule a phone call with them. Please pray for me . God Bless You Gabi🙏


I am 23 years old. I think I have a vocation for the priesthood can you all pray for me for my discernment.


Tomorrow I am entering Carmel to discern the call to be a Discalced Carmelite nun. Please pray for me 🙏🏻 15:11 This was the Bible verse that struck like lightning to me. It was the first time the Holy Spirit told me that I was called to the religious life 11 years ago. I remember doing adoration a month ago, Jesus showed me the cloistered nuns behind the grill doing adoration of the Blessed Sacrament with me. He said that these few precious souls were kept securely in His Sacred Heart through the grill. He had a lot of enemies in the world so He wanted to keep for Himself even just a few souls who are ALL for Him and He wanted me to be a part of this tiny group of souls.


I'm a recent convert and the idea of becoming a religious sister has been crossing my mind and heart lately. This is what I've needed to hear!


I’m almost graduating and I felt a calling but I’m scared because my family wouldn’t want me to. But I don’t want to miss the chance.


I was discerning my vocation, finally i found this, i feel peaceful after hearing this. Powerful preaching


I need everyone pray as i have a strong calling for priesthood and next year i am asked to join the seminary.


Please pray for me, to be not afraid!


In the morning before i listened to this talk i was hearing the voice of Christ in eucharistic adoration saying to me: Follow me!
It wasn't coincidence that i listened this video some hours later.
Praised be Jesus Christ!


This priest is truly blessed in his ability to convey these words so eloquently.


Next week I’m going to a retreat with the sisters. Please pray for me as I discern religious life with the Servants of the Cross and Salesian community. 🙏

Thank you this video really encouraged me to not give up on God’s calling.

Jesus and Mary I surrender to your will. ✝️

“Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire.” ~ St Catherine of Siena


The craving for something more despite all achievements & the emptiness that Father had are very things that happen to me now too. I will pray 15 decades for more assurances if i am called for priesthood life.


Brilliant!! Mary is our lighthouse guiding us on our vocational voyage.


Thank you so much for this video. The Newman Center at my university was run by Dominican priests and sisters, and I started feeling like the religious life was for me. I dated a girl in my last year of university, but we broke up, and ever since then, I've felt drawn back to thinking about religious life. I also started reading on Benedictine monasticism, and now I'm debating between the Dominicans and Benedictines. Part of me still worries that marriage could also be my calling, and I'm also worried that I won't be able to support my parents and brothers financially if I choose the religious life (especially since we live in an area that's becoming more expensive by the day). Then there's also the part of me feeling that choosing the religious life is cowardly because I'm "escaping" the demands of living in the real world with a career and a family. This video calmed these worries and reinforced the fact that, yes, God is calling me. And that it's not cowardly to want to give up everything to follow Him. The only question left is which order I want to join. I'm going to visit a Benedictine abbey and a Dominican priory near me. The charisms of both orders really interest me, so it's going to be a hard decision.


Please pray for my religious vocation, that i may be accepted into a Traditional Catholic order, especially in the order of our Lady, the Carmelite order.
