Sony Kills Sync Speed!

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BREAKING NEWS! Today's Sony a9 III game-changing announcement changes the future of flash photography!!


First time here? Hi, I'm Omar Gonzalez, a professional portrait and event photographer in the NYC/NJ area. On this channel, we talk cameras, lenses, and techniques to improve our photography.

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The main point in doing photography is to get the photo that makes you happy. If you like to use older gear to get it, awesome, if you like using the newest and greatest that makes it easier, that's awesome. Not everything in life has to be a struggle, the people complaining about it being too easy now probably aren't taking very good photos because composition, lighting, etc, is still the most important part of photography and they have either forgotten about that, or never knew it in the first place.


Generally I have found that people who whine about new technology are the ones who don't and never will understand how to use it. As working professionals we need everything in our toolbox to help us deliver the very best images that we can. Great camera as usual from Sony !


The reason people get cranky about technology is simple. They want the process to be as difficult as possible so they can feel good about themselves because they can achieve good results with legacy type devices. It's also called gatekeeping. I always thought photography was about moments and scenes that you want others to see or maybe just you to enjoy again through memory. Also, how could tech take away a person's eye for photography or composition? Anyway. A lot of words to say self important jerks that don't want to share.😂


The best rolling shutter demonstration ever.


This is the most exciting thing that has happened in digital photography since mirrorless cameras got better autofocus than DSLRs I think. Last time I was in awe was that time Sony demoed Eye Auto Focus! Hope the price comes down before I lose interest in photography (or at least it will be cheaper in small formats so that I get it there), but man, what a time to be a photographer!


Bless you, Omar! I was sitting watching YouTube with my wife (watching her knitting videos) and saw the thumbnail of this video. I started to explain the exciting news of the global shutter, and my description failed miserably for her. Then we watched your video! You explained it so well she understood it (as a non-photographer). Well done and thx!


That's an old video but your rolling shutter head still cracks me up. Thanks for explaining the global flash so well.


This is INSANE. This a definitely the next step in the evolution of camera technology.


When the A1 came out i was in the sony Digital Imaging Team...and i thought... Damn i could die now and nothing could surprise me... Thank god i am still Alive and can witness the Global Shutter Technology... Flash sync Who 😂


Old timer here. The people who complain that it is now too easy to capture action have the same mentality of the people decades ago who complained autofocus took out the skill in photography.


I absolutely don’t need this camera but at the same time I want 🤤. The global shutter and no sync speed looks amazing. I shoot a lot of my work with Sony and Nikon and was setting back for the Z8 but now I’m debating saving a little more for the a9 III


I recently picked up the Fuji XH1 for event work, it was super cheap and makes for a good workhorse camera. I decided to use the high speed burst rate mode, somewhat naively, and filled up two 32 GB SD cards in absolutely no time. I don’t normally use burst mode. It was equally impressive and terrifying in equal measure. I can’t imagine just how much data you’d burn through on a camera like the A9. Impressive, but crazy also.


I think Sony killed BANDING is more interesting for me than the sync speed. With mirrorless shooting in places with strong LED it has always being a problem when shooting electronic shutter


5:40 100% I don't enjoy using Sony cameras, but it gives me the result I want on a job. I can enjoy my Fujifilm and dinosaur cameras when I am not working :)


I don't think anyone is angry at people who like that technology. The issue with photography and videography completely melting into one like that is that it takes away the moment. With these newest cameras, one can simply push the button and later select the image. In that sense, it takes away even more of the aura of the art of photography, it cheapens the process. That's exactly what makes professional photographers' work easier. It just comes at a cultural cost.


As a camera lover I think the news is fantastic! Being an enthusiast I don't have the desire nor think it is reasonable for me to upgrade. However, if I was a professional I would defiantly take advantage of the new tech, seeing that my career would depend on me getting the shot. Besides as pro, If I wanted to still challenge myself artistically, then I could get a older film/dslr camera and use them during my personal time to keep my skills sharp.


I.m a kinda oldschool photographer, shooting with my X100V lol, This Global Shutter tech amazes me, love it :)


Hey Omar, Jose from Puerto Rico. Sony dropped the hammer again. Now the landscape has changed forever. Let's see what the other big boys are gonna do now. They will bring their own versions to keep up now; the question is now: when? Canon makes there own sensors, but are notorious for limiting their great tech with features no one wants; an example of this is their R3. Instead of putting 2 of the same express cards, they put an awesome one next to another that limits the capabilities of their gear. Nikon on the other hand, if they are depending on Sony for their sensors, they're gonna have to wait now. Canon will probably have to push back their release date if they've already committed to their R1. From here on, it's global shutter or bust for the rest.


I need that sensor in and fx3/6. Global goodness


Amazing, I hope it's a trend for the future now.
