The Homeowner Told Me, TRY TO Do The BEST You Can With That TALL HEDGE

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A new Customer contacted me by phone and asked me to trim a tall, overgrown hedge, he warned that the hedge was very tall and would require some serious skill and tools! On a less rainy day I arrived at the site where I was to trim a tall coniferous hedge about 30m long and 4m high and one coniferous tree. I started trimming the side of the hedge with my new Stihl KMA135 telescopic trimmer, it started to rain almost immediately but I decided to carry on as the weather changes quite quickly and there was no point in waiting, then I started trimming the top of the hedge which had grown quite high and I had to trim about half a meter, when I finished I started trimming the coniferous bush, which was about 5 meters high and I cut it down to 4 meters, I had to use an extension cord for the trimmer, as it was quite difficult to do it from the ladder, and I had to go to the roof of the neighbor's garage to cut from the other side. After all that, I set about cleaning up and filling in my green bags. The owner wasn't home, so I had to put all the bags over the low fence and pour them into the trailer, since the garage was closed, I forgot that I hadn't cleaned the garage roof, but I remembered in time and did it.
In the evening when the homeowner came home, he immediately texted me that he was absolutely thrilled with my work and didn't expect this result!
It took me about 5 hours and almost a full trailer of greens.
In the evening when the homeowner came home, he immediately texted me that he was absolutely thrilled with my work and didn't expect this result!
It took me about 5 hours and almost a full trailer of greens.