6-Year-Old Recalls Falling Off Roof To His Death (Season 1) | The Ghost Inside My Child | LMN

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A woman is shocked when her gifted son reveals that he's been an adult before. See more in this clip from Season 1, "Silent Film Star and The Man Who Fell Far."


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Join the journey of five families who have been touched by reincarnation. Two children will experience a reunion with someone from their past life hoping for answers and closure. One emotional follow-up to a reunion will illustrate the profound impact it had on two lives. And two all new stories, a 4-year-old who has religious knowledge his parents can't explain and a 13-year-old whose past life memories as a Samurai warrior are crucial in his battle with Leukemia. Five amazing testimonies that will have you question all you know about reincarnation.

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Most moms wouldn't listen to a child when they say those things. He's lucky to have a mom who listens and believes him.


This freaks me out cause my 4 year old daughter talks bout her old house and that her old mom died when she was little so she happy im still here


What a good mum to listen to her son carefully.


This is fascinating and relevant to me. I grew up in Minnesota but carry a deep terror of cave's and earthquakes. I had a woman come up to me at a laundromat and she said hi and said it's been so long since I've seen you. I told her I didn't recognize her. She said you were our leader don't you remember? I said sorry no. Then she said we lived in a cave and when the earthquake happened we were buried in the cave and couldn't get out. But you kept us all strong and calm while we tried to dig ourselves out but we couldn't get out. As she was leaving she said I've been looking for you in this lifetime. All I could do was say I will try to remember. But I realized why I had always have a fear of cave's and earthquakes all my life.


We all been here before. Some of us remember and some don't.


I had similar experience with my daughter when she was about 5 yrs old. She said things that only my deceased sister would say or know. She was born 4 yrs later on the same day my sister passed.

One day on the way to cheerleading we were passing a place where my sister had previously lived, but not where she lived when she passed. As we drove by the complex my daughter said, "I used to live there."

Not only had she never met her aunt, she never been on the property. Super surprised she would say that so matter of fact.


I was skeptical of reincarnation until now. Now I believe in it. Amazing video and interesting story!


My son just turned six and randomly has started talking about a Richard I won’t say his last name at this time but he gave me a FULL name and I said who is that and he said me. I thought he was just saying things but then today I heard him playing with his toys saying yea I was Richard and I was a Marine and I got squashed. My son has never even heard the branches of military before so for him to just say Marine was very left field to me. I look this information up and found that name linked to some articles of a marine who was killed by his humvee rolling over and injecting him and landing on top of him. I’m shook


I praise all parents who choose to be open and accepting of what their child is saying.


My darling granddaughter aged 3 told her mummy that “when I was a big girl in the olden days, my name used to be Rose” my Nannie was called Rose ❤ There was no further mention of it however at the age of 6, she said to me, “nana, I don’t want to be called Brooke anymore”, “I said okay sweetie, what do you want to be called? “ I want to be called Rosie “ which was my nans pet name 🤷🏻‍♀️


I don't know how old this is but I'm fairly certain his memories will dissipate as mine did. You might want to reach out to Dr. Jim Tucker at University of Virginia. He heads the department of reincarnation studies. He actually reached out to me several years back after I wrote a short story of my own experience. I shared my strange childhood experience on a website not thinking much of it but soon I received an email from the host asking my permission for him to forward my story to Dr. Tucker. I was very surprised to know that what I shared was actually "a thing". What followed for me was both fascinating and rang true on a deep level. I had always wondered why I had such specific recollections about someone else's life only to understand it was actually my previous life.


A fabulous mom to listen to her son. I definitely believe in reincarnation. Especially since he remembered his old house and family and can describe them!!!


Tan seems to be an amazing mom. Thank you for sharing this super interesting story. I believe Brennan. God bless Tan, her sister and sweet Brennan, in Jesus name. ✝️


Such a smart, intelligent child! He is very respectful for his age. ❤


even tho he has a new body supposed to be free from any illness its the spirit of memory from the past “past transgression” reconstructing former events in the brain causing the body to react, if that make sense


What a cute kid, so sweet, and bc of his mom encouraging him, he understands why he has a hearing issue in this life. What an awesome mom! My son remembered past lives also, 3 or 4 of them. And he recalled a past life w/ me, telling me I was a nun and was his teacher in that life. I thought I was a nun, but never mentioned it to anyone. Soul, the true self is eternal, and we have thousands of lifetimes. ❤❤❤❤❤❤


You are a Great mom. That’s why he came to you! Fascinating!


Gorgeous child. Love his dapper clothes and his charm. Articulate. Wonderful mom to be open with Brennan. I understand reincarnation and believe Brennan’s story.


i believe that the kids forget their past life when they grow up


I hope when I have a son or daughter they be like this sweet little boy he’s so bright, smart and very intelligent 🤗❤️the mom is a good mother for listening to her son! most parents would never listen to their child or believe them when they tell them things.
