Young Girl DIED in '2nd BIGGEST Plane Crash' (S1) | The Ghost Inside My Child | LMN

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A young girl believes she died in a Louisiana plane crash, see more in this clip from Season 1, Episode 10, "Wounded in Battle and Lightning Storm Rattle."


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Join the journey of five families who have been touched by reincarnation. Two children will experience a reunion with someone from their past life hoping for answers and closure. One emotional follow-up to a reunion will illustrate the profound impact it had on two lives. And two all new stories, a 4-year-old who has religious knowledge his parents can't explain and a 13-year-old whose past life memories as a Samurai warrior are crucial in his battle with Leukemia. Five amazing testimonies that will have you question all you know about reincarnation.

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I’d be interested to know what’ Jennifers ‘ parents think of this


I think the neighbor Evelyn, who knew Jennifer, should have asked Rylan questions about Jennifer to see if she remembered anything about her past life living in that neighborhood.


Believe me or not my oldest daughter when she was 2 years old she was very frightened of water and she cried a lot like she afraid of drowned. Then after she was three and started to talk she said that her previous mother was drowning into a big flood right in front of her eyes and that's explaining how she was freaking out near water.


We've all lived many many lives and I find it fascinating that some of thiese children have memories.


This mom is amazing, as is the story of the girl. The mom really took interest, asked the right questions and did everything possible with this gift. This makes me less scared of death. This girl can now move on and love her new life and hopefully outlive her old self.


I was 14 years old and was at my Aunts house about a half mile from the crash site ...that was such a horrible day


Why does part of the headline say the ghost inside me? Her soul is rembering earlier life. A ghost is something else.


What a great mother you are to have taken your daughter seriously and bought closure for her


Love these stories
Believe they are true 🦋


There is a great story of a young boy, 9/11 and the reincarnation of a New York City fire lieutenant who perished in The North Tower. The full story as told by the boy's mother on (and off) a popular Reincarnation Forum starting in 2007 up to the present day. The books full title, Fire in the Soul: Reincarnation from Antietam to Ground Zero. The author is Jeffrey Keene a retired Asst. Fire Chief.


Remembering what happened to her makes her able to heal the neck and her back. She can let her sudden death in former life go, and by that heal.


This so healing for both the neighbor and lil Jennifer who is now Rylann. God is a merciful and just God! This little girl and others testify of past lives, heaven proof to non believers that heaven is very real and not an imaginative place created by half the world, powerful testimonies these little ones carry, and gives hope that being born again is in fact a literal thing as well as spiritual they show hope that God grants second chances to us in many ways. Also gives families of loved ones who pass before their time that there is hope they too will be reborn to finish their life lessons.God is awemazing!


I have a fear of death, these types of stories give me so much hope for the afterlife, I love stories with their loved ones coming to visit even after death ❤❤❤


Jennifer Elizabeth Schultz 1971-1982
Reincarnated in Rylann


My 2nd oldest daughter is 9 now but when she was 3 i was giving her a bath and she told me when she was a baby she died in a fire. She never elaborated or mentioned it again but that was a shocker


This was the most amazing. You're such an amazing mom. I know these story's for many decades. From when I lived in India before YouTube. But you and your family and the whole episode touched me so deeply. Thank you


Why didnt they allow her to point the house out...


A very good mom. The fact that she hurt for her daughters’ past self, acknowledging that she didn’t get to live a full life because of her sudden death at 11 years old. As a mother, my heart goes out to this mom for being so open minded. That’s what allowed her daughter to heal from this traumatizing experience. All parents need to be willing to be open & curious, regardless of whatever beliefs their own upbringing gave them.


A good story of this genre is Shanti Devi of India. I think it was researched and proven by a university as well.


Sad story about little girl who passed away
