The Homeowner Told Me, TRY TO Do The BEST You Can With That TALL HEDGE

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A new Customer contacted me by phone and asked me to trim a tall, overgrown hedge, he warned that the hedge was very tall and would require some serious skill and tools! On a less rainy day I arrived at the site where I was to trim a tall coniferous hedge about 30m long and 4m high and one coniferous tree. I started trimming the side of the hedge with my new Stihl KMA135 telescopic trimmer, it started to rain almost immediately but I decided to carry on as the weather changes quite quickly and there was no point in waiting, then I started trimming the top of the hedge which had grown quite high and I had to trim about half a meter, when I finished I started trimming the coniferous bush, which was about 5 meters high and I cut it down to 4 meters, I had to use an extension cord for the trimmer, as it was quite difficult to do it from the ladder, and I had to go to the roof of the neighbor's garage to cut from the other side. After all that, I set about cleaning up and filling in my green bags. The owner wasn't home, so I had to put all the bags over the low fence and pour them into the trailer, since the garage was closed, I forgot that I hadn't cleaned the garage roof, but I remembered in time and did it.
In the evening when the homeowner came home, he immediately texted me that he was absolutely thrilled with my work and didn't expect this result!
It took me about 5 hours and almost a full trailer of greens.
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I'm glad you have such a good immune system, because it seems as though you're always in the rain. You work thru. But really tell your wife to take care of you. Because when you don't post videos, we miss you . Take care💚


I really love watching you do your magic on all your videos. You are truly skilled.


Kustorez, you are among the best of the best! Your viewers will not fall asleep, even if your clients do.


Nothing stops you, not even the rain👍👍👍 and you don't even wear a hat 😂 be careful to not catch a cold!!! i realy admire you, because it's hard to do the garden, and i'm talking out of experience. I have a very big garden, i do it all by myself, not because i like doing it, but because i have to.
Keep the good work my friend 👏👏👏👏👏


Please be sure to give this video a thumbs up. Our hardworking friend deserves it. 😊


Another immaculate transformation and tidy up! Great job.


That looks SO good! The geometric precision of your cuts is phenomenal. Nice work. 👍👍


👍 klasse, dass es auch einen deutschen Kanal dieser Art gibt ... viele Grüße aus Sachsen, und danke fürs hochladen ... super Videos! 💪🧡


It's always raining for you, but you always get the job done and brilliant conclusion


Well done. Great cleanup. I could watch u clean up all day! Glad to have u back.


You truly are a master at cutting such large hedges!! Your attentions to the small details, so commendable!! Bravo on a beautiful job!!


Oh no it was raining hard and still you continued with your work. Keep well.


The green bag is present on the scene 🥰😍... be careful in the rain, this kind of weather can get sick. Stay healthy.


Здравствуйте, друг мой! Сегодня была очень высокая стена и вам пришлось очень часто с лестницей работать . Ещё и дождь, надеюсь вы не простудились . Хозяин дома замуровался от всех зеленой изгородью, но вы как-то писали что больше любите стричь хвойные деревья, надеюсь вы не сильно устали . С удовольствием посмотрела и буду ждать следующее видео ! Всего вам наилучшего ! Вам и вашей семье ! И одевайте пожалуйста хоть иногда дождевик ! 😊❤❤❤


You never cease to amaze me with your talent in doing hedge trimming, your attention to detail is always spot on.great job, great video as always.customer should be very happy with your results.other than the rain looks like you were able to accomplish what you set out to do.just keep doing your safe 😎😎😎👍👍👍


It was definitely April weather, where it rains for a while and the sun shines for a while. Otherwise, you really know how to deal with absolutely everything. Where you can't go with a ladder, you can go from the roof:) You must have been completely wet, but then it probably doesn't matter. At home, you want to have hot tea or coffee so that you don't have the flu. You are fantastic, perfect and precise. The customer may have fallen asleep, but hopefully he will appreciate it the next day, and by that I mean both. Even money is needed:-) He must have been awake when he ordered you :-))) Congratulations and thank you and a nice experience. I had tea and cookies with it :-)) 💯💚👍👍🌿Jana🌿


Just exceptional work, I don't know how you always get such a perfect trim. 😍


This home owner has not seen your videos, You are one of kind that goes beyond your best, look at you now working in the Rain Again with Beautiful results. BE SAFE. ❤😊 Thank You


Ich wette, diese Hecke war noch nie so gut geschnitten!! Schön, wieder ein Video von dir geniessen zu können!! 🤘😊


Any chance you could say an intro to your videos love to hear a voice to go with a good looking worker . Beautiful job as always you never disappoint keep it up you never know the sun will shine sometime x😊
